
Pokemon - Shattered

More Chapters - https://patreon.com/aditya_mishra -------------------------------------------------------------- This story was intended to have Ash with one of the main females of the anime but decided against it. This story will be utilizing the main female of the black and white manga and games. Why because I said so. I don't own the anime, games and manga of pokemon. Ash Ketchum: 18 Hilda White: 17 Cheren: 17 Bianca: 17 Misty: 19 (and stays that way sadly) Oh and almost forgot the story will start off with a bit of Pokeshipping. Enjoy the story not spoiling your fun *Disclaimer-- Contain Negative or Dark storyline and some inappropriate word / sentence.*

Fanfiction_Senpai · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

New Hopes & Dreams

This chapter will focus mostly on Hilda's history and her start of the journey as was implied slightly near the end of the last chapter as well as her goal in life. I will work on the story and improve the more people tell me what I need to know the better I get. Also Ash's personality will change slightly (I mean a lot).

Pokémon doesn't belong to me.

(Hilda's POV)

After walking out of Nuvema Town and through the green fields of Route One Ash and I decided to have a little break from walking. Ash began to look around seeing the many different Pokémon that he had never seen before but for me I was amazed at how many there were. "Wow a Deerling, Patrat, Pidove and Purrloin" I said with amazement at the different types before a little dog like Pokémon with tan fur with an abundance of cream fur covering it's face and a small black spikey stripe on its back ran towards us "oh how cute a Lillipup" I squealed as I picked up the little Pokémon.

"Whatever these Pokémon won't help get my revenge on the person responsible" Ash said coldly causing me to glare at him.

"Ash why don't you lighten up abit there's more to Pokémon than just revenge!" I yelled at Ash who just walked away ignoring me. "Don't walk away from me Ash!" I yelled out in anger.

"You want these Pokémon so badly then capture them I will meet you in the next town" Ash continued without care as the little yellow Pokémon followed him leaving me alone.

"Tepig let's try to get this Pokémon" I called out my starter pokemon to get ready to battle Lillipup. "Tepig use Flame Charge" I ordered for the first attack as a flaming aura began to surround the little pokemon as he charged to the intended target. Lillipup ran towards Tepig with Tackle sending both pokemon were flying in different directions. "Now if I remember correctly Cheren told me that Flame Charge increases the speed of the user" I thought remembering a lecture that Cheren gave me.

"Tepig use Flame Charge again" I ordered my pokemon to charge at Lillipup. This time Tepig moved faster towards the target knocking out the little pokemon this gave me the chance to throw a pokeball at the Lillipup. The device hit Lillipup on the head causing it to open trapping lillipup inside the pokeball. The pokeball began to wobble I waited nervously for the pokeball to stop moving. After about five seconds Lillipup was caught in my pokeball.

"Yes I captured Lillipup!" I yelled out in celebration "Ash did you see my capture?" I asked Ash in excitement forgetting that he wasn't there to watch my first capture "he walked away I better look for him" I said with a sigh of disappointment.

I started my search for Ash in the green fields before hearing a tree crash down in the direction Ash was heading towards. I went to the source of the sound to discover that Ash was there with Pikachu training "Nicely done Pikachu" he said coldly I walked up to him causing a twig snapped Ash turned around to see who was approaching. "What are you still doing here?" Ash asked with a frown.

"Ash I want you to sit down I need to tell you something" I said nervously to a seething trainer.

"I have better things to do Hilda can't this wait?" he asked me trying his best to not care.

"No Ash this can't wait" I quickly answered "You need to know a few things Ash and you will listen!" I demand before Ash continued to ignore me "That's it Tepig let's force Ash to listen" I called out my pokemon after having enough of Ash's cold shoulder treatment.

"Dammit what was that for!" Ash yelled out in anger after my starter pokemon tackled him to the ground. "I was going to listen but when I was ready!" Ash started yelling at me.

"Well I am just lucky that your Pikachu is exhausted and I have some rope to tie you up!" I yelled at him after finding a tree to tie him up, I dragged him to the tree and tied him. "Now you WILL listen Ash because you have no choice" I said while looking straight into his auburn eyes without flinching.

"I will not listen, Pikachu use Iron Tail on these ropes" Ash commanded his pokemon.

"Tepig use Flame Charge on Pikachu" I instructed my pokemon to prevent Pikachu from freeing Ash who was tied to the tree. "No Ash your anger isn't helping you think" I said before sitting down infront of Ash. "Now where do I begin?" I asked out loud.

"How about not starting at all and untying me right now you bitch!" Ash yelled before I slapped him across the face "What was that for?" he asked in anger as red outline of my hand appeared on his face.

"Ah now I know where to start. it happened when I was ten years old!" I stated with anger before sitting down again. "It all started seven years ago Ash" I said remembering that point in my past.

(Hilda's Flashback)

"In that time there was a criminal organization was called Team Plasma" I started the story "their main objective was to free pokemon from trainers and non-trainers alike" I said lining out their objective "but they disbanded three years ago" I said with relief.

"What does this have to with your past Hilda!" Ash asked in anger "it isn't like it has anything to do with you!" Ash said without care.

"You're wrong Ash it has a lot to do with me" I said in response "they caused me a lot of pain in three ways Ash" I said with some tears rolling down my face.

"Dad can I play with some of your pokemon?" I asked my dad who was outside gardening in front of a small white house with a red roof.

"Go ahead darling you've been a good girl studying" my father said with a smile "you deserve to go out and play at the park" he said happily "Just be home before dinner alright" he told me with a smile

"Dad where's mom" I asked him before heading out "I have been looking for mom all day" I said with a slight frown.

"Your mom is at the markets to buy ingrediants for tonight's dinner" he said with a grin.

So I headed to the park with one of my father's pokemon. "Come Sawk" I called out playfully towards a blue, black and white human shaped pokemon "we're going to the park" I said with a smile. We had reached a Park filled with green grass and lots of trees and a playground in the middle.

"I lost track of time before I decided it was time to return home" I told Ash who was starting to yawn "You better listen because it gets worse from here" I said to an uncaring Ash "I made it home with Sawk to find that the house was burnt down and my dad was face down on the ground" I said with great hurt "the paramedics were on the scene trying to revive him but to no success" I said as I started to cry.

"It was later that week that my mom decided to find the people who were responsible for that act" I said but now with Ash listening and a lot calmer then he was beforehand. "My mom found out it was Team Plasma and decided she wanted revenge on the death of my father" I said still crying.

"What happened afterwards?" Ash asked coldly as I tried to stop the tears from flowing.

"A few months later I was at Bianca's house where I was staying. We were pretending that we had pokemon having mock battles" I pointed out happily "that was until the police officer came to the door of the house trying to look for me" I said with a few more tears starting to return.

"Why are there police officers here?" I asked myself as I made my way down stairs of Bianca's house.

"It was at that moment that I made it to the lounge room when my world came crashing down" I said hurting from that message "the police found my mom in the alley way of Castelia City with no signs of life" I told Ash who was starting to feel a little guilty while Pikachu was starting to cry from my life story. "Four years later I was starting to look forward to my journey I was given a Tepig by Professor Juniper as a gift" I said with a smile "the same one that tackled you to the ground" I said with a slight chuckle. "I stayed at Bianca's place for a while during that time I met my first love Hilbert Black he had just moved into town" I said with a smile "he was a bright trainer about sixteen years old" I said still remembering him fondly.

"You know something Ash he kind of reminds me of you" I said while looking at the sky. "He went out on his journey, defeated the Gym Leaders, won the pokemon league, defeated the Elite Four and beat the champion" I said with pride in Hilbert. "During that time he faced and defeated Team Plasma something thought to have been impossible" I pointed out with happiness.

"So what happened after their defeat?" Ash asked with interest.

"The true leader of Team Plasma escaped prison while his son traveled the world" I said with trying to forget the next lot of events "it was something that came back to haunt him" I pointed out "Ghetsis went insane after his defeat and ordered Hilbert to be assassinated for a decent price.

"Who's Ghetsis?" Ash asked wanting to know who he was

"He was the leader of Team Plasma" I responded calmly

"He should have killed Ghetsis when he had the chance!" Ash said with increasing anger.

"That is the difference between Hilbert and you" I pointed out in anger "he never had a callous bone in his body and allowed Ghetsis to be taken away by the police at the time" I said with a frown "a few weeks later Hilbert was found dead from an act of revenge by the remnants of Team Plasma!" I yelled out as tears started to stream down my face once again.

(Back from the flashback)

"So what are you going to do about it Hilda?" Ash asked without thought "You want revenge?" he asked me emotionlessly.

"No I was taught not to seek revenge by those three occurrences" I said trying to clear up my tears "because it would make me as bad as the people that killed the people I loved" I said with determination "and I will not sink to their level!" I yelled at Ash with determination. "You speak of getting revenge you're no better than the people who sabotaged the ship and the people who murdered my mom, dad and Hilbert!" I yelled at Ash as tears continued to flow from my eyes.

Ash just sat there lost for words as I walked away leaving him tied up on the tree. "Hey wait why are you leaving me?" I heard Ash asked with anger "Come back here Hilda untie me now!" Ash requested but it was ignored because I was too upset from the memories.

(Ash's POV)

I just sat there tied to the tree, Pikachu was asleep next to me with a pool of water next to him "what Pikachu was crying?" I asked myself as I began to go to sleep it wasn't comfortable as the bark of the tree was rubbing into my back and the rope was starting to dig into my arms. During that time all I could hear was Hilda crying.

"He never listened to a word I said" I heard Hilda say while still crying.

"Wow I am such a fucking jerk" I said to myself berating my attitude "I never knew someone had such a painful past" I thought to myself with sorrow "I was chased by three idiots throughout my life, battled legendary pokemon and took a cruise that took the life of Misty" I said while looking at the ground.

After it got Dark I was asleep and it was starting to get cold I began to shiver and sneeze from the cold night. I felt someone untie me from the tree and placed me in a sleeping bag which woke me up from my slumber I looked up "Hilda?" I asked as I watched her walk back into her tent to go to sleep.

"Good night Ash" she told me with a smile before entering into her tent

After I watched Hilda go back into her tent I pick myself up and decided to take a quick walk around the area in order to think about my attitude. I thought about Hilda who had lost so much because of Team Plasma. "Maybe I was just being selfish" I said to myself as a small pokemon come up to me and started to fall asleep next to me. "What is this pokemon?" I asked myself as a pokeball fell out of my pocket and tapped the pokemon on the head allowing me to capture it.

I walked back to camp after a long time thinking and taking in the sounds of the flowing river with the reflection of the full moon. I placed myself back into the sleeping bag and slept the rest of the night.

I was awoken by the first rays of the sun hitting my face with the sight of Pikachu playing with Hilda's Tepig and Lillipup "Come on out whoever you are" I called out the unknown pokemon.

"Ash when did you capture a Zorua?" she asked me in surprise while trying picking fruit from a few nearby trees.

"I caught it by accident last night" I responded promptly "also stop picking the fruit I will make something for us to eat" I said quietly "just one of my many talents" I said boastfully.

"You mean that you're a better cook than being an asshole?" she asked me sarcastically.

"Yes if that is the way you put it" I responded coldly. "In fact I couldn't cook for shit until one of my friends taught me how to cook" I said with a straight face.

"You seem a little more sociable than yesterday Ash" she told me with some doubt "what happened?" she asked me as she began to barrage me with questions "did you listen to my life story?" as she continued to bring more questions to the table.

"Okay stop asking me questions" I said while plugging my ears with my fingers. "Yes I heard every word of your story" I answered promptly before another barrage of questions came my way "I was being selfish and took a small lesson out of your story" I said with a frown.

"Good" Hilda said with a grin.

"But it doesn't mean I won't find out who sabotaged the ship I want to know who did it" I said with determination "I have to know who did it while I compete in the Unova league" I told Hilda whose smile disappeared of wanting to find out who caused the disaster.

"Fine just as long as you don't do anything stupid Ash" she said with concern while preparing the table while I did the finishing touches on our breakfast.

(Hilda's POV)

I sat at the table waiting for Ash to serve the food while the pokemon were playing nearby. "Come on Ash what's taking you so long!" I asked with annoyance.

"Oh come on some of the stuff takes time Hilda" he responded loudly "there is a saying, never rush a genius" he stated boastfully which caused me to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"You a genius?" I questioned as I continued to laugh "yeah right and that is coming from the same person that got tackled to the ground by a Tepig and tied up by its trainer" I replied as I started to settle down from my fit of laughter.

"Hilda you never told me what your goal was" Ash enquired with interest while trying to hide the embarrassment from what happened last night.

"I will only tell you once we have eaten breakfast" I told Ash trying to keep my goal quiet from him. He served the food up for us to eat and also gave the pokemon some food so they didn't miss out. After taking the first bite I was amazed at how good it was "Wow Ash this is really good" I said before filling my mouth with another lot of food.

"Thanks Hilda for the compliment" Ash said appreciatively. After eating breakfast we cleaned up the mess, the table and continued to walk towards Accumala Town.

"Um Ash there is something I need to do before we go any further" I told Ash who was looking at me strangely.

"What do have to do this time Hilda?" he asked me "if you forgot something then you better hurry" he said with disdain.

"None of your business Ash you just wait here and I will be back soon" I replied to Ash's enquiry I walked some distance to prevent Ash from hearing my conversation with Professor Juniper.

"Why are you calling Hilda?" the professor asked me "Do you need something?" she asked me quietly.

"It isn't much professor I just need a quick delivery of a pokedex as soon as possible" I requested before looking around my shoulder to make sure Ash wasn't there listening to our conversation "I will pick it up in the next town" I said while making sure Ash wasn't listening.

"Hilda did you destroy your pokedex?" she asked me in disbelief "I would expect that to happen to Bianca not you" Juniper scolded me.

"No Professor Juniper I want this one for Ash" I said in response "you didn't give him one because he was in a rush to try and get his revenge" I said with a frown "but I am still not sure if he hasn't lost his thirst for revenge yet.

"Alright the pokedex will be at the Pokemon Center in Acumala Town waiting for you" Junipr said this time with a smile "I will also send over a badge case for his convenience as well" she said happily "Just make sure you don't reach Accumala Town until tomorrow" she said before ending the call.

"Alright now to keep Ash oblivious to my surprise" I said with a smile while walking up to Ash who was waiting for me to return.

"You know if you wanted me to have a pokedex so badly and have it delivered to the Pokemon Center we can spend the night there" Ash suggested with a nasty grin.

"What how did you know?" I asked in great shock.

"You have a loud voice" Ash said quietly "and plus you are right my anger prevented me from thinking right I was going to ask professor Juniper about delivering me pokedex while in the next town" he said cleverly "you're also right about me going for revenge I tried to hide it from you but it seems like you saw right through my façade" Ash admitted to me.

We continued to walk towards Accumala Town not talking not only because of Ash's deceit but because I wasn't certain on what to talk about until Ash broke the scilence "Hilda I am sorry for lying to you about not wanting revenge" Ash apologetically said with great disappointment .

"Thanks Ash but I am not sure whether to believe you or not" I replied with annoyance "Once you get the items you can travel on your own" I told Ash who was looking upset with himself.

"Okay Hilda thanks for getting me as far as Accumala Town" he said with uncertainty "I will stay the night at the Pokemon Center" Ash told me as we continued to walk towards the town as another antagonizing silence commenced between us. We made it to the town after three hours of walking we immediately walked to the Pokemon Center still not talking to each other, we had lunch and quietly went into our separate rooms still keeping to ourselves.

"I never told Ash my dreams Tepig" I told my little pokemon "but then again I don't think he cares about it he is only interested in finding out who sank the ship" I said with tears rolling down my face while someone was standing out the door hearing what I was telling my pokemon. "My dreams of becoming an actress seems like an impossible task since Ash can act better than me" I said with disappointment before hearing a creak on the floor just outside my room. "Whose there?" I asked in anxiety.

There was no way that I could sleep so I walked out to the main foyer of the pokemon center when I saw a scary situation unfold infront of me. "Hand over the pokeballs and all the pokemon food!" a masked man in black clothes and a baseball bat in one hand yelled out to everyone. "Stay on the ground or else!" he continued to yell.

I was about to hit the floor when the masked man grabbed me by the arm and raised the baseball bat into the air "I told you to get on the ground!" he said in anger "Now you will know what I meant by or else" he said as the bat started coming towards me. Before the bat landed someone tackled the thief to the ground saving me from an unfortunate situation.

"I think you better leave now" he said as I looked up at him.

"Ash thanks for saving me" I said thankfully.

"Who do you think you are?" he asked him with anger as he charged at Ash with the baseball bat.

Ash just stood there not moving an inch with a stone like expression on his face. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt" he instructed his pokemon "But make sure it is enough to paralyze him" Ash told Pikachu to hold back on the power of the attack. Pikachu charged up for the attack and unleashed the powerful move on the thief. After the attack the thief hit the ground with bits of lightning arching around his body. Ash just looked at the thief running away from the scene. After the commotion Ash walked back to his room ignoring the cheers of the people he saved and not knowing that he prevented the pokemon from being stolen.

I followed Ash to his room hoping that it wasn't locked. "Ash can I come in?" I asked him quietly but there was no response it was like he wasn't there so I opened the door but the room was empty. "How does he move so fast?" I asked myself before I looked at an open window. "Ash wait for me!" I yelled out. I quickly ran out to the foyer then out of the center to find Ash only to find him walking out of the Town "Ash where are you going?" I asked him nervously before he looked at me with a gentle expression.

"Sorry Hilda I don't want you to get hurt where I am going" he responded quietly.

"But I would've been hurt if you didn't stop that guy from hitting me with a baseball bat" I said hoping that he would stay. "Plus you need your badge case and pokedex" I said trying to talk him into staying.

"Hold on to it for me" he said before walking away into the distance leaving alone in the near the Pokemon Center. "You should live your dream of being an actress" he told me with a frown.

"So it was you who was outside my room and you listened to my greatest dream in life?" I asked myself quietly with a smile on my face. I walked back into the Pokemon Center to find a parcel on the front counter for me.

I knew you couldn't wait to get to Accumala town so I delivered it personally. Also please take care of Ash he might do something stupid the world isn't ready for his return yet.

From you friend Professor Juniper.

I quickly grabbed the parcel and ran out into the dark streets of Accumala Town in order to find Ash. "Ash where are you?" I called out for Ash while running through the town trying to find him. After running through the town trying to find Ash I hit the ground out of sheer exhaustion only to be confronted by the same masked man who tried to rob the Pokemon Center.

"You don't have your boyfriend to protect you this time" he laughed menacingly "he is long gone and he doesn't give a shit about you or anyone else he is a lone wolf" he said slyly. He dragged me in a dark alley of the town but before he could do something he was hit with a large bolt of lightning.

"Leave her alone" the person said coldly "are you alright Hilda?" he asked me calmly.

I looked up to see that Ash made a return and turned his gaze towards me to see if I was alright "Ash you saved me again" I said in relief before running to his side away from the man.

"I told you to leave!" Ash told the man in anger.

"No way my boss wouldn't like it if I returned to him empty handed" he said with an insane laugh "the new Team Plasma is set to rise" he said while laughing in a crazed manner.

"Then you tell your boss that Ash Ketchum will deal with him" Ash told the masked man causing him to stop laughing.

"What you survived?" he asked in shock before running away in fear all we could hear was him mumbling to himself.

"Ash why did you tell him that?" I asked the Ash who just ignored me "stop right there Ash I am going with you regardless of what you say" I said running up to him.

"Fine but you need to be careful" he instructed me before we left town.


Well that was chapter two out of the way. Yes Ash is a bit of an asshole in this chapter but I consider it necessary and Hilda's past is important for later on in the story as well. There's more than 2 genres in this story the others are adventure, action (for later in the story and which is one they never added).

Who is the leader of the new Team Plasma? Will Ash's attitude change? And why does he care so much for Hilda?

Second Chapter done.

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