
Pokemon Au: Deep sea Shinobi

I was boring in my last life so I can't be a cliche average trainer especially when people have to battle with their Pokemon and invidual strength matters as much as your companions ________________________________________________ I own nothing but my OC's

Sleepyheadedauthor · ゲーム
11 Chs

Pit-Stop And Back To The Tournament

The trek to the next cave was a bit more exhausting than the first. The closer we got to the seaside cave, the more humid it got. I had already gotten used to the heat here but the humidity from this cave was crazy. Deeper and deeper we went, squeezing through crevices and climbing stalactites.

Soon enough we found a strange bland colored rock about a foot in diameter. The interesting thing was in the shape of a very flamboyant tail. It could be mistaken for a crown the only thing else that showed otherwise was the lone tail plate passed the tip.

'Interesting' "I'll take this one Kuro, here." I handed the raven haired teen the dome fossil and picked up the fossilized tail plate. The look of it seemed familiar, reminded me of a game I used to play. I already knew there were new pokemon here, I didn't think about any new monsters from games other than from the franchise.

There was no denying it, this tail most definitly belonged to a baby pangar or if I'm stupid lucky it belonged to a baby hellion. If other behemoths from the game were here then I was F, U, C, K, E, D. If and only if they were here then I had to find one specifically but never mind that now. The next match starts in fifteen minutes.

"See ya Kuro, hope your partner recovers soon and it's been a pleasure doing business with you." The prince of darkness nodded in agreement, " Good luck. And when I find you again I want a good fight outta you."

After saying our farewells I made a mad dash back to the camp, I didn't have much time left. I leapt from trees and through brush until I got to the central student camp clearing. Only a few children were left here, only ones who failed in the qualifying round. Any of which who were out of their tent were met with quick punches to the chin.

I couldn't let my crimes catch up to the image of myself that I was building up so I covered my face with a sheet of bug energy with the only defining feature being the eye holes. This would cut down the suspects of this attack to one of the students with a bug bond who had lost earlier and was still at the camp meanwhile I won't be suspected because I'm in a winning position and it would be too stupid for somebody with tactics like me to throw it away.

And after all prep was done the heist began. Swiper no Swiping my ass. These rich brats had the loot. Spare TC or Technical crystals. A Pokemon with mastery for a move can draw energy and store the move in the crystal to be later drawn out to another Pokemon to learn said moves. They were the most valuable and I had found at least 3 in the few minutes I had before the second round. Other than that I found various berries, specifically selected berries for bug and grass type growth from a certain knocked out moss head.

I had hid everything I had borrowed in a log on the beach. And with only 5 minutes left I was back on track to get to the participants lobby. It didn't take long even without enhancing my legs with energy. I swung from the tree, the closest to the locker room window. With a heave I soared through the air, clearing at least ten feet. The humid breeze whipped my white hair as I gracefully and elegantly straightened my body and landed right in my predicted spot on the bench.

I'm glad I cleared the wall because most of the building was constructed of wood and clay. Not a very good image of me smacking against that. I looked at the gaping mouths of the other contestants, simply sitting there like fish outta water.

"Where the hell were you, Mister 'Superstar'?" The brash and brazen voice of the kung fu brat was the first thing I heard as I got comfortable.

"My bad Your mom was just taking foooooooreverrrrrr getting up after she spent the break with me. Best hour of her life!" My taunt was super effective. The target of the taunt ready to throw punches, luckily he was saved by the announcer's voice. "I'm gonna kick your ass for that." His voice is practically in a growl.

"Oh no, Mr.Big and Bad must defend his mothers honor, I-i'm shivering!" My obnoxious voice would have been the tipping point had the ref not walked in at that exact moment. A disappointed glance and the boy piped down. Ohh he knows the family, perfect.

My plan had two steps. 1 steal resources for growth after making the deal with the strongest loser so far. 2, improve my standing by riling up the hot head of the group and gaining a new rival. Simple and effective. I would have wanted the brown haired kid from earlier but he won that fight and he's too smart to fall for that type of bait. So, I chose the physically strongest of the group as he would give me the most challenge.

"Come students the second match begins now." The ref would have been mistaken as a butler if he had on a suit and bow tie because of how regal he acted.


"Hello all of our viewers both home on the Roto window and here in the stadium! We have even more brilliant battle coming from these new and budding trainers of the new generation! And on TO THE NEXT ROUND PEOPLE!" The announcers booming voice had become a normality by now but I could only shudder at the power his voice had without speakers or megaphones, he had to have been linked with an Exploud or a Noivern.

And like all other times he started chatting the audience's level of excitement rose to astounding levels. The crowds combined excitement shook the stands.

A lot of the next matches proceeded to be less entertaining than watching paint dry. The ones who made it saw they had a 'chance' to win they became much more cautious in their tactics, none being half as flashy as me or the Bland boy. Finally I was up and would you look at who got the game rigged while he had a break.

"And for our next match, we have the ripping tidal wave who fights tricky, Jaxon Vs. The unstoppable fist of the next Kahuna of muscles, *sigh* Can't believe they're really making me say this. Massuru Goken!"