Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
"That was fairly easy, right Zorua?" I laughed as Zorua ran by my side,
"Now that was just cruel!" Chloe said marching up to me, Toxel slowly following her as she did so.
"Hey now, since when were you the queen of morals," I muttered looking at her from the side,
We were still on our way to Fuschia city, the path we were on surrounded by trees and bushes though limited wild pokemon.
"You just decimated that poor kid's rattata and took his money-" She muttered, folding her arms with a pout.
"That's the golden rule of pokemon battle! Besides, I didn't want to fight him, but our eyes met so we had to."
Chloe lets out a sigh as she followed me,
"You're hopeless," she muttered.
"Hopelessly talented you mean! Ha! This pokemon battling thing is getting pretty easy," I grinned waving my $250 pokedollars in the air as I walked my head up high and proud.
"And now you're getting a big head, huh?" Chloe sighed.
"Chloe, I beat a mob boss with a gun in a pokemon battle I think I deserve it?"
"Only because Zekrom decided to help you," Chloe interected.
"Because I was the chosen one," I corrected.
Zorua looked between the two of us, her tail stopped wagging and her ears were down as she saw the face of Chloe getting more and more annoyed.
"If you say so," She muttered, clearly wanting to move on from this conversation.
"Boom, another victory," I said grinning,
"Eh?" Chloe turned to me, Causing Zorua to hide behind Toxel.
"I won the conversation,"
"You didn't win anything!"
"Sure, sure." I waved my hand motioning to move on.
"You really are frustrating sometimes, you know that??"
"Can't hear you, my winning streak is too high!" I walked up ahead and plugged my ears tightly, all I was able to hear was a grunt and a smack to the back of my head almost toppling me over,
"Ouch," I muttered looking behind me to see an empty pokeball on the floor.
"What are you getting all defensive for??" I shouted at her from up ahead.
She folded her arms and smirked at me,
"Sorry I didn't expect to reach you since your winning streak is so high."
"If you want a fight you just have to ask, you know! I'm not above hitting a girl!"
She walked up to me until we were literally butting heads at each other.
"I'd like to see you try!" She shouted back.
Toxel and Zorua looked at eachother with confusion and dread as we angrily stared at each other down.
Finally having enough Chloe backed up and raised her head high, walking passed me without uttering another word.
Toxel quickly ran up to his trainer as me and Zorua just stared from behind.
"What's her problem," I muttered.
"You know," Yu's voice played in my head as an image of him appeared besides me shaking his head.
"For a 16 year old guy who's in the body of a ten year old I think you could've avoided that fight."
"Shut up, what do you know-" I muttered, Zorua looking up at me concerned.
Yu gave me a look as if he was asking himself a question in his mind.
"What?" I asked irritated,
Yu looked down the path, looking at Chloe as she walked ahead.
"You should apologize,"
"For what??!"
"For being such an ass!" Yu shouted back, He held his forehead but I was completely convinced he would hit me behind the head if he could.
"Now go!"
"Go and apologize~" I muttered, mocking Yu as I walked to the nearest pokemon center, assuming she's there.
"She's just jealous!" I shouted, kicking the random stones that crossed my path before taking a breather and looking at the pokemon center in front of me.
It was surrounded by the tree's in the forest trail. Its red roof stood out amongst the green scenery.
"How can a pokecenter get business in a place like this," I muttered as I got inside, looking all over for here.
"Hey! Ayuna over here!" I heard a familiar voice in the bustling crowd of trainers, though I couldn't put my hand on who..
I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and saw a girl with short red hair and emerald green eyes, wearing nothing but a hoodie and shorts.
She was sitting by the table in the waiting room just waving at me.
"Mindy!" I greeted back with a big smile.
Next to her sat Chloe who turned her head the other way when she saw me.
"Rude," I thought, irritated when I saw her,
I sighed deeply before I walked by their table and sat down on the soft chairs of the waiting room.
"So what brings you guys here," Mindy questioned, her smile still beaming.
"I'm here to fight the poison type gym leader, and she's here to just..tag along I guess." An audible 'hmp-' was heard from Chloe, as she pretends not to listen into our conversation.
"What about you?" I asked her, trying to keep the conversation going.
"I'm here about the Pokemon Drifter's tournament," She answered in a matter of fact tone.
"Drifter tournament?" I repeated,
"Yeah! It's a tournament that revolves around pokemon battles, other mini challenges and points! I heard that if you win this tournament you get to be a part of the Pokemon drifters grand prix! Then you'll get a permanent contract and who knows maybe you'll be number 1!"
Chloe's ear perked up listening to this.
"You sure do know a lot huh." I muttered resting my head on my hand as I listened.
"So that means you're also heading to Fuschia?"
Mindy nodded,
"Yeah but I'm in no rush. The tournament entries are a month away."
"Makes sense." I muttered leaning back.
"Also," Mindy muttered, looking a bit nervous practically sweating in her seat.
"What's with this weird energy between you two??"