
Pokemon: A New World

If you actually found this novel then here's the story: Ren is a new Pokemon hunter. In this world, half of humanity is gone due to Pokemons and half of Pokemons went extinct because of humans. So the job of the hunter is to hunt Pokemons and get rid of every single Pokemon from the world. They are basically the military forces of this world. * I'm very new to this so there will be many mistakes. But I hope you don't regret reading this. Also, the cover photo is from Google.

Something_66 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

The recruit soldier: Ren (2)


POV: Ren

The sound of the thunder almost made my ears bleed. It was as if the sky was splitting in half. It made everyone on the room terrified.

"What's happening!?" The captain shouted.

"It's a RAYQUAZA sir!" The soldier who was just passing by the door replied.

"A RAYQUAZA?" The captain was shocked.

Of course he will be. Rayquaza is one of the strongest Pokemon in the world. It's also the master of the weather trio. A Pokemon like that appearing out of nowhere? That was quite bizzare. If it attacked this base it will surely be destroyed and everyone of us will die.

Death before even beginning my life, huh?

All the hunters started to run outside. But most Pokemons especially legendary ones don't actually harm someone out of nowhere. Most Pokemons only attack if you are in its way or attacking it yourself. They will surely kill you if you mess with them though since they hate humans now. That was the terrifying job of Pokemon hunters as well.

If they attacked the Rayquaza, then we will surely be killed. They must know this, right? They are experienced hunters after all.

It was super rare to see a Rayquaza and an one time opportunity. They were a legendary Pokemons after all. But Rayquaza was a even special case. There aren't many Rayquaza in this world or at least know one has seen many of them. So I also headed outside of the base to see the real thing.

When I saw it, it was basically wonderfull. The sky was glowing from all the lightning. The sky was like a vortex. It made my eyes wide open. That made me realize my aim again.

To be free in this world held by no shackles.

The base was ready to defend themselves though. Fighter planes were ready to go anytime. Fighter planes were the best offense of humanity to defeat flying and huge Pokemons. They were especially made from materials that oppose Pokemons.

But they were not needed. The Rayquaza gradually disappeared. They mostly show themselves for a purpose. So it must have came for something.

All the hunters in the base we're glad though. Our captain also let out a sigh. I guess everyone IS afraid of dying.

POV: Narrator

Everything was back to normal now. They made an uproar for nothing. But the event was told to all the departments. There were 20 Pokemon hunter association's headquarters. The strongest base with the strongest of squads was obviously base 1. Base 20 was supposed to have most important resources though. So they were both on equal terms.

This base(3) was supposed to be in the kalos region.But the regions didn't matter anymore. Due to the event 15 years ago the the geography was greatly disrupted. So the Pokemons that used to be found in sinnoh region were found in kalos now. There was no need for such classification now.

POV: Ren

Now that everything was normal we went back to the normal routine. It was a new day but didn't feel like a new one at all. Everything was just the same in the dorm as well. I went out to the class. The training was outside today. And it seems like our normal teacher was back in his duty. Our training was suppose to resume after some days.

"So everyone, today we are going to decide your teammates". It was like making a group for school trip. But this was genuinely a serious matter. It was important to get to know each other in here to work as a team and make a new squad. This was the basics anyway.

But.....but I feel kind of out of place here. As I said before I sucked at socialization. So how can a person who can't even respond to a "hello" work with a team. I was obviously worried about this from my first day.

What should I do? I don't even have a "how to get along with someone" book. Someone in my orphanage had said it will come in handy but I didn't take it.

"What should I do?"