
First of many problems

After solving the beldum problem I let beldum rest in the pokeball to recuperate. I went to my family home and told them great new about the deal I worked out with the galaf family and there mining business.

With that out the way it was just one more major event to work out today. We have a meeting with each of the country representatives today.

I down know how this meeting will end. But hopefully all goes well and the reid family becomes the world leading business.

In the past two weeks our sales in the u.s has went up. Instead of 1 million a day we now sell 10 million pokeballs now.

This is a astronomical number. The money we bring in is now 8 billion dollars a day.

We are now estimated to be worth 120 billion dollars. Few businesses can say they have higher assets then us.

It's no use in having all this money not to use it so I plan on implementing the next plan. From the futuristic cube it also gave technology on Pokémon centers and healing stations I plan on implementing this plan at the meeting.

Another hour finally passed by it was time for the meeting. I saw many influential leaders all gathered in a circle of seats.

Each holding the power to start a war. From presidents, queens,kings,popes, and even military leaders.

The meeting started as I began to speak.

"I know you are all hear because the topic at hand pokeballs. With such a device you will all be capable of fighting back against the creatures known as pokemon."

Demonstrating the use of a pokeball I released Riolu and beldum. These are my two personal pokemon and they hold a great deal of power.

Everyone around the table was suprised as they saw the two figures up close. A barrage of questions began to assault me.

The leader of Brazil looked at my pokemon with greedy eyes.

Brazil:Would it be possible to buy one of these pokemon from you.

Giving him a firm a firm look I spoke.

"With all due respect no. I look at these pokemon as family. I would like to ask if you can refrain from trying to buy my Pokémon."

With that meeting continued as I answered as many questions that I could focusing on the countries with more power first.

I worked out a deal with every country I would start off with supplying 10 million pokeballs to each country a day then slowly increasing the number throughout time.

My eyes widened as I imagined the money that I would be bringing in. It would be 72 billion dollars a day.

But I knew that I needed a lot of money. Because with my future plans this money will be going by fast.

After we all agreed on the set amount of pokeballs I introduced my next plan. Showing the function of a pokemon center and the healing functions.

I even stated to the countries that I planned on building the pokemon centers for free in every country as long as their is no taxes for the reid family on any future any current projects I plan to due.

The world leaders spoke for a few minutes as they finally came to a agreement. They signed for the 10 million pokeballs a day and the pokemon center.

Saying farewell to every leader I made my way back home to continue further business.

Once arriving home I heard the news suddenly come on.

Breaking news

Reporter:There seems to be a small horde of around 100 pokemon.

We don't know any specific reason but they seem to be attacking a town. Any nearby trainers will be sent a message to rush to the scene.

If found out that any trainer abandoned pokemon horde penalty will result in death.

With that the news ends and to my surprise I received a notification to arrive on scene.

Making my way there to my surprise the person leading the army was military guy I gave the beedrill to.

What was his name again. O yeah it's Oliver!!

Oliver yelled out commands left and right to a hundred trainers.

Oliver:Alright trainers what we are now experiencing for the first time is a pokemon horde.

There seems to be around 90 novice lvl pokemon, 9 rookie and 1 second lvl pokemon. If you hold a novice to low lvl rookie pokemon you will be tasked with fighting the novice lvl pokemon.

With that 70 trainers made there way to the left.

Oliver:Now if you hold a pokemon of mid novice lvl or higher plz make your way to the right we will be tasked with taking down the remaining rookie and second lvl pokemon.

Me including 5 other trainers came to Oliver side making us have 7 people of mid novice lvl or higher strength.

To my surprise I also saw another familiar person. Stacy seemed to be apart of the team to.

By her side stood a rhyhorn. What separated it from others was that it was three times the size of a average rhyhorn.

Walking over to her I greeted her as Oliver started speaking again.

Oliver:We have approximately 30 minutes before the pokemon arrive.

Now does anyone chose to back out before the fight starts. Ten people raised there hand.

In the next second Oliver beedrill struck every one of them with poison killing them.

Everyone stood in shock as they didn't expect to see deaths right then and there.

A few trainers began to break down as they cried. I even was shook at the death of the ten people.

Oliver walked over and confiscated the dead bodies pokeballs. Then began to speak again.

I'm gone to say this in the kindest way possible.

Get your shit together there is going to be deaths. But what makes your deaths different is what you will go down fighting for.

Now I will ask the question again does anyone wanna back out.

I watched everyone shake their heads quickly as they didn't want to suffer the same faith.

Stacy was next to me shaking a little.

Stacy:Kj why is he doing this he is killing innocent people. It's wrong he shouldn't have the option to do this.

I looked at Stacy a spoke a few words in a stern tone. Forcing her to face the reality of our situation.

"Stacy he is in every right to do this. Right now Oliver holds power over us."

"Your going to have to get used to this whether you like it or not."

With that said everybody waited quietly as we prepared for the oncoming battle.