
Pokemon Au: Deep sea Shinobi

I was boring in my last life so I can't be a cliche average trainer especially when people have to battle with their Pokemon and invidual strength matters as much as your companions ________________________________________________ I own nothing but my OC's

Sleepyheadedauthor · ゲーム
11 Chs

Thank you Helicopter-Senpai.

I steered clear of truck-kun , train-chan and tractor-san in life. I was your boring average neet who built his life around selling stock images and doing surveys.

I had no relationships , too many girls were shallow and I was too lazy to look for the diamonds in the rough.

I was 5'9 at 25 so average height with black hair and deep teal eyes close to black in color. So even then unless someone really zoomed in only notable thing about me would go unnoticed. The only things not average about me other than my eyes were one , I study heists as a past time and two I died to news helicopter-senpai. You saw the reincarnation tag. I wasn't coming home from groceries or from getting a new volume of manga. I was simply watching the news until I became the news.

When I died I sat in a null void forced to watch all of my life for the whole 25 years. Well more like 17 or so because all the time I was asleep was cut out of it.

And all I got out of was the fact that my life was meaningless. There was no excitement no layers or unexpected details just some dude named Jaxon who got zero bitches and had nothing to his name. And the one thing that was slightly interesting, studying how different heists could be pulled off, I did nothing with it. I could have died known for something, even as a thief but I died at the unlucky dude who was hit with someones mistake of fully filing a gas tank for a fucking NEWS HELICOPTER!

In the middle of my seething I see the moment where I died and I hear a monotone voice call out to me. " Pick a verse and pick it now mortal. You get nothing more you waste of life."

Well he's rude as hell and I get me not achieving anything but he was just an asshole about it. I want a world where I don't know everything so my new life isn't such a shit show. I don't want to be some all knowing dude who gets everything he wants easy no problem.

" Pokemon AU." I respond firmly.

" Ok your gonna be some random orphan in medieval times Alola hope you give it your all to not be a waste of oxygen and nutrients." After the voice said that my metaphorical head started pounding until I fell into a deep sleep. But before I did I muttered one last word "Asshole."


I awoke in the body of a five year old. It didn't feel like waking up more like my memories returned to me. Speaking of memories I can clearly see what the past four years were like and I had one thing to say. Why TF was I taught legends of the ultra beasts, the moon bat and sun kitty and all the Tapu's? A few hundred years in the future this would be classified info but this was all told to a three year old during storytime?

Whatever it's older times. Other than that I figured out how the universe differs from the regular series. Trainers fight too. A trainer with a strong bond to their pokemon, most usually the starter they can draw on their pokemons essence and manifest a weapon based on the pokemon that your linked to.

It is considered dishonorable to make a pokemon fight alone. The top tier trainers can pull off something akin to a djinn equip in the magi series with their pokemon. Here your strength as a person matters just as much as your pokemons.

So now knowing I can't just befriend a Slackoth and train it up to a Slacking then never be fucked with again is as saddening as it is exciting.

So with this knowledge I better start getting a proper grind set ready. After looking through my memories it seems the grind already started as soon as I started crawling. Because of that this body has already started on the path of perfect conditioning.

Luckily I was already outside for playtime so I just started running around the playground. My mind never stopped thinking on what my first pokemon will be. It's between three bug pokemons that can turn into monsters relatively quickly. Those three are wimpod, dewpider or if I get lucky I can find a venipede.

While venipede would be nice a Wimpod would have some of the best synergy as it usually has a sword shaped bond weapon. Easy to use and very efficient in quick kills and because it's such a common weapon there are bound to be tons of people to teach the proper way to use it.

A unique weapon would be fine too. Having something that doesn't have any text book styles it's harder predict. And it's ability isn't an issue in this universe I think because if your pokemon retreats it's a sign of cowardice to both of you.

Luckily the Wimpod of today have evolved to the point where instead of going back into the PokeBall it gains a speed boost that helps it dodge attacks in it's weakened state.

How does the great me know all this well the matron used to be a trainer who attempted the island challenge but was stomped by the second Grand Trial asshe specialized in bug types which didn't fare well against the Kahunas rock types.

She only made it through Wela Volcano by using her Araquanid to absorb the attacks for her and her pokemon while she fought alongside her Wimpod until it evolved and golisopod won the battle. Anyways I got off track.

The matron named Beatrice tells her story's about her adventures so long as a curious child wants to hear them. And luckily I was that curious child.

After my last lap around the playground which was only my fourth around as my toddler legs couldn't carry me that fast even if the playground was only about 100 or so feet around the parameter where I ran. You can only do so much.

It had taken me the entire hour period to do all my laps which is impressive for a four year old I had sweat dripping down my back but my breathing wasn't especially ragged. Seeing as it was an hour or so before dinner we all had to wash up. But those caked in sweat like me from religiously playing tag and running races were told to go and take a bath. It wasn't like a modern bath it was basically a bootleg onsen. A big old wooden box on the ground that had to be hand filled with water from the well. But lucky for us Matron Beatrice brought out here Araquanid to fill it in no time flat.

No in the bathroom I can finally get a good look at my current appearance. I guess they really, really wanted me to be unique so I have short white hair. It goes down a little bit passed my chin it's either getting cut shorter or put in a bun cause I'll be dead again before I look like Sephoroth. I will not rip and anyone off.

Okay back to my face. My eye color is actually noticable now a bright teal if you will. I'm handsome, already have a choice of pokemon to pick and my grind has already started this might just be a good time.