
Minccino hideaway!

Chloe continued to run behind the strange pokemon.

It kept turning back to see if she was still following as if it needed help.

"I'm still here," Chloe said, reassuring it every time it stopped to turn around.

'Where could it be taking me-' Chloe thought as she kept running after it, without paying attention to what she was doing. She rolled down a steep hill head-first, breaking through a few branches on her way down.

"Ouch..." Chloe said when she finally reached the bottom.

"Where did that pokemon go-" Chloe said to herself, still looking around the place.

She tried to get up from the ground to keep searching but immediately fell back down in pain.

She checked to see what was wrong and saw that her foot was sprained.

"Damn it-" She leaned against the hillside she fell from, trying to think of a way out of this situation.

Toxel, seeing his trainer injured and can't move, runs away.

"Hey! Toxel, wait! don't leave me here-" Chloe shouted after her friend before she just gave up and leaned back.

"Oh, man..."

"Im gonna die here, huh?" She said to herself, looking at the sun as it shined brightly in her eyes.

Eventually, she fell asleep in that spot.


"Where am I.." Chloe slowly opened her eyes only to see two fluffy mammals with grey fur standing over her, seeing if she was alright.

She slowly got up and the Minchinno stepped back, giving her space.

When she caught her bearings, she looked around and saw that she got further into the forest under an open patch that allowed the sun to shine down on her.

"Did you two bring me here?" She asked, turning to the two Minchinno.

The two pokemon stood there in silence and just looked at each other before running off deeper into the forest.

Chloe tried to get up to follow them and realized her foot was healed somehow.

She looked down amazed at this miracle.

"Come on Chloe, focus!" She said to herself, quickly going after the pokemon again.

______ _

She kept following until she reached a part of the forest that looked oddly familiar.

"What is this place.." She said to herself looking around.

There was a canyon covered with beautiful flowers and grass, the dew on each petal shimmering in the sunlight that bounces off it.

The trees dances to the passing wind as she walked down to get a closer look.

She saw more of the pokemon from earlier and some of them had more luscious white fur along with the grey one.

"Let's see.." She said to herself pulling out her Pokedex and aiming it at the pokemon.

"Minccino the Chinchilla pokemon.

Minccino greets each other by grooming one another thoroughly with their tails. Of the two, the one whose tail is fluffier is a bit more boastful."

"Aww!" Chloe exclaimed after hearing what the Pokedex said.

She then turned her Pokedex to the other pokemon.

"Cinccino. The scarf pokemon. Their white fur is coated in a special oil that makes it easy for them to deflect attacks. Their fur is in high demand in the market."

Chloe sat down and admired them from a distance.


"Why did they even bring me here?"

She said to herself as she looked on.