
Pokemon in MHA

Dying is not what he expected Getting sent a fictional world with powers from another fictional world, was a surprise

XxNaRuToUcHiHaxX · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Thunderwave Caves

Hello everyone, before we start I would like to clarify this story will be posted on both Wattpad and Fanfiction

"Person speaking"

"Person thinking"

"Other Entity speech"

"Other Entity thoughts"


If you read on sites without Bold, Italic, or Underline available

"Person/Entity speaking"

'Person/Entity thinking'

[{Chapter Start}]

"What do you mean he wasn't there?"

A middle-aged woman with a stoical and steely expression, possessing a set of turquoise eyes and ash blonde hair that was slicked back. She wore a black suit jacket and dress, along with a purple shirt and a necklace.

"Y-yes Madam President, we searched the entire body, but we found no traces of the boy named Matsumoto Akihito were nowhere to be found, as well as his guardian."

"You may leave"

The man bowed as he left the office. The President of the HPSC sat alone in silence as she pondered the situation with a stern face, betraying any form of emotions or thoughts in her head. She then slightly turned back to speak to the person hidden in the shadows


On command, a man emerged from the pitch-black like a ghost. A normal person would not even be aware of the man's presence in the room

"You know what to do, find the boy at any costs"

"And his Aunt?"

"If found, kill her"

Hawks silently nodded as he turned around to leave.


Suddenly turning around, Hawks shot a feather through the air, dispelling a sharp needle of ice heading straight for the president's face. Though surprised, she quickly schooled back her expressions, Assassination attempts on the president of the HPSC were uncommon, but they did occur.

Silently moving her hand underneath the desk, she quickly flipped open a switch and proceeded to press it

"Uh uh uh"


Or she would have hoped to, if not for a sudden ice spear aimed at her neck, and a second ice needle to completely mutilate the finger close to the button. Despite the pain of getting a finger cut off, the president did not show any emotions, as three feathers quickly destroyed the spear.

(A/N: The president of the HPSC's name was never mentioned, I'm calling her President coz that's the way she was referred to in canon)

Hawks appeared near the president, wrapping her around with one wing, as multiple feathers emerged from the other wing, targeting every corner of the room.

Despite covering the entire room, not a single feather managed to pierce the assailant.

'Some form of teleportation Quirk? Or perhaps a Quirk that renders the target invincible to any attacks for a short period of time? No, even if there was such a quirk, the recoil of the feather hitting the man would have alerted his ears. Perhaps some form of phasing Quirk?

No, we were attacked by ice too, perhaps a duo?''

Suddenly years worth of experience flared up his instincts, instantly dodging a barrage of ice needles near his head, as he raised his wing to attack the direction from where the needles originated


A bewitching voice sounded, instantly halting Hawks. His mind became hazy, as he struggled to maintain his consciousness.

"Oh~ Your willpower is quite astonishing"

A delicate voice sounded in his ears, as he felt his body heating up. He wanted to know more about the voice, to see her, to feel her, to completely belong to he-

Snapping out of his thoughts, Hawks quickly took huge gasps of air, reeling from confusion at the sudden lust-filled thoughts in his body. He deduced it to be some form of mental Quirk, which meant there were at least three people here.


Just as the voice disappeared, the space in front of him began to distort, as a woman, no, what appeared to be a woman appeared. She had green hair, along with a pink lump coming out from her chest. Her eyes were brown, and her eyebrows nonexistent. She dressed up in normal tight-fitting jeans and a casual T-shirt.

She appeared to be a human, but she didn't feel like one

"You are half correct, I am not human"

A gust of cold wind collided against him as he looked at the president, only to find her unconscious.

"But, I am not a Pokemon either, you could say, I'm sort of an… amalgamation, a better species perhaps"

Somehow managing to control his hands, he shakily brought his fingers closer to one of the feathers sticking out

"How did you get in here?"

"Minor details, it is not a problem for me"

Hawks looked around the room, spotting all the secret pathways that were designed in the case of an emergency evacuation. He silently formulated a plan as he stared at the…thing in front of him.

"Don't bother, I've isolated the space around us, we are in a different dimension at this point"

"So…are you some form of twisted experiment? Where do you come from? I'd like to meet your boss"

"Hm, looks like you aren't at your full thinking capacity. You talk like a child instead of a Pro-hero, you will get no information out of me"

"Then, I'll use force"

As Hawks plunged his finger into the feather, a surge of pain flowed throughout his whole body, instantly clearing up his mind. Heathers emerged from his wing, flowing at speeds far faster than his limits.

A pink glow surrounded the feathers as they halted in mid-air. The girl in front of her plucked a feather from the thin air and brought it to her face, running it down her nose and lips

"Poisoned wings? I'm impressed. It may have worked on others, but I am resistant to poison-type attacks"

Hawks stared silently at the girl in front of him, as he entered a battle stance

"Last chance lady, surrender and tell me why you are attacking us"

"Fufu, you do not need to know little bird, for now, just sleep, after all

Evolution comes to all"

[Scene Change]


A familiar scene of darkness appeared before my eyes, as my weightless body floated in the void between worlds. Had I not been in a battle with my life on the line, I would have been terrified of this emptiness. But now, I feel nothing but a sense of urgency to find a way to heal Treecko as soon as possible

Closing my eyes, I quietly waited for the transition to end.



Opening my eyes, I quickly look around me to find the source of this sound.

Nothing huh?

'Maybe I'm still paranoid from the fight, in the first place this area between worlds is a void, logically, any form of sound should not exist here because of the lack of air'

Shrugging my shoulders, I closed my eyes.


Quickly opening my eyes, I frantically turn around to locate the source of this sound. There's no way I misheard this twice.

Suddenly, all the hairs on my body stand up, as alarms go off in my body signifying a threat to my life. My mind went into overdrive as I frantically scurried around to find what was causing me to feel such wariness.


Unlike the previous soft and faint sound, this one was ear-shattering. I quickly try to pull out my Pokeballs but realize I have no physical body anymore


This time it wasn't just sound. A huge barrage of vibrations knocked into me sending me spinning backwards. Despite not having a physical body, I felt pain through every part of my being, as if what attacked me somehow managed to hurt my very soul.


A thin beam shot past, just barely missing me. Turning around to locate the source of the attack, I witnessed something that could only be described as something absolutely and utterly fucked, something unholy, beyond human comprehension, a fucking monster if anything.

'What is that?'

Below the…monstrosity lay three beings. While I could not see clearly, I could still make out their colors and silhouettes. A white and blue horse, a white two-armed…thing, a black bat-like creature, and… whatever the fuck that thing is with them.

Before I could comprehend any more of the situation, my vision darkened as I jolted up with a gasp. Squinting my eyes to get used to the light, I looked around to see that I was in the middle of a forest with a sort of underdeveloped hut.


Quickly turning around, I saw Blossom taking a breath of air as he lay on the ground. I almost forgot that we were in a battle because of what I saw in the void

'What was that?'

Shaking my head, I cleared my thoughts. Whatever it was, it could wait until Treecko was fully healed.

"Blossom, do you know where we are?"

"Huh? I think this is my home, but how did we get here?"

"Home? Then do you have any berries or items I could use to heal Treecko?"

"Unfortunately no"

"Bzzt, there is"

The sudden appearance of Rotom startled me a bit, but the words that came out of his mouth were far more important.


"Bzzt, there should be a pelican coming soon"

*Flap, Flap*

Hearing flapping sounds, we all quickly turned around to see where the sound came from. As if summoned, a Pelican appeared as it landed on the mailbox outside our home. It then proceeded to take out a bunch of documents and a weirdly- bag shaped item and then-


-Proceeded to shove in the worn-out mailbox.

Caring less about the well-being of the mailbox, I quickly rushed to the mailbox causing the Pelican to fly away in a hurry. I quickly rummaged through the mailbox but found that I couldn't physically interact with anything in there. Frustrated, I proceeded to kick the mailbox making Blossom panic.

"Woah, woah, calm down, let me see"

In a hurry, Blossom took out the contents from the mailbox, having no problem interacting with it. He then proceeded to skim the documents, as he cried out in exclamation

"I knew it! It's the Rescue Team Starter Set, you always get one when you start a rescue team"

{Congratulations, you have obtained the following items:

-Rescue Team Starter Set}

{Blossom has opened the Rescue Team Starter Set}

{Congratulations, you have obtained the following items:

-Rescue Team Badge


-Pokemon News}

"This Toolbox can be used to keep items in a dungeon. If I'm correct…we should have some items in the toolbox"

"Then open it already"

[Toolbox Contents:


-Tiny Reviver Seed

-Pecha Berry]

{Tiny Reviver Seed: If this Item is in your Toolbox, it will revive a fainted Pokemon. It turns into a plain seed once it revives a Pokemon}

"Will this work?"

"Bzzt, don't worry it will just bring out Treecko"


"Bzzt, trust me"

Wordlessly, Matsumoto takes out his Pokeball. Hesitating for a bit, he presses the button the Pokeball enlarging it and then releasing the injured Treecko inside.


The Treecko weakly muttered as it lay still on the ground. Matsumoto then glanced at the HP bar of Treecko, watching it slowly drip down.







[Treecko has fainted]

Complete and utter silence. Matsumoto didn't move a muscle as he watched the HP bar. As seconds passed, panic settled in Matsumoto's gut, as he watched the unmoving form of Treecko.

And then…



Treecko was back


Letting out a sigh, Matsumoto plopped down as he reared his back in relief. He could feel his drumming heart slow down as he took long deep breaths of air, perhaps forgetting to even breathe in this moment.

Treeko looked around in confusion, as it stood up before glazing at Matsumoto who just smiled at him

"Welcome back"


Treecko merely tilted his head in confusion as he stared at Matsumoto, who picked im up and proceeded to put him back in the Pokeball. If any injuries were remaining, the Pokeball would detect them and inform him immediately.


Slamming down on the ground on my back, I sighed in relief. It was as if a huge load had been lifted off my shoulders. I stared at the blue sky as I huffed a relieved breath. (Yeah, I'm just blatantly increasing my word count at this point)

'Now what'

Now that the problem with Treecko was solved, my mind wandered off to the problem in the real world. Whatever targeted me was a person with authority or a person with power. In a world of Quirks and Pokemon, if a team like Team Rocket existed then they could easily control the Government.


I blinked my eyes

There's no fucking way whoever is targeting me is someone from a fucking team like team magma or team rocket. Nah, no way, Nada, I can't use Pokemon logic to predict something this big, there's no fucking way something cartoonish like that really exists in this world…right?

But I am in a crossover of two fictional worlds.

Fuck, I'll keep that thought in the back of my mind, but I'll likely forget it soon.

Terrorist Organization aside, my life isn't looking that great from a legal perspective either. The Government is on my ass too, what with the potential my Quirk possesses. One of the agents fucking threatened me right in front of me, no sense of subtlety either, straight up We have more authority, we will get you one way or the other', fucking wait till I find you, unimportant agent whose name I did not bother remembering.

Even forgetting the Government, my fucking house is blown to smithereens. Also, where the fuck did Ditto go?


As I was contemplating my situation, a dark shadow appeared on my face. Opening my eyes, I saw the face of Blossom and Rotom hovering over me. 


"Bzzt, instead of worrying about the terrorist situation, how about we focus on the situation right now"

Right, dungeons, should figure this out first.

"So, are there any more dungeons for us?"

"Well, we just became a Rescue Team, so probably not"

"What even is a Rescue Team?"

"GLAD you asked, a rescue team goes to dungeons and rescues Pokemon stuck in dungeons "

Rustling through his toolbox, he pulled out a few items

"First of all this Rescue Team badge… It;'s proof you're in a Rescue Team

The Pokemon News has useful information for rescuers. I'll keep it in the mailbox"

"I see, so, when do we rescue?"

"Ah, that, well, normally any requests we get are found in the mailbox, but we are a new team soooo, we probably won't get any requests"

*Flap flap*

As if on cue, another Pelipper appeared, and landed on top of the mailbox


Depositing the mail, the Pelipper flew away

"No way, Master, this may be it, how about checking the mailbox? Maybe it's a rescue job request, come on what's it say"

Opening the mail, I took out a letter as I started reading it

[Bzz, Bzz we heard about you from Caterpie. Please, we need your help. Magnemite is in trouble. A strange electromagnetic wave flowed through a dungeon and it stuck Magnemite and Magnemite together. That isn't enough to form a Magneton. It's not complete the way it is now. Please. We need help. BZZ BZZ BZZ

-Magnemite's friend]

"They copied you huh Rotom?"

"Bzzt, drop dead"

"What do you think, should we go for it?"

The world around Matsumoto slowed down, as two options appeared in front of him

[--> Yes! Let's go!]

[--> Let's not go.]

[--> Yes! Let's go!] O

"Alright Let's go"

[Scene Change]



God damn it, clearing dungeons was a good thing, but can't he just like…fast travel to the location? Or at least get a ride? Why the hell do we have to walk this far? 

"Look they're just there"

Matsumoto lifted his head with great difficulty, as he stared at the two Magnemites floating in front of the cave's entrance.

Fucking Finally!

"Oh you are here BZZ BZZ"

"There really is a human here BZZ BZZ"

"We haven't seen one for a long time BZZ BZZ"

The two Magnemites circled around Matsumoto as they stared curiously at a species they once believed to be extinct.


This was uncomfortable for Matsumoto, for he had not received much attention in his past life.

"Ah right, uhm, My friends are in this cavern. BZZ BZZ"

"My friends should be on B6F. Please help them! BZBZBZZZT!"

Looking towards Blossom and Rotom and nodding we set off to the dungeons

[Thunderwave Caves


[{Chapter End}]