

Watching the two Pidgeys evolve, I began comparing sides. On our side, we have a level 30 Raticates, and a group of level 13 and lower Rattatas. On their side, a Pidgeotto a few levels lower than Sera, 2 soon-to-be Pidgeotto that levels are above 20, and 2 non-sentient Pidgeys that level are unknown.

"7 fresh Rattatas that are all for us," The new immature Pidgeotto said happily.

"Big sis is taking some risks," said the other, more mature Pidgeotto worriedly. They can see the fight, which should also mean that their speed isn't something my eyes can keep up with.

"Make sure not to eat all the food while I and sis are fighting," saying this the Pidgeotto flew off using Quick Attack.

"Why haven't you evolved yet?"

Because I can't.

"Why didn't you evolve earlier?" I ask back.

"Ahh, so your strong, let's fight,"

Yes, so strong the fight won't last a minute.

"Our fight would take too long, so how about a bet instead?" Come on, take the bait.

"Bet?" Pidgeotto asks curiously.

"If your sister wins, your family can keep the dead Rattata along with 4 of our non-sentient ones. If my sister wins we only asked for the 2 non-sentient Pidgeys." Although non-sentient pokemons are essential, they are unloved and are expendable until they become sentient.

"You won't break your promise when you do, right?"

"No of course not," That is only if we win or if you lined up in a good position to get raped by my brethren.

"We should stick together so that our sisters will understand the situation,"

"Gather your siblings around me,"

System what's the probability of this plan working.

[Answer: Not system's responsibility]

Can you at least tell me his level?... No? How about something useful.

[Pidgeotto has only been sentient for a week now]

I figured that much out on my own.

"Rattatas, march time," The Rattatas woke up from whatever they were doing, and lined up, in twos behind me.

"Friend Pidgeotto, do you want to see something cool?" I asked with a friendly smile.

"cool?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, heartbreaking," Literally.

"What are you going to do?"

"I need you two make the other two Pidgeys hide away and not return until you go after them, Okay?"


Watching Pidgeotto tell those 2 foolish Pidgeys to leave I smiled beautifully. Now I can safely gangbang you without worries. My crooked smile didn't make my thoughts any purer than it was.

Although the training time for these Rattatas was small, being 2 hours, they being, non-sentient and being my brothers, they are my perfect meat bags and soldiers.

"Alright they left, tell me, I'm so curious,"


I heard, 'I'm so horny,' scary.

"You see, this is kinda embarrassing but, when you let those two Pidgeys go, I kind of changed my mind,"

"What? No way,"

Ignorance in the wild is a sin.

"Don't trust those who aren't your blood,"

"Group 3, Screech,"

Group 3, the aggro group. This group's job is to infuriate Pidgeotto with Screech, betting that the angered Pidgeotto would want to beat us physically than wipe us out with a gust. Screech would also lower Pidgeotto's defense.

The two Rattatas in the back of the group used Screech, and as mentioned earlier, Pidgeotto got angry.

"You really can't evolve, then you're weak,"

Looks like its brain isn't as bad as I thought, still bad though, I was able to hide behind group 2. Pidgeotto charged over towards group 1 Wing Attack.

"Group 1, Counter,

Group 1, the trial group. This group is to determine whether or not the Rattatas level are enough to withstand the first attack.

The two Rattatas stood on their hind legs in front of Pidgeotto, their body enshrouded in a red aura. Wing Attack sank right into their stomachs, and their paw slapped right Pidgeotto's wings. Group 2 and 3 were already out of the path after I told group 1 to use Counter, thanks to this when the two Rattatas launched forward at Quick Attack speed, they won't get hit.

Group 1 Rattatas shoot off and Pidgeotto was slammed to the ground with its wings injured. Within a few minutes, it would be able to fly once more. The two Rattatas are dead, Wing Attack made a deep wound in their stomachs, and they should be bleeding out now.

"Group 2, Quick Attack, Fury Wipes,"

"Group 3, Split and Screech,"

Group 2 will get closer and chip as much health as they can.

Group 3 will split up and annoy the hell out of Pidgeotto.

Pidgeotto can't use its wings so Wing Attack and Gust can't be used. Tackle, Quick Attack, Peck, and Sand Attack are left. Pidgeotto would be able to takedown group 2 using Peck within 20 seconds. Quick Attack won't be too fast using his legs and I specifically told group 2 and 3 they can't use counter, but with Pidgeotto cautiousness, it should watch for it anyways. Group 3 will be wiped out in a minute.

Pidgeotto's health afterward should be in the red, especially after tanking two Counters. Watching Pidgeotto start to chase down group 3, I began the last plan.

Scratch, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Fury Swipes, Counter. After using these moves all of my soldiers died. Now all the experience is mined. Using Screech I got Pidgeotto's attention, Pidgeotto instantly rushed over at me with Quick Attack, but on its legs, I can still see running.

I rushed over towards Pidgeotto with Quick Attack, Pidgeotto looked at me with mockery.

"Do you think your Quick Attack can resist mines?"

"No," But what about Last Resort? The white aura around me disappeared and was replaced with a bright yellow one. I began to feel pressure and pain all over my body.

[Congratulations host for activating the hidden effects of Last Resort]

[Last Resort damages increases per move used. Hidden effect, if all moves are used the total damage of Last Resort is doubled]

My body slammed right into Pidgeotto's chest, he shoot off like a star. Enduring the pain in my body, I used Quick Attack as I after the fainted Pidgeotto.

[Host has leveled up 7 times]

[Host is now level 12]

Arriving in front of the fainted Pidgeotto I noticed that although it's injured, there's no broken bones nor bleeding. This is another reminder of how this world works, only those whose levels are higher than the other pokemon can injure them without the other party already fainted. I used Scratch on Pidgeotto's neck, cutting his head off clean.

[Host has leveled up]

Looking a distance away from me, I could see Sera face off against the two Pidgeotto. As flying types they have the advantage, or should I say had.

Grinning I decided to eat some of this Pidgeotto before I think of a proper plan.


Mike at first intended to continue to follow the bet until his sister beats the 2 Pidgeottos, then she would come and kill this one as well. However, noticing the Pidgeotto's immature personality, he thought to take the experience for himself. Not willing to share the experience, and is aware of how Pokemons treat non-sentients, he chose to kill them off.

Hoped you enjoyed

FryKnightcreators' thoughts