
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

the problem with delta a new source of power

As we start to train the first thing apparent is skill the skill Bea And Korrina have is on a level beyond me by far I call lucario over and before I can delta evolve it im stoped.

"Bea" stop that technique is strong but you still aren't ready for it one you aren't in sync with it and two the type change and move change lucario gains when transforming is a hindrance to lucarios strenght, the strenght comes from its aura and abilitys. It becoming an electric type strips it of its power and weakens it you need to get used to lucario as a pokemon not an experiment to see which form is better."

The way she said it hurt but I thought about what was said but she's not wrong I rely on lucario as a crutch and my other pokemon have suffered from it,my starter my supposed closest partner has been put to the side to choose the powerhouse I caught early on. I quickly take my hand off my delta band as I do Bea asks me something,

"Bea" do you want to try something else I can show you a power that's stronger then delta and on the level of Megas in fact here catch" As I catch what she throws I'm slightly confused on the band I'm holding. "Bea" that's a dynamic band used to dynamax/gigiantimax pokemon now put it on and follow me this gym isn't a good place however at the helious gym they recently discovered a power spot to dynamax I know the gym leader. Korrina you comming"

She nods as we both follow Bea and arrive we take our sides on the gym floor and as we take our stand the battle begins

"Bea" machamp time to fight".

Lucario I choose you, As the band lights up Bea and I both tap our dynamax bands as we recall our pokemon and throw out the glowing pokeball our pokemon start to grow in size and the battle begins. Lucario aura sphere

"Bea" Machamp G-max Chi strike go"

As the attacks collide without question lucarios attack fades out as the attacks collides one shoting it as lucario falls its reduces in sise and I recall it.

"Lapis" Hey don't be discouraged Bea here is on the level of elite 4 members and is highly ranked in the world the fact she took you seriously in the first place should show your strenght"

I'm not discouraged I'm just shocked I wasent expecting a one shot of all things I thought we had gotten much stronger then that but we need more training in fact all of my pokemon need some training but first we need to train our aura. As me and Korrina we start meditation and over the next few days I start to slowly form a connection with and through some battles we get to a point I can use aura on command, Can you hear me as I'm training in the woods I turn to my side and I see no one talking but the voice consists as I turn around I see lucario. Can you hear me the voice says once more as I respond back I do And with that I send out Servine,Charmander,Froakie,Skrelp and Rookidee And we all start to train as the night continues its lucario versus the whole squad. Servine use auora beam,skrelp use scald,charmand use thunder, rookidee use gust and froakie use close combat.After commanding them all without saying a word i command Lucario use aura sphere and as I connect with it we both make the hand motion and fire it off pushing back the whole team as we train all night by the morning were all warn out and when we finally wake up we make our way to the gym to fight Korrina. As we make our way in the look on Lapis face is relief as I make eye contact with Korrina and she understands as she walks to her side of the gym and we send out our lucarios as they are ready to face eachother once more Lucario aura sphere.

"Korrina" Lucario bone rush go"

as the two collide they push off both taking minor damage and without much interruption I connect with lucario as it's aura pushes off and hits Korrinas lucario. Without much time to waste I recall lucario and dynamax it as Korrina readys her mega evolution as we both transform our pokemon the battle rages

"Mega Lucario use aura sphere"

Lucario use aura sphere, As the two connects the aura spheres stay in place until the aura sphere of dynamax lucario starts to push away mega lucarios as the attack connects I have lucario fire another aura sphere then a shadow ball as it fires them off it starts to shrink as dynamax wears off and the dust settles Korrinas lucarios is defeated and de meges as Korrina comes over she congratulates me for bonding with lucario then hands me a box I open it up to see a pair of gloves with a key stone and another pair with a mega lucarionite as I hand lucario its gloves it puts them on as I put on mine as we start to get a feel for It quickly walk over to Bea. Hey I need to ask you a favor,

"Bea" and what may that be?"

I was wondering if you would be able to train with lucario right now I've focused alot of Time into it and I don't currently have the strength to keep up with it but I know you do I'm hoping that with your help it will get the training it needs and then when I get stronger i can give it the Trainor it deserves. "Bea" If it's a request from a friend of Lapis then I can meet your request".

With that I hand her lucarios pokeball run over to lucario hug it then make it a promise, I promise that when I get stronger I will come back for you and you and I and Servine,Charmander,Skrelp,Froakie And Rookidee will be the strongest I just need you to trust me it nods and with that its time for me and Lapis to fly back to Kiran As we walk out of the gym we have to make a quick stop to professor sycamore and once arriving we pick up a package to send to my grandfather

"Sycamore" So how is your grandfather Ark?"

he's ok you know still as stubborn as always but it's the way I like him.

"Sycamore" well before you go ide like you to pick a starter pokemon to take back with you we have these three Chespin,fennikin and froakie"

I'll take froakie however I want you to do me a favor I know how much you Been interested in studying regional variants so if I take froakie I want you to watch over this without wasting time I send out Kirian froakie and the look on the professors face is wide he eagerly accepts as my team now went from 6 to 5 to 5 but a swap of one varient to another and with the arrand out of the way we enter the airport to fly home. 'Passenger's of rotom air flight for the Kiran region boarding now I repeat flight for the Kiran region boarding now'.

as we board the plane I look over at the plane going to galar and I connect one more time with lucario,stay safe my friend and with that we start the flight back to kiran.