
Ponderosa: Journey to Enlightenment

Ponderosa In the midst of a magical revolution, where wizards and witches wield revolvers and cast spells in the streets, one young man remains unfazed. Meet Pluton, a philosophical and poetic soul, who navigates the chaos with “a calm and collected demeanor”. As magic battles rage around him, Pluton walks with purpose, his eyes fixed on the horizon. His thoughts are consumed by the mysteries of the universe, and he ponders the meaning of life amidst the mayhem. His Peaky Blinders-inspired attire and newsboy cap make him a stark contrast to the fantastical world around him. Despite the danger and uncertainty, Pluton presses on, driven by his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. His journey takes him through treacherous alleys and mystical marketplaces, where he encounters an array of characters, each with their own secrets and motivations. Will Pluton's philosophical nature be the key to unlocking the secrets of this magical world, or will his unfazed attitude be his downfall? Dive into the world of Ponderosa to find out.

Royce_Panda · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Art of Deception

Chapter 5: The Art of Deception

Davie and Pluton strolled through the bustling streets of Argentum, a kingdom known for its silver mines and vibrant marketplaces. They had just left the tavern, where they had secured Roven's support, and were now making their way through the winding streets of the kingdom's commercial district.

As they walked, the sound of merchants calling out their wares and the clanging of hammer on anvil filled the air. The sun cast a warm glow over the scene, illuminating the colorful awnings and signs that adorned the buildings.

To their left stood a grandiose structure, its stone façade adorned with intricate carvings and a large sign that read "The Silver Stag Inn". The inn was a popular gathering place for travelers and locals alike, and its reputation for serving the best ale in the kingdom was well-known.

On their right, a row of stalls selling everything from fresh produce to exotic spices lined the street. The smell of fresh bread wafted from a nearby bakery, enticing passersby to come and sample its wares.

As they turned a corner, a street performer caught their attention. He was a tall, lean man with a mischievous grin and a wild look in his eye. His outfit was a vibrant mix of colors, with a bright orange tunic and matching hat, and a pair of loose-fitting pants that seemed to be made of a shimmering silver fabric.

The performer juggled three clubs with ease, his hands moving in a blur as he kept the clubs aloft. He was surrounded by a small crowd of onlookers, who cheered and clapped as he performed his tricks.

Davie and Pluton approached the performer, who caught their eye and grinned. "Ah, new victims...I mean, spectators!" he exclaimed, his voice booming across the street.

Davie chuckled and handed the performer a coin. "We're happy to be entertained," he said with a smile.

The performer snatched the coin from Davie's hand and tucked it into his belt. "Excellent! Then let me show you the art of misdirection!"

With a flourish, he began to juggle the clubs once more, his hands moving in a blur as he kept the clubs aloft. Pluton watched in amazement, his eyes fixed on the clubs as they seemed to defy gravity.

As they watched, Davie leaned in close, his voice low. "You see, Pluton, the art of deception is not just about lying. It's about creating a truth that serves your purpose."

Pluton's eyes widened as understanding dawned. "So, it's not just about lying. It's about creating a truth that serves your purpose."

Davie patted Pluton on the back. "Exactly, my friend. And with that skill, you can achieve anything."

Continuing their journey, they made a stop at a nearby library affiliated with the Order, an organization shrouded in mystery and secrets. Davie exchanged words with the librarian, Elara, in a coded language that didn't seem to be of common tongue. Elara, a woman of quiet authority, wore a long, flowing robe adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of ancient runes. Her piercing gaze held a hint of wisdom beyond her years.

Elara nodded and gestured for Davie to follow her. Davie disappeared behind a door concealed behind the counter, leaving Pluton to take care of the library in his absence. An assistant, a young woman with a kind smile and gentle demeanor, took Elara's place. She wore a simple gray tunic and skirt, a stark contrast to Elara's elaborate attire.

Pluton couldn't shake a sense of unease as he scanned the library and the outside street through the huge windows. The library was a haven of knowledge, with towering shelves lined with books of all shapes and sizes. The scent of ancient parchment hung in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of incense.

As people passed by and entered the library, Pluton's gaze lingered on them, searching for any signs of suspicion. Then, something caught his eye—a book with a cover he was very familiar with, yet he couldn't read its title. Curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to open it.

But as he did, a blinding flash of light enveloped him, and he found himself in a black, empty space with nothing but stars twinkling in the distance. Awe washed over him as he beheld the vastness of the cosmos, feeling small and insignificant in comparison.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind, reverberating with power and authority. "MONGREL...!!!" it boomed, sending shivers down Pluton's spine.

The voice seemed to emanate from the celestial bodies themselves, and Pluton realized he had been drawn into a realm beyond his comprehension. What awaited him in this cosmic void, and what was the meaning behind the ominous voice that addressed him?

. . .

Pluton stood in the vast expanse of the cosmic void, surrounded by the twinkling stars that stretched out endlessly before him. The voice that had addressed him as "MONGREL" echoed in his mind, filling him with both awe and trepidation. He searched the darkness, but there was no discernible source for the voice, only the distant glow of celestial bodies.

As he gazed into the abyss, a sense of insignificance washed over him. Here, in the grandeur of the cosmos, he felt small and inconsequential, a mere speck in the vastness of space. Yet, there was also a strange comfort in the realization that his worries and troubles were but fleeting in the grand scheme of the universe.

Pluton's mind raced with questions, his thoughts swirling like the stars around him. What had brought him to this mysterious realm? And what was the meaning behind the voice that had called him a mongrel? Was it a warning, a threat, or something else entirely?

As he pondered these questions, a sense of urgency gripped him. He knew he couldn't stay in this place forever, adrift in the void. There must be a way out, a path back to the world he knew. With determination in his heart, Pluton set out to explore his surroundings, hoping to find some clue that would lead him back to reality.

As he moved through the darkness, guided only by the faint light of the distant stars, he began to notice shapes taking form around him. Massive beings, towering and majestic, floated through the void like ethereal giants. Their forms were ever-changing, shifting and swirling with the cosmic currents.

Pluton watched in awe as these celestial beings moved gracefully through the darkness, their presence filling him with a sense of wonder and reverence. He felt a connection to them, as if they held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

Suddenly, a voice boomed in his mind once more, cutting through the silence like a thunderclap. "MONGREL...!!!" it proclaimed, its tone both commanding and disdainful.

Pluton felt a chill run down his spine as the voice echoed around him, its words carrying the weight of eons. What did it mean? Was he being judged, condemned for some unknown transgression? Or was there something more to this cryptic message?

Before he could ponder further, a blinding light engulfed him, obscuring his vision and sending him reeling. When the light finally subsided, Pluton found himself standing once more in the familiar surroundings of the library.

He blinked in confusion, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Had it all been a dream, a trick of the mind? Or had he truly ventured into the cosmic unknown, guided by forces beyond his understanding?

As he struggled to comprehend his experience, Pluton realized that he was not alone. The assistant librarian stood before him, her expression one of concern and curiosity.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice gentle yet probing. "You seemed lost in thought for a moment there."

Pluton shook his head, trying to clear away the lingering haze of confusion. "I... I'm not sure," he admitted. "I think I just had the strangest experience..."

He trailed off, unsure of how to explain what had happened. How could he put into words the surreal journey he had just undertaken, the encounter with celestial beings and the ominous voice that had called him a mongrel?

The assistant librarian regarded him with a sympathetic smile. "Well, whatever it was, you're back now," she said reassuringly. "Perhaps it was just your imagination playing tricks on you."

Pluton nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his experience than mere imagination. It felt too real, too vivid to be dismissed so easily.

As he glanced around the library, he noticed that Elara had yet to return from her meeting with Davie. A sense of unease settled over him once more, as if a shadow lingered on the edge of his consciousness.

What secrets lay hidden within the walls of the library, and what role did he play in the unfolding drama? With more questions than answers, Pluton resolved to uncover the truth, no matter where his journey might lead him.

But little did he know, the cosmic forces that had called out to him were not yet done with their game. The voice that had addressed him as "MONGREL" echoed in the depths of his mind, a harbinger of challenges yet to come.