
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5][www.patreon.com/zaelum] [Thank You For Your Support!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE]

Zaelum · アニメ·コミックス
140 Chs

Chapter 72

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In Dak's memory, the images of Franky and Iceburg as adolescents still linger. However, upon seeing them in person on Shipwreck Island, Dak realized these two were contemporaries of Shanks, and it wasn't possible for them to be young.

Iceburg is now 29 years old, famously known in Water 7 as the "Genius Shipwright," and Franky is 25 years old, both older than Dak.

"Hello, are you looking to order a custom ship? I'm sorry, but we are not taking orders from others during this period. I know skilled shipwrights in all seven shipyards on the island, and I could introduce you."

As Dak approached the small house, a person emerged from behind a nearby derelict ship.

Dak turned to look, not recognizing him at first due to his ordinary appearance. However, he identified him as Iceburg by his hair color.

At this time, Iceburg had a clearly visible stubble on his face, presumably left after shaving.

"No, I'm not here to order a ship. I originally planned to discuss this with Tom first, but since you're here, I'll tell you instead."

Dak considered his words and changed his initial plan upon seeing Iceburg now.

Tom the fish-man is stubborn and, even if informed of the World Government's true intentions, would still insist on completing the sea train he has been building for over a decade. It's his lifelong dream to save Water 7.

But Iceburg is different.

The current Iceburg already possesses some of the demeanor of a CEO at Galley-La Company, appearing as a successful and composed businessman. Telling Iceburg should ensure he makes the right decisions at critical moments.

"What's the matter?"

Iceburg is unaware of what he's about to hear.

Unlike Franky, who dreams of building the world's finest ship, his goal is simply to help Tom save their hometown of Water 7.

"Let's talk somewhere private; this place is a bit too conspicuous."

Dak glanced around, noticing other people nearby.

It seemed some were scavengers living off materials from Shipwreck Island.

To their eyes, Dak, with his handsome appearance, must be a noble from the inner city, either coming to buy materials or to order a ship from Iceburg.

Some of their looks were unfriendly, clearly harboring ulterior motives.

"Alone? Alright, please follow me."

Iceburg scratched his head in confusion, then led Dak towards the seaside.

There, a small-scale sailboat was docked, about half the size of the Going Merry.

It looked like a ship Iceburg had been working on himself, quite exquisitely made.

"Did you build this?"


"Nice craftsmanship."


Iceburg showed no pride in his skills, perhaps viewing them as just average.

Dak's appreciation for Iceburg grew the more he got to know him.

In the original story, Iceburg's role isn't prominent, but he might be remembered for sewing up the Going Merry alone on a stormy night, helping it complete its final journey, saving his crew.

But as Dak got to know him personally, his opinion of Iceburg improved.

"Please sit."

Iceburg led Dak into the small cabin, "I didn't expect someone wielding the miraculous power of Pokémon to seek me out."

"When did you recognize me?"

Dak was a bit surprised, removing his hood that covered his hair, curious about Iceburg's response.

One week ago, on the night the Sea Gods arrived, he wasn't seen by many.

"Ah, up close, your hair stands out. I remember you're the only one with that hair color."

Iceburg pointed at Dak's green hair draped over his shoulders.

Upon closer inspection, Iceburg realized just how strikingly handsome Dak was.

It seemed impossible to find a more attractive man in Water 7.

And so young.

Iceburg wondered how such a young man could command such powerful and mystical creatures.

Was it some special Devil Fruit?

"Well, that saves me the trouble of proving my identity. I'm Dak, the manager of the Mystery Hatchery House. My employees should have visited you recently."

Dak extended his hand, and they shook.


Iceburg frowned, then asked, "You mean the talking bird, or the strange creature riding the bird?"


The talking bird should be Bon Clay, and the strange creature must be Smoochum.

Dak massaged his forehead, feeling like the Mystery Hatchery House was lacking normalcy. Who talks business with a bird?

"Anyway, let me tell you what I came to inform you about."

Dak glanced outside as he spoke.

Though his Observation Haki is weak, he could still sense ordinary human presence, and someone was outside.

Dak tapped his forefoot, and the shadow beneath him moved slightly, then settled.

"Please, go on."

"Do you know your master Tom has the blueprints for one of the legendary Ancient Weapons, Pluto?" 

"I didn't know."

Iceburg shook his head, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

But that was all, just a perfunctory shock.

This was indeed his first time hearing this, but he didn't feel the need to exaggerate his reaction, unlike Franky who might have collapsed in shock.


"Who's there?!"

Iceburg instantly turned and rushed outside.

That information must not be known to anyone!

Although Iceburg didn't show much reaction, he knew the disaster that could follow if that information leaked. He had to suppress this news.

When Iceburg opened the door, he found Franky sprawled on the ground, mouth agape.


Iceburg's eyes widened slightly, then angrily grabbed the other's shoulders, "How many times have I told you not to eavesdrop on my conversations with guests!"

"Iceburg, is what he said true?"

Although Franky is now 25, he still appears as a youth.

Just like the Franky Dak remembered who stood in front of a sea train as a normal human, marking his last moments as such.

"Come in."

Iceburg dragged Franky inside, then checked outside thoroughly, even going around twice to ensure no one was following, before returning.

"Don't worry, those who were tailing just got beaten away by me."

Franky guessed what Iceburg was doing based on their long history of bickering and fighting. They knew each other so well that one could tell what the other was up to just by a gesture.


Iceburg breathed a sigh of relief.

Franky had inadvertently done a good deed; if others had heard, it would have caused a major issue.

"Hey, you"

"Franky! Don't be rude!"

Iceburg slapped Franky on the back of the head. He knew his adoptive brother's way of speaking wasn't always polite, but it was never malicious.

"Then you ask, you clear it up."

Normally, Franky would have fought with Iceburg.

But he was also anxious about Dak's earlier remarks, knowing he wasn't good at speaking, so he nudged Iceburg.

"Mr. Dak, about earlier."

"How do you think the World Government wouldn't be aware of information that even we at the Mystery Hatchery House could obtain? The power of Pokémon far exceeds anyone's imagination."

Dak waved his hand, pointing behind Iceburg and Franky.

They instinctively looked back.

Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious dark creature with piercing blue eyes had appeared behind them.

"Wow!" x2

Even Iceburg couldn't keep his cool this time.

If such a creature decided to attack, they might not even know how they died.


Dak watched silently as they imagined various scenarios.

For many at sea, appearing silently behind someone wasn't difficult, especially since Iceburg and Franky were just ordinary people, and Iceburg would remain so in the future.

"He's called Darkrai, my partner, and also a Pokémon. You've seen his power. So, by using the power of Pokémon, we can accomplish a great many things. You also saw how the Sea Gods were destroyed last week by another Pokémon called Sceptile."

Dak calmly introduced Darkrai, showing off Sceptile.


Darkrai waved, then retreated and vanished into the shadows under their watchful eyes.

Gulp. x2

The sound of swallowing came from both men.

They were completely shocked by the Pokémon, mentally classifying the Mystery Hatchery House as a powerful, mysterious force.

From now on, whatever Dak told them, they would likely believe without hesitation.

What reason would such a powerful being have to lie to two ordinary men?

"Wait! Mr. Dak, did you just say the World Government knows about the Pluto blueprints on Tom?!"

At that moment, Iceburg suddenly remembered Dak's words, his face paling, panicked like Franky.

"Ah, yes. After the World Government learned of this, they've been eyeing the Pluto blueprints."

Dak nodded.

According to the original story, the World Government indeed had designs on the Pluto blueprints, but they didn't plan to kill Tom. They didn't care about his life and might even spare him to have him build Pluto for them.

Tom's death had more to do with Spandam's personal actions and emotions.

However, to make these two take the matter seriously, Dak skipped a large part of the causality, mentioning only the beginning and the end.

"Do you believe the World Government would execute Tom if they can't get the Pluto blueprints?"

(End of Chapter)