After curing his pokemon and getting some rest, Touya went to Route 6, but first he called his mother to tell her everything that happened.
"Hello mom!" Touya said greeting his mother through the Xtransceiver.
"Ohh, how are you son? It's been a long time since you've called me, tell me, have you found a girlfriend?" Touya's mom said hopefully.
"Not close" Touya said with a smile.
"Then why didn't you call me young man?!, you have no excuse" said Touya's mother angrily.
"Well, it turns out that dealing with a powerful pokemon cult is not an easy thing" Touya said in a tired tone.
"Haaaa, you know, sometimes I want you to tell a lie, but in the end you always end up where they don't call you, as long as you're careful I don't have to worry" said Touya's mom tiredly.
"Ohh, besides I already got my fifth badge" Touya said suddenly remembering.
"My son is a pokemon prodigy, although it seems incredible to me that you are closer to being a champion than to getting a girlfriend" said Touya's mother with a thoughtful tone.
"Well, at least if I become champion I won't have to work anymore" Touya said hopefully.
"You're hopeless son" Touya's mom said with a nervous smile.
"Well, see you mom, I'll call you if I beat the evil cult" Touya said with a smile.
"I love you son, try to give me a more normal report next time" Touya's mother said calmly.
"I'll try, hehe" Touya said and then turned off the Xtransceiver.
Touya continued on his way along Route 6 coming across various interesting things.
At first he met several researchers who were studying the changes that Deerlings present due to the seasons.
It is currently spring so the Deerlings have a vivid green color.
Touya kept walking until he found what appeared to be another one of those pokeballs with objects inside.
As he approached and tried to grab it, the pokeball suddenly moved and showed what seemed to be a mushroom-shaped pokemon.
"Start your journey in Unova as a trainer to greatness, or to the grave if you have heart problems" Touya said dejectedly.
"The next one who scares me is going to have a little surprise" Touya said with annoyance.
After this Touya reached the end of the path, finding Yakon in front of a large electric cobweb covering the entrance to a cave.
Yakon noticed Touya's arrival quickly and said.
"You finally got here, I have been a few minutes here and I already feel like I'm losing money" Yakon said a bit hastily.
"As you see, there is a great electric cobweb made by a Galvantula for some reason, and as a gym leader it is my duty to solve these problems" Yakon said seriously and then took Krokorok out.
"Krokorok use slash and destroy that thing" Yakon said impatiently.
Krokorok destroyed the cobweb without being affected in the least by the electricity.
"Well, I just need to give you this and everything is ready" Yakon said giving Touya a TM.
"This is the TM bulldoze, although your Krokorok already has it many pokemon can learn it, so it will be useful to you" said Yakon and then return Krokorok to his pokeball and walk towards the city.
"Thank you for all leader Yakon" Touya said waving his hand in farewell.
"No problem young man, you know, I don't know how far your talent will go but remember this" Yakon said seriously.
"Follow what makes you happy, go where you think you can go, do what you think you can do, you are the only one who imposes your limits" Yakon said with a small smile.
"And also, be careful with that team plasma leader, although I think you already know that right?" Yakon said seriously.
At that Touya nodded seriously.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, if you ever become the champion don't forget your partner Yakon" Yakon said with a smile and then left.
Touya looked him go and then said to himself.
"There are very different people in the way of being and act and more business people, how can they maintain so many personalities? It's a lot of trouble, I feel tired only thinking about it" Touya said with a tired tone.
Touya taught Sawk bulldoze as well and then entered the cave.
The cave was very well lit due to small luminous crystals making a very nice scene.
The blue light illuminated every corner of the cave and there was an odor that seemed to be a combination of humidity and burned things, quite strange actually.
Touya checked his map and found out that this is the Chargestone cave.
After this he walked a bit and found N in front of a large shiny crystal that released small electric shocks.
Touya slowly approached when suddenly two men dressed as ninjas appeared in front of him.
But this time, Touya reacted by hitting the ninja in front of him and knocking him to the ground.
"So very funny with your scares huh? Try to scare me again, come come" Touya said provoking the ninja with blank eyes and rising his fist in anger.
Both ninjas were sweating from nerves and only pointed in N's direction and then left.
"Haha, revenge punch to a member of the team plasma, it's the best day since my journey began" Touya said with a big satisfied smile.
After this, Touya approached N to talk a bit.