
Pokemon collides with the real world

作者: Kj5513
連載中 · 216.1K ビュー
  • 33 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

Our main character kj has recently died from saving a young child. Thinking that his life was over he was ready to give up and let swathe,brace him until all of a sudden he felt his soul being pulled. Blacking out the last thing he saw was the crying face of a child. But as if a miracle happened his soul was reincarnated into another earth similar to his but with a few changes.

5 タグ
Chapter 1New earth

Opening my eyes all I could see a familiar setting that was the walls of my room. It was by no means extraordinary but comforting.

Watching as the door creeped open I was greeted to the site of my parents. Seeing their face I was happy but confused at the same time.

I'm pretty sure I died so how am I sitting here facing my parents. It seems that I have crossed over to another world.

I was sure in for a surprise as the world would have a factor that made it different from my previous life.

Mom:What's with the stare honey you look like you seen something terrifying.

"Nothing mom I was just a little startled when I woke up."

Going down with my parents I sat down at the table and watched the news as we ate breakfast. Seeing a familiar site on tv I began to tune in.

On the tv was a familiar figure I have seen since childhood. It was a small purple like figure that had the shape of a rat.

In shock I blurted out is that a rattata. It looked exactly like the pokemon from my old world.

My parents looked at me in confusion as they questioned me about what was that.

"Don't you know what pokemon are it's a big tv show."

Dad:No son I have no knowledge of what that monster is.

Mom:Yeah sweetie I never seen that thing in my life.

Realizing that this was the difference in the world I became excited. Dreaming of having adventures and standing on top.

The news continued on as a random citizen approached the rattata as they tried to touch it but upon reaching out his arm was bitten clean off by the small rodent.

The man screamed as the rattata began to ruthlessly kill the man in cold blood. It was as of every thing in the world came to a sudden stop as the scene was stared at.

Not to long after that the rattata began to attack another person as screams of terror broke out and people began to run. This scene would become known as the first pokemon attack to come.

The video was posted as social media as it gained traction all over the world. It has only been five minutes since the video was uploaded and it has received millions of views.

But this wasn't the only one kj dreams was crushed as he seen this was a far more cruel pokemon world then the one he was used to seeing.

Checking the internet he seen numerous attacks that began to happen across the world.

Looking over to his parents kj could see that his mother was visibly shaking and fear as his father tried to comfort her.

Mom:What are we going to do honey. It's sounds like the end of the world is nearing.

Dad:Everything will be alright let's just wait for the government to give orders out.

Watching my parents physically and mentally shook I regained my bearing. I have go about this wisely.

Looking back to the news we saw the president of the U.S appear. We all listened to the speech as if our life depended on it.

President:My fellow Americans I am sad to say this but similar attacks from these mysterious creatures are happening all over the world. Until further notice i want everyone to stay inside until the government has everything under control.

If another announcement is needed there will be a similar call broadcasted to everyone devices.

Walking to my room I tried to take in the situation that was happening it seemed that everything was going wrong.

I sat on my bed and contemplated my next choice of actions. Should I go to the government and help them with the creatures.

No they wouldn't believe me I have no social standing besides my father and mother owning three stores.

While thinking over what to do a strange futurist looking orb was spotted next to my bed.

Picking it up I touched a button that released a hologram. Shocked by the hologram I saw a holographic figure pop up as it began to speak.

Hologram:Hello if you are hearing this you are the last hope for your world. A species known as pokemon should be invading your world at this time.

I know you are probably thinking how do I know all of this information it's because my world has gone through the same thing. But if this message has reached you my world sadly no longer exist.

But there may still be hope for your world. Inside this cube holds all the knowledge that my previous world contains.

With this you should be able to advance fast in your world and obtain a position of power to help your world out.

Thinking to himself kj thought this was good to with this knowledge he would be able to have a way to earn enough money.

Hologram:But back on to the topic at hand the pokemon that should appear in your world is just the first of many to come. As the time goes on more pokemon will come to this world stronger and more rare than the last.

Right now you should only be experiencing the weakest on the list such as Mankey, weedle, caterpie and rattata. Dont underestimate them as they do hold the power to cause damage.

Weapons now become useless the people on my planet figured out that along time ago the only way to combat pokemon would be through other pokemon but no worries.

I have supplied you with all you need to get started.

With this I tell you good luck as you are the only hope in preventing your world from devastation.

With that the hologram disappeared.

Taking these words in I was surprised at what just went on. But at excitement that the cube chose me out of everyone.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

First and foremost author its just a constructive review to tell what i feel is lacking. So if you don't like it just delete it. English isn't my main language so, if I write something offensive just ignore it. Author i just want to say that this was a really good idea💡 for a pokemon novel, but its just isn't well represented. Some things i want to point out: 1. The story is really rushed, and by rushed I mean one day he had pokeballs and next day he sold them and the next day US accepted him selling it. Thats really optimistic situation and I am sure this is the point where most readers will stop reading it. I don't know about others but i want a fic. that has a logic behind mc's action and a logical reaction from peoples out of his actions. 2. This story is really isn't like a novel or fic. at all, its more like a long summary to a novel from mc's POV. No conversation thats sounds real or no real reactions from the other party. The world you created in this story is more like a world where every human is in mc's side and they have no complain about mc havings pokeballs or him knowing how it can be used, etc. They sound like a robot or npc from game with a fixed lines and roles, but have no realistic reactions. 3.In this we don't have satisfactory interaction between mc or his pokemon and we don't even know what chaos it caused for a normal person(You know others P.O.V.). You can even write intraction between mc's fans and how they were influenced(not many chapters as they become boring if there are many of them), how his parents reacted, how his government reacts and all. This story can become really good but it lack those things and some more idk as i am not that good at pointing out these things. Anyways its a really nice concept but it just need to be little more detailed and should feel realistic.
