
Playing Two Characters at the Same Time (GameLit)

Peter Le is Asian man with a frightening talent. Dual-wielding two computers at the same time, two games, dual processing. With the power of friendship “The Goon” a White Indian man, watch as he takes on foes, real and computer players alike in the hit video game “Revelation Crusaders Online” in Peter’s universe. Asian arc soon.

DaoistHLKWxf · ゲーム
6 Chs

Chapter 2 The Goon

"You Respawned!" a text filled the screens on Peter's 144 hertz monitors after the characters died ingame. "So instead of 'game over' or 'you died' its 'you respawned' is it?" Peter learning of the game's intracity wording.

At the bottom of the screens there were two options. The left option was to "Respawn at 'Wayshrine'?" The right option was to "Respawn here? 0 Life gems remaining."

Peter Le wanted to respawn both his characters here to kick the Necromancer-Warrior, and Necromancer-Archer's butts! To "Clap those booty cheeks, I'm coming for you!" Peter exclaimed.

But when he tried to "respawn here?" Peter received an error saying "Not enough life gems."

"Guess I'll respawn in the main city…" Peter Le grumbled after navigate the "Respawn at Wayshrine?" menu.

The man JesusIsKingOfKings, Peter's right game on the monitor to the right of Peter sitting in a gamer chair, was the first to respawn in New Jerusalem's Wayshrine. The woman JesusIsLordOfLord, Peter's left game on the monitor to the left of Peter sitting with two mouses at his feet, was the the second to respawn at the wayshrine near one of the churches of New Jerusalem.

"Peter? Peter is that you? I was just about to add you in game and message you on Harmony voice chat!" A white man with an Indian hat yelled in proximity voice chat. The white man with the funny hat and two swords at his hips walked over from the church to wayshrine where the Jesus were standing.

"How did you know it was me!?" Peter yelled back through JesusIsKingOfKings. The man was in shock, both in joy and surprise.

The white man with the funny looking hat that looked to be from another time period, stood in front of the Jesus with the name "The Goon" and the label "Priest-Warrior" under the nametag. The woman JesusIsLordOfLords stood with her back turned away from The Goon due to lack of mouse micromanagement.

"Please, only you run around with that ridiculous name." The Goon talked with the man Jesus under the Wayshrine columns. Players could be seen running around, mostly sprinting between the Wayshrine and church.

The sky was bright, seeming plenty of time left within the day. "I like to think it's a pretty enlightened name." Peter made JesusIsKingOfKing shrug. The man Jesus putting his hands up parallel to the upper torso of his body. The man JesusIsKingOfKings shrugged through the power of the emote wheel normally "x" on the keyboard.

"JesusIsKingOfKings invites 'The Goon' to the party." The system states. "The Goon accepts."

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?" The Goon realizes JesusIsLordOfLord's presence.

"I am playing on her too. I am gaming on both JesusIsLordOfLords, and JesusIsKingOfKings at the same time." Peter explains through the man Jesus.

"Why did you make one of the Jesus females, wasn't he male?" The Goon was cycling through the emote menu, using the ones he could find familiarizing himself with the controls.

Peter started to explain. "That is for a personal reason, sometimes I get lonely you know, besides no one likes a sausage party. Two male characters? Ugh."

"So, what do you have me playing this time, Revelation Crusaders Online?" The Goon was spamming the point emote, creating an entirely new emote, something the developers did not intent.

"They finally made a Christian MMORPG, a good one at that too." JesusIsKingOfKings started pointing back too, less spamming though.

The Goon's white Indian started pulling out the Journal. "Do you want to do the main quest? You need to do it to unlock a few things."

"I'd rather fight monsters in the wild and player vs player." Peter stated flatly, a little discouraged.

"Bro you gotta' unlock first form first, and hit level 10. Wait a sec your already level 5?" The Goon staring at the top left of the monitor below his hp where the group tab was. It displayed level and name. "You gotta' do the main quest up to level 10 at least or the mobs out there will wreck you, how did you do it?"

"I managed to out heal their damage, at least until they ganged up on me." Peter remembering the moment up until the death wincing as if it had happened right now.

The Goon could not tell Peter pain, and yelled "Well, what are we waiting for, let's get started!"

"Can't wait to get started on your mom this night." A player booting up the game for the first time, named YoMamaLastNight69 butted in their conversation.

"Oh right, lets switch to team chat, fudge you bro!" The Goon moved to YoMamaLastNight69, stuck out the middle fingers on both hands. Peter could not believe that was an emote.

"How did you do that?" You could hear YoMamaLastNight69 through his microphone pressing every key to figure out how.

"Come on Peter." Both the Jesuses followed The Goon, as they entered the church you could hear from behind them "OH I FIGURED IT OUT!"

In the church the quest updated.

Quest updated "Sing a song!" Open the voice menu "z" and select sing a song.

A couple players could be seen singing the same song at different times. "Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above ye' heavenly host! Praise Father, son, and holy ghost!" Some players used the voice line "amen" after but Peter could not figure it out looking at only one monitor at the time.

"Interesting." Goon said in team chat this time.

Quest Updated "Listen to the sermon" or head to the back left to skip the dialogue.

"Do you want to stay?" The Goon asked, Peter could of swore he could have heard him scratching himself through his quality microphone, through the she Jesus to the left of her.

"I want to hear; I have a feeling the way they worded the quest we should hear it out." They opted to stay, and it was a short two-minute sermon.

"Yes! The evil is already among us. The evil is wicked and find our sins. Through our sins he will take control of us, and feed on the weak. We must resist the temptation, that he lays before us. We must keep our mind righteous, as we are being tested. I have seen the signs, and the times of reckoning have already begun." The preacher was standing, teaching the players who were also fixed nearby.

"Look deep in your hearts and beg for forgiveness. The Lord shall take those to his kingdom who repent, and those who wish to be pure again. Even the most wicked can be forgiven. No matter how large the sin, ask for forgiveness and you shall receive. That is the way of the Lord. He who asks shall receive."

The teacher was more animate now, preaching with emotion.

"The rapture is coming and those of us who deny our lord, will stay behind when the darkness rises and takes hold of this land. Ye chosen of our Lord, become 'Soldiers of God'!"

Quest complete!