
POKEMON: Guardian Heart

MC transported to the WORLD OF POKEMON and lives his life how he wants to. Traveling the world, fighting Bad Guys with Pokemon, Investigating his Parents Deaths. while helping to support his Little Sister and her dream of being a Pokemon Master. Frustrated with the different types of Pokemon Fanfics out there that are all about just completing Pokeleagues and such. I decided to make my own that hopefully won't fall into the same ideas as others.

The_Runic_Chef_457 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Back to Pallet

When Lan made his way outside he saw Levy talking with her Grandma while Cyndiquill was playing with both Arcanine and a mass of vines. When Lan got closer to the duo he analyzed the Pokemon.


Name: Tangela

Sex: Female

Age: 1.5 Year

Type: Grass

Status: Happy

Evolution: 0% [Sucessfully Learn the Move: Ancient Power]

Moves: Ingrain, Sleep Powder, Vinewhip, and Absorb.


Lan smiled and looked at Cyndiquill and his friends. He had read previously that Cyndiquills are timid but this one doesn't seem like it.

Levy "Lan you shouldn't be up yet. "

Lan "Nah I am fine it just looks a lot worse than it is."

Levy gave him the stink eye trying to determine if he was bluffing or not until her Grandma interrupted " Mr. Wilder we have made the arrangements. You all can take a boat to Pallet town tomorrow afternoon from the Fuschia Port"

"Thank you again.

Actually, I wanted to ask you both for a favor along with Arcanine. I have four pokemon I had saved and wanted to feed them and Release them if they wanted. They are not mine and I don't want to make any decisions for them."

Grandma"So borrowing Arcanine's Strength, are we?"

Lan rubbed his head as his plan was seen though.

"It's fine just release them."

"Okay" and Lan threw up four Pokeballs which all four Pokemon instantly appeared.





The four Pokemon turned to look at the person who had just released them from their Pokeball.

Scyther had an Angry Glint while Rhydon had a lazy Look and the other two were checking out their new surroundings.

Arcanine growled to warn them not to do anything funny.

Lan then said to them "I am going to release you all as I don't want to hold you against your own will. You are free to go or you can stay here. We will give you food or you can find another trainer."

The Pokemon vaguely got his intentions but understood immediately when Lan destroyed the 4 Pokeballs effectively releasing them.

They were stunned but Scyther had an appreciative look in his eye. He then preceded to turn around and leave while the others stayed looking at the humans in front of them.

Lan observed that the two young pokemon who became very distraught. Lan bent down on one knee and said to them "I don't know what you want to do, but the girl behind me would be a good choice for a trainer she is pretty and will take care of you."

Levy blushed but she had stars in her eye when she looked at the two young Pokemon she then hurriedly ran up to them. Eevee smiled and jumped into Levy's arms while Poynta rubbed her head against Levy's arm and preceded to prance around her.

Lan smiled at these two and fished 2 new Pokeballs out of his backpack and passed them to Levy. The two pokemon immediately touched the balls and caught themselves. Levy instantly released them and preceded to pet and coo at them. Tangala wanting to meet her new friends made its way to Levy and her new Pokemon where she was immediately greeted by the others.

The Rhydon just sat down and looked at them then turned its head towards Arcanine but more specifically his bowl of food. Levy's Grandmother sighed and brought out some more food then asked Rhydon if he wanted to stay with her. Rhydon happily nodded and she then caught him after his large meal.

Lan laughed at this Pokemon Antics. He then called out to Cyndaquill and left all the Pokemon with their new trainers. Lan went inside to put Cyndaquill to sleep and started to cultivate in order to accelerate his healing.


The next day quickly came and Levy and Lan got ready to leave.

"Grandma please stay safe and call me when you can. I will keep safe on my journey." Levy said while tearing up.

Her grandma just smiled and waved saying "Don't worry about me and have fun on your adventure and make some new friends."

Levy gained some more determination and nodded and turned back to catch up to Lan who was already on route to the dock.


The two chitchatted for most the way towards the dock. They had yet to buy their tickets so they needed to stop by the shipping station first. They arrived and they waited in line until it was their turn at the window.

Levy"What do you mean you don't have two rooms?"

Ticket Salesman "Just as I said we don't have two single rooms available as they were already booked. Pallet town is just a fuel stop on the way for this cruise into the Johto Region"

Lan just shook his head at their luck as they would have to wait there for the next ship and he would most likely be late to send off his sister.

He got in front of Levy who seemed crestfallen about the situation "Is there anything that you could do to get us on this ship? I don't care what it is just please find us something" while thinking 'Wait till Magicarp evolves and I won't have to be begging anymore'.

Ticket Salesman "Umm, let me check on that." and after a few minutes he came back "You two are in luck there is a vacancy in one of our renown couple's suites"

Lan"We'll take it!" and handed him his card as payment

Levy "WHAT!!" she said with her face heating up and steam coming out of her head.

Lan comforted her "It's fine as it's just for a couple of days. I can just sleep on the couch or something. I hope that you won't feel uncomfortable. We can just coordinate on the other things and we don't have to stay in the room in the day."

Levy stuttered "Yyyyeah iitts alllrigght. We can work it out"

"Ahhh, how cute, the little writer who wants to travel the world is ready to back out because of sharing a room with a guy"

"Hey! I told you not to call me that!" while stomping on Lan's foot



MY PRECIOUS FOOT" Lan exaggeratedly grabbed his foot

Levy couldn't help but snicker at Lan's failed attempt at acting while thinking to herself ' He seems like a decent guy and Grandma sent me with him. I well let my Pokemon out in the room just in case though. He really tries to make me less nervous.' She smiled looking at Lan who was already getting the keys and heading to the room.

Lan "Last one there is a rotten Chancy Egg"

Levy "You're on"


The boat trip preceded as planned. There where not many accidents on the boat or so he thought (but that is story for another time). Lan focused on training Cyndaquill and Magicarp in order to help them recover and start to control their powers. Other than that Levy and Lan discussed many things and grew to know each other a little better.

Eventually they arrived at Pallet Town.

Short Chapter. Any Comments or reviews would be much appreciated. Also, let me know if you have any cool characters that I can mix in.

Power Me Up

-Ham out

The_Runic_Chef_457creators' thoughts