Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
"What?? what do you mean Misty isnt in right now??" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
We were outside of the Cerulean city gym to challenge the one and only Misty but she wasn't
"That's just it-" one of the gym trainers tried to explain to me.
"She left to investigate the Granite islands."
"Granite islands, isn't it a region?" Chloe was confused.
"Yeah- well you see the region is surrounded by small islands no one inhabits them so no one knows what could be on there."
I sighed "And we came all this way too-.." Zorua looked equally as bummed as I do.
"you know... if you can't wait for her you can always come back after the electric gym."
"Where's that?" I asked the trainer as hope filled my eyes once more.
"It's right down that path." The trainer pointed down a path that leads to an underground tunnel.
"Ok! Let's go guys." I began to lead the way.
"An underground tunnel huh?" Chloe holds her Toxel really close to her.
"Don't tell me you're scared of those too?"
Jeffery teased.
"No- of course not!" she snapped on the way.
We started to travel in the underground tunnel
It was really dark and we couldn't see anything.
"Are you sure this is the path we should take?" Chloe questioned following the group from behind.
"Positive. The trainer guy said that this is the way."
"oh I see light!" I ran up to it with Zorua.
Chloe and Jeffery followed me and when we got up there and went through the door.
"We're here!"
"Vermillion city!"
The place was lively. A lot of people were seen working with pokemon to build houses or put cargo on ships and send them on their way.
"So cool-"
Our sightseeing was interrupted by the sound of my stomach glowing.
"Sounds like someone's hungry." Jeffer hits my back in a playful way almost making me fall over.
"Let's stop at the pokemon center." We all agreed with Chloe and headed straight for the pokemon center first.
On our way there something caught my eye.
I saw people in white hoods loading cargo into the ship.
"Look, it's the guys from the viridian forest." I nudged at Jeffery who also looked nervous to see them.
"Let's go Zorua-" I ran to the cargo ship to follow them.
Jeffery sighed and followed me.
"I think it's best if you stay in your pokeball for this-" Chloe returned her Toxel and put the pokeball inside her trainer bag before following Jeffery and me.
"Even with these hoods outside, it was too cold!" I overheard one of the grunts from the corner.
"Come on man it wasn't even that cold."
I heard Jeffery catching up to me.
I turned to him and told him to be quiet by putting my fingers on my lips.
"You up for a double battle?" I whispered to him.
He nodded pokeball in hand.
Both of us jumped out and sent out our best pokemon.
The two grunts noticed this and didn't hesitate to do the same.
but they only sent out a woobat and a zubat.
They must've sent lower ranks to this boat.
"Zorua shadow ball on zubat!"
"Charmander metal claw on zubat!"
Our pokemon listened to our commands and together we made quick work of them.
"Ok tell us. Where is this ship going and what are your plans?" Zorua had them on gun point with a shadow ball they dared not move.
"The ship is going to the Granite islands we're planning on putting all our fossils there to complete an experiment." The grunt told us out of fear.
"What experiment?" Jeffery asked them but they didn't respond.
"W-we don't know they never told us we're not even allowed to see the experiment."
Chloe finally caught up with the two of us .
"you guys... run ..fast." Chloe was out of breath.
"Chloe! just in time.Can you keep an eye on these guys for us? I asked her
"Sure thing." Chloe agreed
"Great thanks! Let's go, Jeffery." I ran ahead again and Jeffery followed closely.
We kept running until we found stairs that lead to the bottom of the boat.
Getting out pokemon ready we head down the stairs bracing ourselves for what's about to come.
""The ship has set sail! please go to you respective rooms."""
"Oh boy...." Chloe felt a headache of a trip coming on.
Ever since the ship started moving the ground began to sway more and more battles wouldn't be easy.
"Who's there!" I grunt called out from the bottom of the ship hearing our footsteps get closer.
Naturally we didn't answer but that voice sounds familiar, a voice I've heard on two occasions.
"Water gun!"
A water gun was charged at us. I pulled Jeffery down the stairs so we could avoid the attack but we narrowly did so.
Now I'm sure of it! It's the girl from the Viridian forest!!
We fell down the steps and it hurt like hell but it was better than being blown to chunks by a stream of water.
"Zorua uses a shadow ball!"
Zorua jumped in front of me and Jeffery to use a shadow ball but she missed.
The grunt pulled out a pokeball and out came her Raticate again.
Getting a proper look at the room it was filled with crates and other important looking stuff but out of all the things one caught my eye.
was a celebi it was in a glass vial filled with green oz.
"Charmander use metalclaw on the crates."
The Charmander following the commands of his trainer used metal claws on the crates, busting it open.
A bunch of fossils came out and was spread across the floor.
"what do you think you're doing???"
"Raticate uses a bite on the charmander!"
The grunt commanded and the Raticate did so.
"Charmander dodge it!" The charmander dodged the attack from the Raticate making the Raticate instead bite the side of the boat.
Water started to leak in and slowly flood the boat.
"Great now what?!" Jeffery exclaimed.
I looked at the celebi in the file on top one of the creates.
"Now we save Celebi!"