
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 29

Decided to help Tory overcome his fear of Pokémon,Evan and others acted immediately.

Of course, Ash is the one who will be helping Tory, and Evan is thinking whether to buy Master ball or not in order to catch Deoxys, which costs 5 billion Poké dollars for 1 Master ball in the Pokémon items shop.

Tory who disbanded with Ash encountered a wild Plusle asking for Tory's help to get Minun who was trapped in the artificial dustbin.

Although Tory was scared, he still helped out the wild Plusle and Minun. After getting out of the trash can Plusle and Minun's happy tails touched each other creating sparks, showing a celebrating pose of getting back together.

After being saved Minun was throwing itself into the arms of Tory but unfortunately minun was avoided by Tory who was afraid of Pokémon and fell on the ground.

Afterwards,Ash also found Tory from a distance walking inside the garden and followed behind him.

As Ash followed behind Tory, Ash didn't expect he would meet Evan inside the garden.

"Shshh" Evan made a silent gesture and Ash nodded in understanding.

"Hey come out and talk to me, where are you?" As soon as he entered the garden, Tory called out.

Soon,a rhombus phantom walked out and Tory started telling all the interesting things he encountered today.

Evan nodded understanding and thought to himself 'it should be the awakened conscious of another deoxys.'

On the outside, while Evan and Ash were observing Tory, Another Deoxys whom Tory, Prof. Ronda and Yuko met 4 years ago have already arrived at the highest tower finding for it's companion in Larousse city.

In order to find his companion, Deoxys instantly sent out it's signal and filled the sky with purple aurora, Everyone in Larousse city noticed this gorgeous purple aurora.

Back to Evan's side

"Hey, who are you talking to Tory?" Ash couldn't help asking.

Tory turned around and rhompus phantom dissipated immediately.

Reluctantly, Evan also followed Ash.

Tory was staring at Evan and Ash unhappily "what are you doing here?"

"Whom were you talking with?" Ash still clung to his previous question.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Tory responded rudely.

Evan was getting annoyed with Tory and taunted him directly, "Prof.Rondo and Yuka said he was afraid of Pokémon, but here he is having chit chat with a Pokémon."

"What do you mean?" Tory responded with a shock.

"You don't naively think that the strange creature you are talking to is not a Pokémon in this world filled with Pokémons and undiscovered Pokémom, Do you?" Evan ignored Ash,came towards Tory and stared at him condescendingly, "that thing you are talking to is a Pokémon."

"It can't be! " Tory stared at Evan not wanting to accept the fact Evan said "I don't believe you!"

After saying this Tory ran away.

"Wait Tory" Ash still followed Tory persistently.

"Let's participate in the Battle Tower together next time, this time it will be fine" Ash wanting to help Tory reached out his hand. "Pikachu~"

Evan also followed behind Ash and Tory to see the drama of this spoiled brat.

Troy who was startled to see Pikachu again, he didn't care whether Ash was kind or malicious and pushed Ash to the ground.

No matter how good-tempered Ash is, he couldn't stand this anymore and grabbed Tory's collar. "What the hell are you!"

"Wait Ash you can't fight him" Fortunately, May and others arrived at the moment.

On the other hand after experiencing Tory's character itself Evan desperately wanted Ash to beat him up.

In fact Ash didn't want to fight him, he was just annoyed with Tory. After a bit of persuasion, everyone finally calmed down.

"Okay during such time, as long as you eat delicious food you will feel better" Brock said to Evan and the others.

On the wooden tables and chairs around the dense forests inside the park, the aroma of a boiling cheese soup was overflowing.

After a while the food was ready, Ash directly stuffed the food in his mouth white it was still hot and expressed his opinion "it's delicious, you should eat too Tory!"

Tory glanced at Evan.

"Yes you should eat, even if you are angry avoiding such a delicious food will be a waste"

Evan sighed and handed some food to Tory.

"Delicious!" Brock's soup immediately won Tory's heart.

The aroma of the food attracted wild Pokémons in the forests.

Brock and Evan also took out the prepared Pokémon food and feed it to the wild Pokémons.

Ash still suggest Tory to get close with Pikachu, even if it's a handshake.

The atmosphere had reach to this point and Tory doesn't have a choice but to try and reach out.

Just a bit later, Tory couldn't help but get up and pushed away, Tory apologized to Ash and left.

Watching Tory leave, May and other sighed "it still doesn't work!" Evan just shook his head.

"Hey the food!" Max exclaimed and when everyone turned around, they saw Munchlax stuffed everyone's food into his stomach.

Evan and the others were shocked to see Munchlax stuffing himself a mouthful of hot food into his stomach.

"Unexpectedly,he ate all our food" May's eyes we're red, to think Munchlax was competition with a foodie.

"Stop Munchlax!why did you eat our food! " Just as May was rushing towards Muchlax, it jumped above and landed safely.

As the night came, Deoxys with a purple core released a purple aurora again calling out for it's companion.

Everyone who returned to the Pokémon center came to the balcony to watch this beautiful and rare scenery.

"It's so beautiful" Audrey and Khatryn the twin sisters, little siblings of Ray said in unison looking at the beautiful aurora.

"Under any circumstances this kind of thing would be impossible" Rebecca as she frowned, scanning the aurora.

"Why? " Brock asked.

"The aurora could be seen only in the North and South, so it's strange that it appeared here out of nowhere" Evan explained as he leaned on the balcony.

"Is that so? Then we're lucky to see it here" May said as she does not have any resistance to a beautiful things.

"Yes, it's lucky as we met May" The honest and energetic guy Shouta started hitting on May.

"Hehe.. I don't think I'm lucky as I thought" May turned her head away from looking at this man.

"Miss Rebecca, Brock thinks that you are more beautiful than this Aurora, can we spend a time together?" Brock also went to his flirtious side.

"Alright Brock let me spend a time with you!" At this time Max pulled Brock's ears and dragged him away again.

"Yo!.. You are still in the city" Just when everyone was having a good time Ray who was beaten by Evan this Morning also came over.

However, Ray didn't notice Evan who was leaning on the corner and went towards Ash to mock directly "I thought after loosing a match pathetically you would have been ashamed and ran back home"

"Is that so?" But the next words didn't come out from Ash but Evan, he responded and walked towards Ash.

"Ahh.. " Ray loss his words momentarily.

"Ray, let's have a rematch in the battle tower" Ash then said to Ray confidently.

"Hmm.. Sure I'll accompany you anytime!" After that Ray was leaving when he bumped into Tory. "Have we met before?" Ray was startled.

"Tory?" Ash was also taken aback.

"I made this, so I thought we could eat with everyone together" Tory opened the basket and it was a freshly baked Pokémon cookies.

"Since that's the case,let's eat together" Evan clasped his hands and walked to the backyard of Pokémon center with everyone. There are many facilities in the Pokémon center here just right for them to enjoy their time.

Since they were enjoying, of course there must be a Pokémon, so everyone released their Pokémon.

Evan also released all of his Pokémon, Salamence, Sylveon, Milotic, Blaziken, Gallade and Sceptile. Everyone was shocked to see Sylveon for the first time.

Ash pulled Tory and went to a swing together.

Rebecca's eyes lit up seeing Evan's Pokémon,Gallade and Sceptile was embarrassed by Rebecca.

"Sylveon~~" As usual Sylveon lay on Evan's lap filled with affection.

Under the hospitality of Shouta, May and Max were having a great time playing with Blastoise.

As everyone was enjoying their time only Rebecca noticed that aurora has dissipated once again.

And on the ozone layer Rayquaza also felt the breath of Deoxys.

Everyone played with Pokémon for a long time and Tory gradually let his guard down.

"Evan look!" May pointed out at the direction of Ash and Tory who were walking into the woods.

"Shshh let them have their time" Evan said with a smile.

Tory confessed to Ash that he have been alone all this time with no friends due to his fear of Pokémon.

After musterring up his courage Tory extended his hands to touch Pikachu.

Evan and the others who hid and observed them held their breaths,as Tory's hands were getting closer and closer to reach Pikachu.. .

Bang! Corphish went forward and startled Tory which ruined the mood.

Shaking their heads helplessly, Evan and others went back to a Pokémon center to rest.

Early the next morning Tory invited everyone into the garden to introduce everyone to his friend.

Facing the morning sunlight, everyone came to the Greenhouse in Larousse city.

After entering the Greenhouse Tory called for his friend happily "come out, let me introduce my new friends to you" Under Tory's call the rhombus phantom reappeared in front of everyone.

Just as everyone released their Pokémon and introduced themselves to the rhombus phantom, the defense alarm in Larousse city began to rung.

What was happening in the Larousse city, known for it's high technology?..

~To Be Continued.....