
Pokemon: A New World

作者: Something_66
Anime & Comics
連載中 · 12.3K ビュー
  • 4 章
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What is Pokemon: A New World

WebNovel で公開されている、Something_66 の作者が書いた Pokemon: A New World の小説を読んでください。If you actually found this novel then here's the story:Ren is a new Pokemon hunter. In this world, half of humanity is gone due to Pokemons and half of Pokemons went extinct because of humans. So the ...


If you actually found this novel then here's the story: Ren is a new Pokemon hunter. In this world, half of humanity is gone due to Pokemons and half of Pokemons went extinct because of humans. So the job of the hunter is to hunt Pokemons and get rid of every single Pokemon from the world. They are basically the military forces of this world. * I'm very new to this so there will be many mistakes. But I hope you don't regret reading this. Also, the cover photo is from Google.

6 タグ

All A Witch Wants

Daily Updates coming from April 1st-April 30th ••••••••••    "There are two kinds of students at this facility; the ones who are unable to control their powers, and those who are pure evil. Which are you?"     "I don't know yet." ༺•༻ One mistake and your life comes crashing down. Fiona was on her way to the Paris Fashion Week before that one incident. Now, she's being held hostage in the Migdon Rehabilitation Center for Disturbed Young Supernaturals (MARC) —the school for the crazies. More than anything, she is sure she is not supposed to be here. She is a talented teenager who has her sight set on becoming a successful fashion designer. But she has to convince the MARC staff board of the same. That proves difficult, as nothing is going her way. Her romantic life, involving a particular playboy/werewolf and loner/dark elf, is turning into a hot mess. There's also the Zarnian Coven, a notorious black magic cult, which has its eyes set on her. And last but not least —the mysterious face she keeps seeing. Whenever it appears, she loses all control and morphs into the force of destruction MARC believes her to be. All Fiona wants... She doesn't know what she wants anymore. •••••••••• EXTRACT 1 Calmly, the boy got out of the window, his expression blank. He took his sweet time to walk to the girl, his hands in his pockets and his attention focused on her. Stopping only inches from her, he looked down at her, finally letting his fury show. Up close, Fiona realized the elf was very good-looking. He was also tall, her head barely reaching his shoulders. His frame was a bit lanky, but broad-shouldered. Their proximity was making her heart race. His eyes bored into hers, scarring her soul. In the moment, she had let her tray fall, but took no notice of it.     "If you feel someone is out to kill you, that is none of my business." He said, his entrancing bass voice a little above a whisper. "Now. Leave." EXTRACT 2 Cain studied the human girl before him. He'd heard the new student was a feisty one, but no one had told him she was pretty. She didn't have the kind of beauty that stopped you in your tracks, but one that grew lovelier the longer you looked. Her skin was dark and her hair, even darker. Captivating black eyes made it easy for one to loose oneself in them. Then there was the sexy attire she had on. Cain found himself bearing the strong urge to kiss her attractive plump lips. The new look on the president's face startled Fiona. His eyes had darkened and the smile on his face had been wiped off. Slowly, he lowered his head. Fiona's eyes widened, her legs weakened. All this while, her heart had been behaving abnormally, but now, it seemed to constrict, narrowing in her chest. Fiona thought again. It couldn't be a reaction to the werewolf. This sensation was painful. Every heartbeat brought on an intense sting that wounded her nerves. Rapidly, Fiona's vision began to blur, till all was black.  •••••••••• All A Witch Wants!!!

dugo_reyn · ファンタジー
49 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

I think the story won't focus on Pokemons for some chapters. But if you actually liked it even though it's not that good, then I hope you will drop a review.



General Audiencesmature rating