

Joseph_Victory · ファンタジー
1 Chs


He had been pacing forth and back,worried about the company's traitor.he had sworn to torture anyone who was behind his misfortune.he had order his secretary Nick to check the CCTV cameras on the recent activities of his workers especially in the I.T department.

Suddenly his telephone rang ,he hurriedly picked it up and it was from his secretary just as he expected,he had found the traitor and had kept him in one of the company's spare room, Richard grinned at this news,he was going to remind the traitor of the heartless monster he really is,he smiled at the thought of torturing him till he begs for his own death,he told his secretary to transfer him to his warehouse and wait for him.he left his office and passed through a private elevator to the underground park and he entered his 2022 Bentley Bentayga and drove off to the warehouse.

In the dark room filled with boxes a man was tied upside down and in the left was filled with tools that can grill a human being and beside it were weapons.the man tied was screaming for his life

but no one seemed to be concerned about him they just kept on torturing him till their boss would arrive,and just then someone stepped in and the room suddenly became quiet,his cold aura filled the room and no one dared to speak when he was in the room,he took each step unhurriedly while staring at the Scape goat who had guts to steal from him, he moved forward to his experiment and stood in front of him, Nick, he called out, and Nick stood beside him, Report,he said,Nick told him that the man has refused to tell him who he works for, Richard looked at the man with an expressionless face,the man was already trembling and crying, Richard was about to speak when the man said "I will tell you"

Of course he has heard of Richard ,the underworld king,the heartless and ruthless multi billionaire,the man who never leaves his traitors unpunished,a man who became successful at the age of 25 and conquer the last underworld king at the age of 28, America's most eligible bachelor.

He decided to speak up first,so that he may gain forgiveness from the man standing before him.

I was threatened to do it,he blurted out,I didn't mean to do it,he threatened me with my family, I'm so sorry. Richard was already loosing his patience,he knew who had sent him but he wanted to hear it from the man's mouth,so he exercised patience.

Nick who already read his boss mind due to familiarity , decided to hasten the man by pointing the gun at his forehead and the man out of fear for his life blurted out"THE WHITE FALCON"

Of course Richard knew that it was no one else than his arch enemy,he looked at Nick in the eyes as a form of communicating and left the warehouse,the warehouse was filled with screams from the man as he was tortured to death