
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

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welcome to the first gym enter lapis

As we get ready to head out I decide to get some training In with snivy and the others as we wear towards frost circles frost lake we enter a forest and make our way to the pond as we arrive I send out charmander and snivy but keep lucario in the ball after evolution lucario has become alot more defiant in training it will listen occasionally but because it evolved quickly its to powerful to listen to me right now because I lack its trust and don't have enough badges to control it so fornow I'm going to have to rely on you 2 the gym leader lapis from what I heard uses ices but in order to battle the gym we need 3 pokemon because she uses a 3 on 3 format without lucario we need a new catch as we start to train my goal is to cause a commotion in the lake so I call out to sinvy. Snivy use wing attack on the lake as snivy fires I have charmander use thunder bolt after the attacks hit the lake ripples as something jumps out as the pokemon lands its another face I don't recognize

'skrelp the mock kelp pokemon Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray liquid poison on prey that approaches unaware and then finish it off poison water type'

ah well this should be interesting snivy use icy wind charmander use thunder punch as the two close in the skrelp jumps up and uses a sludge bomb to hit both before landing back down as it turns around hit charmander with a scald, snivy use gust as snivy shoot a gust off its blocked by sludge wave as the attack connects I send in charmander with a thunder punch as skrelp hits with a shadow ball as charmander connects the hit as skrelp gods flying its not out but this battle has to end. Go pokeball I throw the ball as it hits skrelp I watch as it falls it begins to shake rapidly and right as I think I have it it bursts out ready to keep fight luckly charmander and snivy were heady snivy wing attack charmander quick attack go as the to attacks hit I throw a pokeball again and this time skrelp is caught after obtaining a new team member I head to nurse Joy to have My team healed after finishing I ask for directions to the first gym as I'm guided on where to go I make my way to frost circle center where a big building awaits me as i take a deep breath I open the doors to see what looks like an icy skating rink I look around as I hear the words watch out before I can react I get slammed into by a girl on icy skates, "Lapis" Sorry about that its hard to stop in here the names lapis I'm the gym leader of the place welcome to the frost center gym you must be a challenger we don't get alot of challenges here because most people can't beat me let's hope your like that guy from earlier with the duskclops he was tough and got awarded my badge"

Skully got here before me should've figured, yes I'm here for the gym challenge "Lapis" alright my gym is a 3 on 3 only the challenger can make substitutions also you'll need these icy skates my gym requires you to use these so meet me on the battlefield when your ready"

As I put the skates on I slowly make my way out onto the icy and catch myself before I slip after making it to my end its time to start "Alright lets start go sneasel ready for battle" I pull out the pokedex

'sneasel the sharp claw pokemon

It is extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until its foe is incapable of moving an ice dark type'

huh interesting an ice dark type well my turn go skrelp I send in the new recruit and it stands ready skrelp use scald as it fires it off the sneasel dodge with incredibly speed "Lapis"sneasel use shadow claw"

as skrelp gets hit its hurt but stands back up skrelp can you get back up it nods alright use sludge bomb as it fires it off the sneasel gets hit but not out "Lapis"sneasel finish it off shadow ball"

as the attack connects skrelp gets knocked out. Return I choose you but before I can throw out snivy one of the pokeballs on my belt goes off, I didn't do that its lucario without a command it walks up to the field looks back at me and readys itself well I wasn't planning on using you but if your willing to listen let's do the Lucario use quick attack as it blazes over yo its opponent the attack hits use focus punch as it punches sneasel into a wall the pokemon can no longer battle, "Lapis" thats an impressive pokemon maybe I misjudged your first choice but the battles not over go glaceon"

I pull out the pokedex 'glaceon the fresh snow pokemon The coldness emanating from Glaceon causes powdery snow to form, making it quite a popular Pokémon at ski resorts' ahthe ice type eeveelution I believe my home region is where it's first appearance was documented no matter lucario area sphere as lucario fires the attack misses as glaceon comes in with a extreme speed followed by an ice beam as lucario gets injured the fear from earlier comes true as it starts glowing with red it changes ad the spikes on it hand enlarges an Two more come out of the knuckles crap it's gobs delta attack now enraged there's no controlling as lucario charges in with a volt tackle glaceon fires a shadow ball knocking down as it hits an ice beam "Lapis" your pokemon is strong but out of control glaceon time to finish this use ice beam"

as the final attack connects lucario goes down and reverts to normal. You did your best but in the end that strange power overtook you again thanks for your hard work now I choose you snivy as comes out it readys itself snivy use icy wind as I attacks glaceon dodges and fires an ice beam snivy gets hit but isn't down alright use wing attack followed by icy wind as it gets in close lapis smiles "Lapis" I didn't think ide use this but glaceon use freeze dry"

as it connects snivy falls frozen and then after a second or two the ice bursts and snivy looks weak snivy can you fight as I looks back at me it looks determined alright snivy use but before I can give a command a bright light envelopes snivy and what comes out is something new altogether

'servine the flying serpent pokemon the evolved form of snivy it uses it wings and to fire huge gust of wind to attack those who try to harm it in order to make itself stronger it's started to master the ways of ice ice flying type new move aura beam and steel wing'

so you evolved alright use aura beam as servine fires it glaceon gets hit and readys itself as it fires off another freeze dry seevine dodges and hits it with another aura beam taking it down as lapis recalls glaceon she sends out her final pokemon "Lapis"I don't normally get pushed this hard but go darmanitan"

I've seen darmanitan but that looks different

'Galarian darmanitan On days when blizzards blow through, it comes down to where people live. It stashes food in the snowball on its head, taking it home for later ice type'

galarian that's new as it readys itself it starts to change apon the command of lapis "Lapis" show them strength transform zen mode"

'zen mode galarian darmanitan Darmanitan takes this form when enraged. It won't stop spewing flames until its rage has settled, even if its body starts to melt ice fire type'

this could be trouble "darmanitan flame thrower not having much time to dodge I call for servine to use wing attack it blacks some of the flames but takes alot of damage in the process servine use steel wing "Lapis" darmanitan finish use fire pledge"

as the two attacks hit a cloud of smoke appears and as the dust settles there's a clear winner as servine lays on the ground defeated. "Judge"the challenger Ark is defeated meaning the winner is gym leader lapis"

dang I lost "Lapis" hey wait up that was a good battle you fought bravely and pushed me to a point I don't get pushed to often"

thanks I do have a question what was the move you had used to freeze snivy "Lapis"ah that's the move freeze dry its a special move with unique effect that when used against water type pokemon It's super effective apon freezing them it super useful for type coverage as well as stoping my opponents cold if you want I'll teach it to you"

that would be awesome "Lapus" however I do have a question for you your lucario transformed earlier without your command wheres your delta band?"

my what? "Lapis"a delta band its what allows a trainer to get in sync with there pokemon to help hone the power of delta evolution it uses a piece of a meteorite and when used with a pokemon with a strong bond with you allows you to transform it on command into one of the 3 delta forms if the pokemon has them since you don't have one I'll give you one you'll need this to help control that lucario and for future pokemon who might have these forms"

after receiving the band I put it on and immediately feel a power surge as we walk to the pokemon center and get my team healed we head out on to the battlefield where lapis starts explaining to me and servine with her Glaceon how to use freeze dry at first progress was heavy but after awhile we slowly started getting better once we got the basics down she told me something "Lapis" your a strong trainer and before I say what I'm about to say I know you'll be capable of doing this before re challenging my gym you must master freeze dry as well as get in sync with your lucario otherwise ill decline your rematch for my badge"

stuned at hearing this I'm not really given much of a choice so after she walks away I start to train after seeing the basics and getting some of the motions down I decide the only way to do this well is with battle I send out lucario and servine and the fight starts as Lucario starts to work with me servine trys to get the move down but doesn't quite have it after a few hours of training progress is met as lucario gets injured the strange energy starts to form but before anything can happen I jump in and hug lucario as I Do a strange sense comes over me and for a second or two its as I'm seeing out if lucario eyes as if a foggy red turn to calm blue as I regain my footing I stand back over I push my delta band respond to my call delta speed, As a bright light envelopes lucario it comes out coursing with electricity ready to battle as it rushes in witha bolt tackle servine dodges firing an aura beam as it gets backed into a corner its as I'd me and lucario are working more in sync then before as we charge in a cry is heard as a blast comes flying out hiting lucario freezing it in it tracks as it quickly unfreezes unfazed I look over at servine to see its mastered freeze dry so after heading to nurse Joy and getting the team healed and sleeping for the night I head back to the gym for my rematch with lapis as i enter she stares at "Lapis" I new you were special your fast now show me your strenght"

I put on my skates and send out lucario out as it skates alongside me "Lapis" I assume your starting off with lucario"

no I just want him to watch for now so I guess I'll go first then go charmander "Lapis" then I'll follow suit go snover"

charmander thunder punch "Lapis" snover ice punch"

as the two connects the ice punch loses out as charmander throws its force into it and chucks snover into the wall knocking it out "Lapis" snover return didn't think that would happen but that charmanders well trained time for the next one go sealio"

charmander use thunder bolt "Lapis"sealio ice beam"

as the attacks connect that both go flying as charmander gets knocked out sealing gets back up charmander return go servine as the two lock eyes servine readys itself servine use freeze dry as it connects sealio not having time to react freezes and knocks out "Lapis" never thought the move I taught you would be used against me but bravo for type advantage now for my ace go darmanitan"

as darmanitan enters the field I ready myself servine use aura beam "Lapis" darmanitan use fire pledge"

as the attacks connect is clear sevine took more damage servine can you keep battling it nods as it readys itself I call for aura beam as darmanitan uses flamethrower finishes off servine but takes some damage. Thanks for you work lucario you ready it nods at me and walks out to the field time to finish this we need speed for this Lucario you ready respond to my heart and change now delta speed go as lucario glows it changes into speed form and heads into battle volt tackle go "Lapis" fire pledge go"

as the connect the power is felt lucario electro ball "Lapis" darmanitan ice beam"

as the two attacks hit electro ball hit ice beam destroy it as darmanitan dodge I smirk lucario now as lucario appears behind darmanitan use thunder punch as it connects darmanitan goes flying as apon landing its clear who's won "Lapis"darmanitan return"

as I call lucario back to my side it stands next to me lapis walks over "Lapis" you did quite well and for besting me in battle you earned yourself the frost point badge and badge case"

alright I've got my first badge "Lapis" but after seeing you battle I've come to a decision if it's ok with you ide like to travel with you"

after hearing this I think for a moment then come to the conclusion it would be nice to have a travel companion but i ask one question if you leave who will take care of the gym? "Lapis" oh I'll have my sister take over hey sapphire come over here"

as she says this a girl with dark blue hair comes over as lapis hands over 4 pokeballs sealio, snover, beartic and froslass meaning the only pokemon she's taking is glaceon and darmanitan, "Lapis" now with that out if the way I'm ready so where to next"

I guess to the town of the next gym irongem town. as we set off we stop at the pokemart stock up on supplies then head off alright one badge down and my first companion look out Skully I will beat you.