
Pokemon - Shattered

Anime & Comics
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More Chapters - https://patreon.com/aditya_mishra -------------------------------------------------------------- This story was intended to have Ash with one of the main females of the anime but decided against it. This story will be utilizing the main female of the black and white manga and games. Why because I said so. I don't own the anime, games and manga of pokemon. Ash Ketchum: 18 Hilda White: 17 Cheren: 17 Bianca: 17 Misty: 19 (and stays that way sadly) Oh and almost forgot the story will start off with a bit of Pokeshipping. Enjoy the story not spoiling your fun *Disclaimer-- Contain Negative or Dark storyline and some inappropriate word / sentence.*

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Chapter 1Shattered-An Othelloshiping Fanfiction

(Ash's POV)

Misty and I decided to go on a cruise and booked way in advance to get this cruise we had been out to sea for the last two months and seeing the sights of every region except one which I slept through after a hard nights drinking and eating i was feeling a little hungover from the previous night and slept through the last stop much to Misty's annoyance

This was meant to be a great time for me I am about to ask Misty to Marry me on this amazing world famous cruise liner travelling the world. Misty was out taking the time to shop around in the many shops this ship has while I was making reservations to best restaurant on this ship. While my yellow electric mouse Pokémon Pikachu was sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room.

I had awoken from my sleep only to hear Misty knocking on the door, I picked myself up to open the door only to be greeted by a pile of bags being dropped in front of me. Then a red haired lady with a yellow shirt and blue jeans walked into the room trying to find me through all her shopping.

"Misty was it necessary to buy all this crap you just got?" I asked Misty with slight disdain after digging my way out of her shopping spree.

"Yes Ash it was necessary to buy it" She responded with a smile "presents for everyone at home" Misty stated with a smile.

"I will be going out to do some battling with Pikachu" I said while Misty started to put all the stuff away. "Come on Pikachu" I called out to my top Pokémon. We walked down a room lined hall with red carpet and pot plants at the ends of hall. After walking through the door we were greeted by an amazing view of swimming pools and outdoor battlefields and a blue sky with dark clouds in the distance. After dawdling for at least half an hour we made our way to the nearest battlefield and started to search for some trainers. We saw that there was some Pokémon that have never been seen before some of them looked really strange.

"Hey look buddy what are these Pokémon?" I asked Pikachu with great interest as the Pokémon started their battle against each other before a young trainer walked up to me he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, with red shorts and green sandals.

"What you don't know?" a young man questioned me. "Alright that Pokémon there is Tranquil" he pointed to the right showing the flying type Pokémon with black, grey and white feathers along with an orange beak with red above the eyes "and that one on the left is A Dewott" he said showing me a mostly blue Pokémon standing on two legs with a shell on each legs.

"Wow where did these Pokémon come from?" I asked the young man with excitement.

"They come from the Unova region" he said with a grin. Before he sat down watching the battle between the strange Pokémon

I watched the new Pokémon battle in front of me with great interest and I started to think to myself about where I want to go next. "I think I might go to the Unova Region" I told Pikachu. We watched the battle unfold but something started to feel wrong I looked up to see some dark clouds coming our way. There was no way of avoiding it was heading our way and the people started to panic from the sight. The winds started to pick up and gather strength. "Oh shit Pikachu we need to go now" I told my Pokémon before I was knocked towards to side of the ship by panicking people.

The sky started to get darker, the winds started to gain even more strength and it started to rain heavily. The people began to pour into the entrance way leading to their rooms leaving me outside before I could enter into the hallway someone locked the doors leaving me and Pikachu outside to weather the Storm as it continued to get worse during the storm I heard a massive explosion coming from the side of the ship.

"What's going on?" I asked Pikachu before the ship started to tilt and the force of the Explosion sending me and almost every life raft into the water I crashed onto one of the life raft destroying it on impact and knocking me out cold as we floated away from the scene.

(Normal POV) (On the ship)

"No one panic we are getting everything fixed up" the captain said trying to reassure everyone over the PA system.

"Not like you can fix this mess up it's better to get people to life rafts" Misty said to herself as the sounds of another explosion rattled the stricken vessel. "Something is wrong these explosions are too frequent" Misty said inquisitively. After the next explosion the people were allowed outside to get into the life rafts only to discover one life raft was remaining from the force of the explosion which was barely hanging on during the storm.

"Where's Ash?" Misty asked herself in disbelief "this is bad I left my Pokémon at the Gym and some of the water Pokémon aren't strong enough to carry people to the safety" she said with tears starting to well up. The people started to get their prized Pokémon and place them in the sack and placed it on the remaining life raft and placed Pokémon food next to the sack sending the raft on its way to nearest land mass.

"Mayday, mayday we have a serious situation on our hands and we need assistance" the captain started calling out for nearby ships. Another captain on the nearest ship reported back his details. "What you're five hours away?" the captain enquired in shock "but the ship will not be around in five hours is there anything that can be done?" the captain asked in rising panic.

"No there isn't much that can be done" the other captain responded which shattered the captain to the point that he had to announce over the PA the bad news to the passengers.

Misty gathered some paper and a bottle and began to write a letter to Ash if he survived the disaster and threw it in the water hoping it would reach him and walked the lonely walk to her room fearing the worst and waiting for it to happen. "Ash I am so sorry that I couldn't survive to be with you" Misty cried in her room as her porthole was blown apart from the force of the water while the sinking ship.

Meanwhile outside people start to jump off the ship but where thrown around by the force of the waves as parts of the ship smashed into them. After an hour the ship was gone and with no life raft for to save the few survivors they were all at the mercy of the sea and the monster storm that destroyed the ship and waves taller then the ship started crashing down on them sending them below to a watery grave.

(Ash's POV)

Time passed on and I began to wake up I was with Pikachu who was hurt from the force of the storm and the explosion. I wasn't sure where I was and where I was heading because my sight was blurry all I could hear was the water pushing me somewhere unknown to me. A hours passed before I woke up again this time I was on a beach Pikachu sleeping next to me. I staggered to my feet and wearily walked off the sandy beach to the nearest town.

"Ugh where am I?" I asked myself as I tried to get some of my vision back while holding Pikachu in my arms. i tried to look around to see where the voice was coming from but my vision was still blurred.

"You are in Nuvema Town" a female voice told me "are you alright?" she asked me before I collapsed to the ground.

(Normal POV)

"Oh wow he is in bad shape and his clothes are a wreck" the young lady said with worry "we better get him to the hospital" she said before getting her friends to help Ash get to the hospital.

meanwhile a male companion with glasses, black hair and wearing a red and white shirt with a blue jacket and black jeans following close behind caught up to find a strange pokemon by the side of the trainer "What we have never seen this pokemon before" he said scratching his head "I better get that pokemon to Professor Juniper" he said after picking Pikachu up and started to run in the opposite direction.

"Good luck Cheren" a blonde female with a green beret white shirt and dress with orange stockings and frilled vest over the shirt said with a smile and waving to her friend.

"Thanks Bianca!" Cheren yelled out with a smile while running to the lab.

"Come on Bianca we need to get this guy to the hospital" she said before picking Ash up with Bianca's help.

"Right Hilda I will help you out" Bianca said seriously and slowly began getting Ash to the hospital.

(At the pokemon lab)

Cheren made it to the lab as quickly as possible and rushed through the door of the main foyer of the lab. "Professor Juniper I need your assistance this pokemon is hurt" Cheren said while rushing into the lab as the lab assistants looked at Cheren strangly before a female professor with a white lab coat and shirt, white and red shoes, green skirt and her brown hair tied up walked out of her study area.

She looked in surprise to see the strange pokemon in the hands of Cheren "What that looks like a Pikachu" Juniper said before taking Pikachu from Cheren's hands and rushed the poor pokemon into intensive care.

"A Pikachu aren't they native to the Kanto region?" Cheren asked with interest after following Juniper into the recovery room of the lab. Pikachu was place on a bed with a recovery capsule placed over him.

"Yes Cheren" Juniper responded promptly "Why do you ask Cheren?" Juniper enquired to the worried teen.

"There was this guy in bad shape he had this Pikachu with him" Cheren said with worry.

"What where is he?" Juniper asked with concern.

"Hilda and Bianca are taking him to the Hospital right now" Cheren stated calmly.

"Good this Pikachu will be just fine he just needs to rest up" Juniper said with a sigh of relief "Now we need to go to the hospital to check up on the patient" Juniper said a bit more seriously as she and Cheren ran out of the building.

Juniper and Cheren ran as fast as possible to the hospital through the tree lined avenue forgetting that Juniper had a car that she could use. After running to the hospital to check up on Ash they made it to the waiting room filled with seats and a TV in the middle of the room and a reception desk at the far end of the room and began to sit down to watch the news with Bianca and Hilda.

(At the Hospital) (Ash's POV)

I slowly woke up to view my surroundings only to find that my sight was back to normal only to discover that I was in hospital. I managed to gather enough strength to grab the remote for the TV and turn it on. After turning it on a breaking news report started to report on the ship that I was on.

"A few hours ago a ship sank just off the coast of the Unova region there were no human survivors" the reporter said with a frown. "But a life raft full of pokeballs containing pokemon was discovered just off the coast near Accumla Town" the reporter said as my anger started to intensify. "The world famous pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum and his girlfriend the Cerulean Gym leader Misty were two of the many victims" the reporter said "The disaster was caused when a massive Hurricane came in to the path of the cruise liner" she said as tears started to roll down her face.

"That is nothing but a fucking lie there was a survivor from that ship!" I yelled out as I tossed the remote at the TV destroying the set.

A brunette with denim short shorts, a white shirt with a black vest and a white and pink cap walked into my room looking at the TV after i destroyed it she just looked at me and said"You know you need to keep your temper in check" while looking at the TV with disbelief. "First what is your name?" she asked me with interest. "I know you were watching the news so why did it anger you so much?" She asked me giving me a barrage of questions.

"My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town" I responded after calming down from my fit of rage "I was on that ship" I said with sadness.

"You're serious the same guy that died on the ship" she said in shock.

"I was trapped outside and then was thrown off during the storm" I said with sadness "wait where's my Pikachu?" I asked in concern while looking at the female standing just inside my room.

"Pikachu you mean the Pokémon that was with you?" she asked me "yeah that dude little Pokémon was taken to Professor Juniper's lab to be healed" she said with a smile.

"Good so he will be fine?" I asked the lady calmly.

"Yes that's right we can trust can trust Juniper" she stated in response "oh I forgot where are my manners my name is Hilda White this is my home town, Nuvema Town" She said before walking out the room leaving me alone to ponder something important.

"That explosion was no accident" I said thinking to myself "and plus the captain should have known that there was a storm in the path of the ship" I continued to ponder "what in the world was he thinking?" I asked myself.

(Normal POV) (in the waiting room)

"Hilda did you get anything out of him?" Bianca asked in concern while the friends looked up the Hilda.

"Yes I did Bianca but it was weird we were watching the news right about now and the reporter said there were no survivors from the ship" Hilda responded with a puzzled look on her face.

"What do you mean Hilda?" Cheren asked with interest as he walked up to Ash's room and peered into the room to find Ash thinking about something.

"What's his name?" Juniper asked with concern.

"His name is Ash Ketchum" Hilda responded "and it seems like that Pokémon belongs to him" Hilda stated "he said it was a Pikachu" she finished.

"That's right and it's native to the Kanto region" Cheren said wisely before sitting down on one of the seats in the waiting room.

"So that means he's from...." Juniper started before Ash walked into the waiting room.

".....The Kanto Region" Ash finished quietly "and I am going to prove that Ash Ketchum is still alive" Ash declared with determination before falling onto one knee. Hilda ran up to Ash in concern

"You need to recover first" Hilda said calmly before trying to help Ash back to his bed before being pushed away by Ash.

"I don't need anyone's help Hilda" Ash said trying to pick himself up again and started to limp through the door of the hospital and collapsed just after getting outside.

"You need to stop Ash" Hilda said with concern "you're still not at full strength yet" Hilda said while at Ash's side.

"I will be fine" Ash said before falling asleep.

(Normal POV)

"Ash you need to gather your strength before you can prove anything" Hilda said with concern before dragging Ash back to his room. Hilda used all her strength to get Ash back to his bed and started to talk to her friends about what was going on with the master trainer.

"You two start the Journey without me I will stay here to make sure Ash doesn't do anything crazy" Hilda declared quietly.

"Alright take this Hilda to keep in contact with us the numbers are already installed so don't worry about it too much" Cheren said with a sly smile.

The friends and the professor left the hospital while Hilda stayed behind to keep an eye on Ash. Hilda continued to keep an eye on Ash while watching the TV for more information about the Maritime disaster.

"Wow his clothes are almost in pieces I better get to the shops to buy him some new ones" Hilda declared. "Nurse I need you to keep an eye on this man for me" Hilda said seriously.

"Okay Ma'am I will lock the door and windows" she responded quietly "what are you going to do?" the nurse asked Hilda.

"Thanks nurse that's reassuring" Hilda said thankfully to the working nurse "I will be buying him some new clothes" Hilda said while pointing to Ash's old clothes.

"Good idea those are a wreck" The nurse agreed "also what happened to the TV?" the nurse asked Hilda with slight anger while pointing to the Destroyed TV set.

"Don't worry too much about that I will pay for the replacement" Hilda said with a smile "Unfortunately I don't have too much money at the moment" Hilda finished with a slight smile.

"You mean he destroyed it?" the nurse asked in shock "don't worry about it too much we have plenty of backups in storage he just won't get another one" the nurse said laughing.

(Hilda's POV)

"Yes he lost his temper at the news report" I responded with a frown before walking out of the room then the hospital.

I walked to the shop it was starting to get dark and some of the shops were starting to close. It didn't take long before I found the clothes that would suit Ash a blue and dark blue Hoodie with black jeans and I was alsolucky enough to find a red, white and black cap that had a pokeball design on the front.

"That will cost seventy five dollars ma'am" the lady said with a smile "a gift for someone?" she enquired with a smile while packing the clothes in a bag.

"That's right" I responded happily after paying for the clothes and taking the bag before walking out "thanks for the clothes" I happily thanked the attendant.

I walked through the main street of the town to look for some food for Ash I decided to go to my favorite fruit and veg stall on a nearby road knowing that he would need some food after a long hard day. "Let's see I also need some pokemon food for his Pikachu" I said to myself as I was making the order.

"Here is the fruit and pokemon food Hilda" the fruit saleman said

"Thanks for the food Stanley" I responded happily after picking up the bags full of food

"Anything for one of my three favorite customers Hilda" he said with a smile. "It will be sad to know that you are going on your journey and my top three customers will not be around" he said with a small frown.

After walking out of the fruit shop with the food and the pokemon food I made it to the hospital where Ash was staying I walked into his room while he was still sleeping. I replaced his old tattered clothes with the new one that I brought for him. I decided to wait in the waiting rooms for him to wake up and during that time I nodded away to dream land with my Tepig a small orange and black pig like pokemon on my grasp.

(Ash's POV)

I woke up after sleeping for the night I looked around after waking up to discover that my old clothes were replaced with new ones as well as some food to eat.

"What who did this my old clothes were just fine" I said in confusion "But damn this fruit is great" I said with a smile before walking out of the room. Most of my strength had returned so I put on outfit that replaced my old ones. "Wow this isn't bad" I said to myself as I walked out of the room feeling much better "What Hilda is still here?" I asked myself. "And what is that pokemon she has with her?" i asked with my own lot of questions

"Yes she brought you those clothes and the food" a nurse responded "She has been waiting for you to get better" the nurse said with a smile "She even told her friends to leave without her to make sure that you got healthy again" the nurse finished "and that pokemon is a Tepig one of the three starters of the Unova region" the nurse told me with a smile.

"Really" I said with a smile "do you know where the professors lab is by any chance?" I asked the nurse.

"Yes it's just on the other side of the town" the nurse answered me.

I sat in the waiting room to wait for Hilda to wake up from her sleep so that way we can head to the lab so that way I can get my Pikachu and leave for home again. After a few hours Hilda had awoken from her sleep.

"Hey Hilda you were asleep for a while" I told Hilda after she woke up "I just like to say thanks for everything" I thanked her favorably.

"No problem but what are you going to do now?" she asked me before we started to walk out of the hospital.

"I am going to get Pikachu and go back to Kanto" I responded "I don't feel like travelling and I want to find Misty" I finished nervously. After leaving the hospital we started to walk to Professor Junipers Lab.

"Oh okay" Hilda said with a saddened expression.

after walking through the streets of Nuvema Town we made it the lab and entered the main foyer of the building where we were greeted by the professor. "Professor Juniper right? Do you know when one of the planes will be leaving for Kanto?" I asked the professor after getting Pikachu.

"Yes a plane will leave later today Ash" she responded to my question "but why not stay for a while?" she asked me trying to get me to stay in the region.

"I have things i need to do at home so there is no way i can stay" I commented coldly. "I am heading to the beach to think about something professor and thanks for taking care of Pikachu for me" I said thankfully to Juniper.

I walked to the beach ignoring the scenery thinking about a lot of things most of them were about Hilda who gave me food and these new clothes as well as pokemon food for Pikachu. After a short walk I was at the beach I sat down with Pikachu and looked on towards the sunset with the soothing sound of the crashing waves hitting the shore line. That was until a bottle hit my foot "what's this? I asked myself as I picked up the bottle. I opened the bottle and read the letter.

Dear Ash

If you are reading this letter that means you survived the disaster that struck earlier I just want you to know that I have always loved you and that will never change. I am having a hard time bringing all my thoughts to you in this letter as a million of them are buzzing through my head all at once.

I just want you to be happy and to live your life on the road like you have always done following the road to the destination. After writing this letter I will be heading back to our room waiting for whatever fate may have in store for me.

I am sorry that I couldn't be there to have a family with you. It would have been the proudest moment in my short life good bye Ash.

Love Misty.

P.S the explosion were no accident please find out why Ash they have been going during the time I am writing this letter to you . Also Ash when you get the chance find someone special I don't want you to dwell on what happened please Ash it will help me rest in peace knowing you are happy.

After reading the letter I broke down in tears while Pikachu did the same thing next to me. But that was quickly replaced with anger after a moment of sadness a was ready to take the next step to find the next person who was responsible for this atrocity.

"So someone sabotaged the ship when I find out who did this they will pay!" I yelled out to the sea. "They will pay with their lives!" I said declaring my revenge for the world to her "I, Ash Ketchum am still alive I will be back better than ever!" I finished before ripping my plane ticket and making my back into the town preparing for another adventure around the Unova region.

"Ash I thought you were going back to Kanto?" Hilda asked me nervously.

"I change my mind I will be travelling and finding whoever sabotaged that ship and I will make them pay for it" I responded as Pikachu let sparks fly from his cheeks in anger.

"Um Ash revenge doesn't end well" Hilda said trying to talk sense into me. "I lost someone because they wanted revenge it was hard for me to take" Hilda said with tears rolling down her face.

"Why are you still here don't you have a journey you need to start?" I asked Hilda who was starting to get a little scared of my anger.

"Because I didn't want you to do something stupid Ash!" she angrily answered as we walked out towards the first tree lined route of the region.

First chapter-

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