
Gym of Driftveil City: Part 2

"Time to work Krokorok" Yakon said throwing a pokeball.

"You'll go first Sandile" Touya said throwing a pokeball as well.

Krokorok looked at Sandile with disdain and making him a bit intimidated.

"Don't worry friend, he's just a taller version of you, you can beat him" Touya said confidently.

Sandile regained his confidence a bit and the presenter arrived.

"The match between trainer Touya and gym's leader Yakon begins..." Conse said getting out of one of the transport machines.

"Now!" Conse said seriously.

"Krokorok use hone claws then bite and scary face" Yakon said quickly.

"Sandile use torment then dig and bite his ankles" Touya said answering half a second later.

Sandile tormented Krokorok by making him unable to use hone claws again and then dodging the scary face and bite by hiding underground.

"It would be a good plan if it were another pokemon, Krokorok use bulldoze" Yakon said with a smile.

Krokorok raised his right foot and lowered it forcefully generating a somewhat strong earthquake, which made Touya almost fall and caused great damage to Sandile causing him to come out of the ground.

"Like all the other leaders I will teach you a lesson, know your pokemon as well as your workers, understand everything they can and cannot do and thus you will get the best result" Yakon said seriously.

Touya pondered those words a bit and found it quite meaningful so he returned to combat.

"Sandile use crunch where I said before and use your little body to dodge" Touya said quickly.

"Krokorok use crunch too and finish him off" Yakon said seriously.

Sandile approached Krokorok and was able to dodge his bite due to his size, then biting Krokorok on the ankles causing him to fall.

"Keep using crunch friend" Touya said seeing Sandile's advantage.

"Krokorok take him and throw him towards the wall" Yakon said calmly.

Krokorok did as requested and threw Sandile to the wall leaving him almost unconscious.

"Come on friend, you can" Touya said encouraging Sandile.

Sandile was filled with confidence and determination, then covered in a blue aura and evolved into Krokorok.

"Krokorok!" Krokorok said full of energy and adjusting his glasses.

"Well, a bit convenient but I'm not complaining" Touya said excitedly.

"Krokorok run towards him" Touya said quickly.

"Krokorok use slash" Yakon said a little excited.

When Touya's Krokorok got close enough Touya said.

"Use bulldoze then slash and finally crunch" Touya said seriously.

Krokorok generated a tremor with his foot causing Yakon's Krokorok to lose his balance and receive the slash and the crunch head-on, being knocked out.

"Leader Yakon's Krokorok can no longer continue, the gym leader only has 2 pokemon left" Conse said seriously.

"You did it well friend, you can rest" Touya said seeing Krokorok's deplorable state.

"Kroko" Krokorok said wearily and then went back to his pokeball.

Yakon healed his pokemon a bit and said.

"Nice work Krokorok" Yakon said returning Krokorok to his pokeball.

"It's your turn Palpitoad" Yakon said throwing a pokeball.

"Come out Sawk" Touya said throwing a pokeball as well.

They both thought about their next move and...

"Sawk use work up" Touya said quickly.

"Palpitoad use muddy water" Yakon said quickly.

Palpitoad generated a large amount of muddy water, enough to make a large wave which was directed at Sawk.

"Sawk use double kick to jump" Touya said quickly.

Sawk did the request and took a great leap leaving a few cracks in the ground and dodging the attack and then falling in front of Palpitoad.

"Sawk use brick break" Touya said when he saw Sawk near Palpitoad.

"Palpitoad use acid" Yakon said seriously.

Sawk hit Palpitoad doing great damage, but also getting hit by the acid which poisoned him.

"Use low sweep then karate chop and finish him Sawk" Touya said before the poison took much effect.

Sawk managed to defeat Palpitoad, but he was very weak and nearly knocked out.

"Come back Sawk, you deserve a break" Touya said giving Sawk an antidote and returning him to his pokeball.

"Palpitoad can no longer continue, the leader Yakon only has one pokemon left" Conse said in a professional tone.

"You did well Palpitoad" Yakon said returning Palpitoad to his pokeball.

"This is a good time to give up young" Yakon said confidently.

"Nah, I've already gotten too far and I won't go through those demon girders again" Touya said with total denial.

"I see, don't say I didn't warn you" Yakon said seriously.

"Finish the job, Excadrill" said Yakon throwing a pokeball.

"It's your turn Dewott, show why you're so proud" Touya said throwing a pokeball with determination.

"Dewott!" Dewott said also excited.

They both thought of his next strategy and then.

"Excadrill use rock tomb" Yakon said quickly.

Excadrill dug his claws into the ground and scooped out a large rock and hurled it at Dewott.

"Dewott break it using razor shell" Touya said when he saw the rock nearby.

Dewott was able to break the large rock in two, but when he looked in Excadrill's direction he was gone.

"Excadrill use slash" Yakon said, snapping Dewott and Touya out of their trance.

Excadrill came out of the ground like a missile and struck Dewott with force with its slash sending him towards a wall and dealing great damage.

Dewott got up slowly and waited for an order from Touya, who was able to think of a good plan.

"Dewott use scald as many times as you can against Excadrill and get close to him" Touya said confidently.

At this Dewott did not hesitate for a second and used scald preventing Excadrill from hiding in the ground again and slowly approaching.

Excadrill covered himself with his claws from Dewott's attack causing these to heat up and take on a reddish color.

"It's useless young trainer, that will only make the metal claw hurt more" Yakon said a little disappointed.

"You are the king of the mine, surely there is something else you know about hot metal" Touya said when Dewott was close enough.

Yakon thought for a bit and came to a revelation with his eyes widening in shock, but it was too late.

"Excadrill use metal claw now" Yakon said hastily.

"Dewott dodge him with water gun and get behind him" Touya said quickly.

Dewott dodged Excadrill by gathering momentum and getting behind Excadrill.

"Use revenge!" Touya said excitedly.

Dewott released steam from his body and grabbed Excadrill by the back to make a suplex and slam Excadrill to the ground.

Excadrill tried to cover himself with his claws but they only bent and caused him to take more damage, knocking him out unconscious.

"The gym leader has no pokemon left, therefore the winner is challenger Touya" Conse said surprised.

"We did it friend!" Touya said with a big smile.

"Dewott!!" Dewott said with a yell of victory.

"Hahaha! A prodigy to beat me at your age, the new generation is very promising" Yakon said with a smile.

"You beat me, so you deserve the quake badge more than anyone" said Yakon giving the badge to Touya.

"By the way, wait for me in front of the cave on Route 6, there is a certain problem that I must fix there" Yakon said returning to his serious attitude.

Touya saved the badge and then went to the pokemon center.

And so, Touya got the fifth badge of his journey.