
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

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return to irongem town

After arriving to irongem town we decide to sit down in a clearing as I recieve a call

"Sycamore" Ark I'm glad you picked up so I've been researching your froakie variant and from what I've seen it's DNA has a dormant delta gene of the water type showing its roots to our froakie in kalos I still have some studying ide like to do but when I'm done ill contact you and send it back over but I was wondering I know you have the other two Kiran variants and my colleagues professor Juniper and professor Oak would love to study them and I garentee in exchange for the research opertunity they would let you have there respective regional variants"

Well professor ide like the opertunity but currently my team is reliant on those two being here and with me leaving froakie with you and Lucario with Bea I can't afford to let charmander or servine go at the moment especially servine because its my partner and where it goes I go.

"Sycamore" well I'll provide you there contacts and if you decide you'd like to work with them call them they'll fly you out you'll be able to see pokemon that reside in there regions its a great opertunity"

I'll definitely contact them but right now I've traveled abit to much and have to focus on the gym challenge. After the call ends I send out my newest team member I choose you Froakie, It's definitely different then one I'm used to but this is supposed to be the original one discovered this is a water type this should be a usefull partner for Skrelp in double battles.

"Lapis" so this is kalos froakie mind if I test it out in battle?"

sure froakie you ready it nods back at me and it's time for battle

"Lapis" Glaceon choose you". Froakie use bubble "Lapis"Glaceon use freeze dry" Froakie dodge then use water pulse

"Lapis" glaceon don't let ice beam then shadow ball" Froakie use your frubbles to block the shadow ball then dodge the ice beam. As the battle rages on both sides have taken no damage but both pokemon are experiencing fatigue. Froakie water shuriken,

"Lapis" Glaceon swift go"

As the attacks connect its clear neither side is willing to give in but with a determination to not give up Froakie starts to glow, As the glow subsides a new pokemon stands before me I pull out the pokedex to identify it

'Frogadier the bubble frog pokemon and the evolved form of froakie Its swiftness is unparalleled. It can scale a tower of more than 2,000 feet in a minute's time'

alright frogadier use water shuriken go as the attack connects glaceon gets hit but isn't down yet,

"Lapis" glaceon use freeze dry"

As Frogadier gets hit the attack does massive damage but its not out yet Frogadier use water pulse and finish this, As it connects froakie starts to glow blue as the pokedex identifys it as its ability torrent that activates when it's on its last legs for a boost of power as it connects its attack with glaceon its hits it back and then glaceon faints as Frogadier stands victorious its falls due to exhaustion and I quickly recall it as lapis recalls her glaceon

"Lapis" you gotten better let's head to the pokemon center and then when your ready ide say let's take on your second badge"

After heading to the center we make our way to the Iron gem mines for the site of the gym,As we walk to the mines we make our way to the center where the gym is and head on inside

. "Tureen" so what's the current estimate on how many fossils we've extracted"

"Mine worker" the current amount is about 57 today we are working on more"

um sorry to interrupt but I'm here to challenge the gym.

"Tureen" well your in the right place I'm the irongem gym leader Tureen nice to meet you id you dont mine waiting a second ill be able to challengeyou outside on the battlefield" As I nod I head outside and ready myself on the field as he heads out we take out sides

"Tureen" This will be a 2 on two double battle I hope your ready because I don't go down easy"

I choose you Frogadier And Servine, "Tureen" my turn bastiodon and kabutops my gym focuses on fosil pokemon hope your ready"

Servine use icy wind charmander use thunder.

"Tureen" kabutops use bug buzz bastiodon use metal claw" as the attacks clash its clear the damage is there but both sides aren't going down that easy. Alright time to try this hope this works servine respond to my call delta evolution, As I press the delta band with hope and as I look up the energy is there Alright buddy let's do this delta attack go as servine transforms the wings on it's back start to transform into a bulkier version with spiky feathers and the blue accents turn green as its eyes change to match,Delta servine leaf tornado on kabutops,Charmander use thunder on kabutops. As the attacks connect kabutops is overwhelmed by the combo as its goes flying into the wall causing rocks to fall "Tureen" bastiodon dodge to rocks as bastiodon dodges one rock hits its and goes flying towards but before it can hit Charmander uses thunder punch Crack it in half causing it to land in front of me. Thanks buddy now lets finish this Charmander use take down and servine use energy ball

"Tureen" basyiodon dodge then use iron tail"

as bastiodon trys to dodge its to slow as it recieves both attacks head on and goes flying receiving the knock out. "Judge" gym leader Tureen is unable to battle the winner is the challenger Ark"

As Tureen walks over to me he starts to congratulate me but before he can finish his attention is diverted

"Tureen" is that a fossil" As he walks over towards the Boulder charmander punched in half he pulls out a tool a pick and hammer as he precedes to dig it out he then pulls it out and comes over to hands it to me "Tureen" This is a skull fossil it can be revived at the lab in lakewood town into a cranidos you are the one who reveled the fossil so it belongs to along with your second badge congratulations here's the rock point badge"

as I put the badge in the case I go over and hig servine and charmander and congratulate servine on delta as it reverts to normal we head out for the night as me and Lapis spend the night in the pokemon center.

"Lapis" so how do you feel you earned your second badge"

I feel good but before I can fight the third gym I've got to train everyone lucario taught me a good lesson relying on one's powers is dangerous its better to split it between the group if i only use my strongest pokemon the others will fall behind and so will I so in order to grow I must make the others stronger. As I ponder what was said I look over at servine and start to ponder if you can go delta I wonder who else can.