
Mission complete

Toxel and Chloe looked at Mavery with determined eyes,

"You ready Toxel?"

Toxel nodded,

"Foolish," Mavery said to herself, looking at her Pokemon she stretched out her hand and commanded,

"Use Psychic!"

Woobat started to focus its energy on Toxel raising it in the air,

"Toxel, use Protect!"

Toxel quickly turned facing the ground, as he fell he raises his hands in the air summoning a protective shield, saving it from the fall.

Mavery looked impressed at the move Chloe did but still somewhat annoyed,

"Use Air cutter!"

"Toxel use a sludge bomb to deflect it!!"

The stone on Mavery's neck started to glow as she issued the command,

It glowed a dark blue and so did Toxel,

Woobat flew in close to attack the Toxel but by the time he got there,

"Toxel do it now!!"

Toxel lets out a huge attack but it wasn't a sludge bomb, the attack was more like toxic water and the color of Toxel also changed leaving him in a dark blue color where his purple hue was,

he also had some other attributes like fins and webbed feet,

Chloe watched in awe at what she just saw,

'This must be the water element,' She thought to herself as she watched on.

"Good shot Toxel!" She praised happily,

"The power of the stone," Mavery muttered to herself,

"You have one??"

Chloe smiled and folded her arms proud of what she did,

"That's right lady and now you're in for a huge beating!"

Mavery looked visibly upset, turning to Woobat who was just getting up from the attack,

"Can you fight?" She asked,

Woobat nodded and started to fly once more but it seemed lop-sided this time, as if it was seriously hurt.

"Toxel use Sludge Bomb again!"

Toxel braced itself, pulling its head back and filling its mouth with its next attack,

"Woobat use Psychic!"

Woobat raised Toxel in the air again,

"Toxel don't get phased! Release the attack!!"

Chloe commanded pointing straight at Woobat,

"Woobat don't mind the attack just do what I told you!"

Woobat, listening to his command, did not bother to dodge but hits Toxel into the wall,

The attack Toxel releases also hit Woobat making him faint.

"Woobat, Return," Mavery said returning her Pokemon,

Toxel got up from the ground, still ready to fight if needed,

"Good job Toxel we won!" Chloe said hugging her friend,

Mavery smiled and started to clap slowly,

The room started to shake once more and a huge ball of energy appeared out of nowhere hitting both Toxel and Chloe,

knocking them into a wall,

"Congratulations," Mavery said, kneeling down next to Chloe's unconscious body and ripping the R off her t-shirt.

"Mission complete."