
Ponderosa: Journey to Enlightenment

Ponderosa In the midst of a magical revolution, where wizards and witches wield revolvers and cast spells in the streets, one young man remains unfazed. Meet Pluton, a philosophical and poetic soul, who navigates the chaos with “a calm and collected demeanor”. As magic battles rage around him, Pluton walks with purpose, his eyes fixed on the horizon. His thoughts are consumed by the mysteries of the universe, and he ponders the meaning of life amidst the mayhem. His Peaky Blinders-inspired attire and newsboy cap make him a stark contrast to the fantastical world around him. Despite the danger and uncertainty, Pluton presses on, driven by his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. His journey takes him through treacherous alleys and mystical marketplaces, where he encounters an array of characters, each with their own secrets and motivations. Will Pluton's philosophical nature be the key to unlocking the secrets of this magical world, or will his unfazed attitude be his downfall? Dive into the world of Ponderosa to find out.

Royce_Panda · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Weight of Knowledge

Chapter 2: The Weight of Knowledge

Pluton delved deeper into the book, devouring the words like a starving man. The secrets of the universe unfolded before him, revealing the delicate balance between magic and humanity. He learned of the ancient Ponderers, who had harnessed the power of knowledge to wield magic unlike any other. Their understanding of the universe had granted them mastery over the elements, and their wisdom had shaped the world.

As he read, Pluton's mind raced with the implications. He was a Novice, barely scraping the surface of magical abilities. But his determination to understand the world drove him forward. He devoured page after page, hungry for knowledge.

The book spoke of the Archons, powerful beings who had mastered the elements. They were the guardians of the balance, ensuring that magic and humanity coexisted in harmony. But the Kingless Zone had no Archons, no guardians to maintain the balance. The outlaws had exploited this power vacuum, using magic to further their own interests.

Pluton's thoughts were interrupted by Davie, who approached him with a concerned expression. "Pluton, you've been reading for hours. Perhaps it's time to take a break?"

Pluton looked up, his eyes bleary from the intensity of his focus. "I can't stop now, Davie. I need to understand."

Davie nodded sympathetically. "I know, but be careful. Knowledge comes at a cost. The more you learn, the more you'll realize how little you know."

Pluton smiled wryly. "That's what drives me, Davie. The pursuit of understanding."

As Davie walked away, Pluton returned to his book, the words blurring together as his mind raced with the weight of knowledge. He was determined to become stronger, to fix himself for the better. But at what cost? The question echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the unknown consequences of his pursuit.

. . .

The outlaws, a ragged group of individuals, stormed into the library, their eyes fixed on the shelves of ancient tomes. Their leader, a man of considerable stature, wore a worn-out suit with a torn jacket and a faded top hat. His attire was a shadow of its former self, much like the rest of his team.

"Today, we take hold of this paper-filled building," the leader sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Get out, Librarian!"

Davie, standing firm behind the circulation desk, replied, "You shall not pass. Her justice will be served."

With a swift motion, Davie drew his revolver and pointed it at the outlaw leader. "Her Justice—Beginner," he muttered, casting a basic pistol spell that amplified the bullets with mana. This spell was a gift to those who joined the Church of Justice, a revered institution dedicated to the sun and moon goddess of the land.

The lore of the Church of Justice spoke of the goddess's dual nature, bringing both light and darkness to the world. Her followers believed in upholding justice and balance, and Davie was one of them.

The outlaws snickered at Davie's perceived foolishness, but their amusement was short-lived. With a flick of his wrist, Davie brandished his sword in his free hand and began shooting at the outlaws. One of them returned fire, but Davie's bullets were imbued with mana, and they veered off course, hitting walls and surrounding objects.

The other outlaws charged forward, swords and daggers at the ready. Davie clashed with them, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. The sound of metal on metal echoed through the library, and the air was thick with tension.

For what seemed like an eternity, Davie fought off the outlaws, his sword and pistol working in tandem. But despite his valiant efforts, he soon found himself outnumbered. The outlaws closed in, their blades flashing in the dim light of the library.

In the heat of the battle, Pluton watched in awe, his mind racing with the secrets he had uncovered. He knew he had to act, to protect the knowledge and the library. With a newfound determination, he joined Davie in the fight, his book forgotten in the chaos.

Pluton charged into the fray, his fists flying as he took down outlaw after outlaw. Davie nodded in approval, his sword slicing through the air with renewed precision.

Together, they fought off the outlaws, their movements a blur of steel and mana. But despite their bravery, they were outnumbered, and soon they found themselves surrounded.

"We have to get out of here, now!" Davie shouted, as he fired his revolver at the outlaws.

Pluton nodded, and together they made a break for the door. They burst out into the night, the outlaws hot on their heels.

As they ran, Davie handed Pluton a small pouch. "Take this, it's a gift from the Church of Justice. It will protect you from harm."

Pluton took the pouch, feeling a strange energy emanating from it. He looked up at Davie, who was grinning.

"Welcome to the Order of the Quill, Pluton. We have a lot of work to do."

And with that, they disappeared into the night, leaving the outlaws and the destroyed library behind.

The pouch, it turned out, contained a small crystal, imbued with the power of the sun and moon goddess. It glowed with a soft light, and Pluton could feel its energy coursing through his veins.

As they ran, Pluton realized that he had made a choice, a choice to follow Davie and uncover the secrets of the universe. And with the crystal in hand, he knew that he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

The battle may have been lost, but the war was far from over. And Pluton, with Davie by his side, was ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

As they escaped into the night, Pluton couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the world around him. The streets were alive with magic, and he could feel the pulse of the city's energy coursing through his veins.

Davie led him through winding alleys and hidden courtyards, finally stopping at a small, unassuming door. He produced a key and unlocked it, revealing a narrow stairway that descended deep into the earth.

"The Order of the Quill," Davie said, his voice low and mysterious. "Our headquarters. Welcome, Pluton."

As they descended the stairs, Pluton felt a sense of trepidation. What lay ahead? What secrets would he uncover?

The stairway opened up into a vast underground chamber, filled with rows of ancient bookshelves and flickering candles. A figure stood at the far end of the room, cloaked in shadows.

"Ah, Pluton," the figure said, its voice echoing off the walls. "Welcome to the Order. I am Archon, our leader. And you, my young friend, have a crucial role to play in our quest for knowledge."

Pluton felt a shiver run down his spine as Archon beckoned him forward. He knew that his journey was just beginning, and that the secrets he uncovered would change him forever.

What lies ahead for Pluton? Will he uncover the secrets of the Order? The journey continues...