
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

the aura conundrum

as were walking through the the Forrest I ask Lapis what type of pokemon made her want to be an ice type gym leader in the first place

"Lapis" well to be honest I grew up on mountains and ice pokemon were abundant my first pokemon was an eevee who you know as my glaceon it was my first partner and is my second strongest pokemon the icy winds of the mountains along with the snow and ice are just what I grew up with so after my eevee evolved I decided to train pokemon of the same type"

makes since but as we make our way down without warning lucario pops out of his ball deflecting something as it hits a tree it looks like wool or something frizzy without warning another shot comes flying out of the tree as lucario fires a shadow ball in the direction of the pokemon as it connects the pokemon falls and readys itself for battle I quickly pull out the pokedex to identify it

'froakie the muscle toad pokemon kirian version froakie uses the muscles on his arms as a sign of strenght against others of its species the bigger they are the more respect they have the frubbles on there neck are used to blind enemies before landing a deadly strike fighting type'

after looking at it closer I relise the frubbles on it's face are the reason I didn't recognize it but this is one of the three starters of the region I have the other two it could be nice to catch this one,Lucario use shadow ball as lucario shoots off the attack froakie attacks the ground and stones shoot up at our direction

"Lapis" look out it's stone edge I choose you glaceon,glaceon shadow ball back up Lucario"

as I duck out the way glaceons shadow stops the stones in there place. Lucario respond to my call delta speed go as I press the delta band resonates with lucario I pray he stays in control because lately its been 50/50 on if he doesn't go into a blind rage as the transformation finishes he seems in control for now Lucario you good as it looks back at me it nods and with a ferocity it screams a battle cry as it charges at froakie Lucario use electro ball then volt tackle.

"Lapis" glaceon use extream speed then shadow ball"

As the two of them go up lucario connects electro ball with volt tackle back to back as froakie retaletes by use bulk up then close combat as it connects lucario goes flying as froakie follows delivering blow after blow as it lands then the assult ends with froakie suffer a special defense and defense loss. Trying to take advantage I call to Lucario but as I go to give it a command the aura of the battle quickly changes as it stands back up and looks at froakie with blood red eyes as it inches closer it puts its hands together and as they start to separate as a long rod of blueish energy appears with electricity surrounding it as it charges in it starts to strike with the bone weapon hitting froakie repeatedly

"Lapis" that moves bone rush normally but right now that move has become thunder rush due to the transformation its strong but it can only last 5 hits before it dissappears and you have to use it again it's hit froakie 3 times me and glaceon will try and take the blows you get froakie and then stop lucarios rampage"

As we get to work I rush over to froakie who is currently knocked out I use a pokeball catching it then throw out skrelp and servine,skrelp use scald and servine steel wing as they go to get close glaceon gets thrown by lucario who then shoots an electro ball making glaceon fly as its about to land I send out charmander to catch it to soften the blow as they collide the damage taken by both is apparent but glaceon has taken more damage and that is quite clear as they get up they mount a stance off against Lucario

"Lapis" we need all the help we can get go darmanitan I choose you zen mode go"

as darmanitan readys alongside the others we mount our attack charmander thunder punch, skrelp sludge bomb,servine steel wing.

"Lapis" glaceon ice beam, darmanitan fire pledge"

As the attacks collide a dust storm stirs up and as the fighting stops and the dust cloud settles its clear who the winners are as lucario lays knocked down it reverts back to normal as we collapse from exhaustion I quickly return my pokemon as Lapis recalls hers we sit down gather our composure and just sit

"Lapis"I thought you had lucario under control what was that not only was he out if control but it was injured and still nearly overpowered our whole team when I first fought it I was able to take care of it with just darmanitan but now it took our whole squad that's a problem you need to get your lucario undercontrol and soon because if it's power gets consistently stronger in a short amount of time as it did now we won't be able to handle it"

Honestly lucario and I's connection got stronger and we bonded but it took connecting to it on a level I can't explain it was if I was able to feel it's emotions and sense it's energy but after our battle at the gym I haven't been able to feel that same way,

"Lapis" your talking about aura I'm not surprised you don't know much about seeing as your a new Trainer but aura is an ability lucario is known for in fact in some cases its species is known for searching out those who can weild it or have a strong connection to it in order to master lucarios power you'll need to master aura but that's easier said then done I have no idea where to start but I do know who might I have a friend in the kilos region named korrina she's a gym leader of the shalour gym and is a master with her lucario if your willing we should go see her she might be able to help you"

if you think that will help then I'm game for anything.

"Lapis" alright then we shall leave tommorow morning I'll get the tickets"

As we set up camp for the night I send everyone out of there balls minus lucario and we set up a place for them to eat once everyone is done I return them and send out lucario for a chance to bond as it looks at me its as if it's trying to speak to me but the connection we have isn't there at the moment as it realizes it can't connect it turns to eat and ignores me the rest of the night. "Lapis" alright I recommend you get some sleep you'll need it"

As the sun starts to rise we make our way to the airport,so I'm already back here and it hasent even been a week yet so this friend of your what makes her so special that she's our best option.

"Lapis" She has a connection with her lucario unlike most the only other person I know with a better connection is the current world champion ash Ketchum but he is so busy traveling it would be extremely hard to track him down so she being the one who taught him to bond with his lucario is our best bet"

"Passenger's boarding rotom air to kalos flight boarding starts now I repeat those boarding the flight to kilos boarding starts now"

As we board the plan we talk for a few hours and I send servine out to sit on. my shoulder and after awhile we land

"Passenger's of rotom air we would like to thank for flying with us today thank you for choosing rotom air enjoy your stay in kalos"

"Lapis" ok follow me we have to head to the shalour gym and I've been here before"

as we make our way to the gym I sew a woman run past me chasing something before I can take in what's happening before I know it im following her as she's chasing this Pokémon it seems to lose her as she changes direction and then I stop as it lands and pull out my pokedex.

'rookidee the tiny bird pokemon It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle even a defeat increases its strength a bit.'

this Pokémon isn't from here according to the dex it's native to galar I've gotta catch this go charmander use thunder bolt, as charmander attacks the rookidee gets hit and fires a peck back charmander thunder punch now. As charmander connects his fist I see my opportunity pokeball go as I throw the ball it connects and with 3 shakes it caught as I pick up the ball the girl from before comes back and I hear her speak

"Bea" so it managed to get caught after all that pokemon followed me from my home region here and I was trying to return it but I guess it found a Trainor I should introduce myself my names Bea I'm the fighting type gym leader from galar here visiting a friend"

So this Pokémon followed you hope you don't mind me catching it but if you don't mind me asking are you here visiting Korrina?

"Bea" I am I assuming your here to see her as well considering you ran after me I'll show you the way to her gym follow me I'll introduce you"

As I follow Bea we talk and she talks about her fighting types and I'll talk about my team as we talk we make it to the gym and I make eye contact with Lapis who looks relieved to see me

"Lapis" are you ok I was worried when I turned to my side and you weren't there but I'm glad your here and you met the galar gym leader Bea"

Well sorry for the worry but this must be Korrina

"Korrina" So your the Trainor having trouble with your Lucario will in order to help you let's see thus pokemon for ourselves I called Bea because after what Lapis told me I thought she would want to see this"

So without any time to waste I send out lucario as Korrina does the same and we ready up on a

the battle field. Lucario you ready it nods, respond to my call transform delta attack let's go. As lucario transforms the intensity is felt but Korrina looks unfazed Lucario use electro ball go "Korrina" Lucario aura sphere go"

As the attacks connect her aura sphere overpowers my lucarios electro ball and fires back with intensity as it connects and launches it as it gets back I quickly call to it and have it use thunder rush as Korrina retaliates with bone rush as the two Lucarios clash hers is dominating mine as it starts to glow red and rampage before I know it starts overpowing it's opponent but as her lucario gets hit it backs up and she does something I've never seen

"Korrina" Lucario respond to my heart and soul and transcend evolution Mega evolve"

As the lucario transforms its aura floods the field as it stares at me and Lucario and readys itself. My lucario charges In and gets hit so hard with a Mach punch it detransforms back to normal as it gets back up its still in the berserk state but it's lost the stats gained from the data form but it refuses to stay down I call out to lucario and it doesn't hear me so with everything I have I focus and try to search for lucario and once I feel it I yell once more Lucario respond to my call delta speed As I yell Lucario undergoes transformation once more but this time it's listening to me Lucario use aura sphere as I yell this time unlike every other time lucario charges and aura sphere instead of an electro ball this time it being covered with crackling electricity fusing the two moves and it fires as it hits Mega Lucario the attack does damage but Mega Lucario is just to much we manage to dodge a few attacks but Mega lucario attacks get more and more vicious "Korrina" Lucario finish this use bone rush"

As the attack connects Lucario falls and I return it

"Korrina" You did well you even managed to reach lucarios heart but you definitely need some training starting today you have two teachers me and Bea we will teach you about aura and when your done you will be able to have a permanent connection with Lucario"

As I look at her lucario and then at Bea then her I only have one response when do we start.