
Playing Two Characters at the Same Time (GameLit)

Peter Le is Asian man with a frightening talent. Dual-wielding two computers at the same time, two games, dual processing. With the power of friendship “The Goon” a White Indian man, watch as he takes on foes, real and computer players alike in the hit video game “Revelation Crusaders Online” in Peter’s universe. Asian arc soon.

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Chapter 3 Soldier Of God

"Level up!"

Quest updated. "Eat some food!"

Seemingly fairies of light appeared, leading them to the back left of the building. They passed the Pew chairs interlocking to form continuous rows. The Jesuses and The Goon followed.

Along the way The Goon made conversation. "So how are you doing that, controlling both of them at the same time." The Goon turned around to observe at JesusIsKingOfKIngs and JesusIsLordOfLords. He started to jog backwards, while facing the Jesuses.

"Well, I have two computers; two separate monitors, two keyboards on my desk, two mouses on the floor at my feet, and one really big mousepad for the mice at my foot below the desk." Peter explained in team chat while running to the back. He was making his Jesus characters jump at the same time.

They arrived at the back with chairs, and tables to eat. There was another piano here just like the front of the church.

"Don't you get tired more quickly, maybe get headaches while doing this?' The Goon was a bit worried.

"I actually got sleepy more swiftly, and nosebleeds at first, but it seemed harmless otherwise." Peter grabbed food from the serving table one at a time with the characters. It appeared in the inventory.

"That is not good, what if you get an aneurysm. Like a blood clot?" The Goon was even more worried. He grabbed the food more rapidly than Peter characters and roleplay sat down at the table to eat.

Peter decided to humor him. He rp'ed too, sitting across from him in brown colored seats. Both the man, woman Jesuses began to eat. It was 5 second animation, and a success. "Like I said, other than those effects, it seemed harmless."

"Level up!" The system exclaimed!

"Quest Complete! Quest updated. Meet with God's avatar clone in the plaza." The system updated.

"Woah already!?" The Goon stood up from his chair and started running to the next objective.

JesusIsKingOfKIngs and JesusIsLordOfLords followed, sprinting after the goon. "Wait a second it's just a clone."

"Who cares, we're meeting God!" The fairies of light led them to the Wayshrine, where from there they were able to teleport for free to certain areas. They took it to the plaza. Afterwards a cutscene played out. It faded from a bright light covering the entire screen to God hovering above the ground near a desk with columns with an ornate roof surrounding it.

Angels could barely be seen all around flying in the sky. Some Angels could be seen on the ground. A few adult and child Angels were playing music. Some could be deduced selling good, food, weapons, and armor.

"So, you've come to become a Soldier of God. I have waited since the day you were born." God said with his back turned.

'Does he say that to every new player?' Peter had a funny thought.

God could be described as "African-American", about 6 ft, voice of God, gray wings, and a halo to boot. "You will choose one of us to be a patron to your power on your journey." Angels started gathering, some started walking away from stalls to gather. Angels started dancing, music started playing, and the divine singing Angels were known for. The cutscene ended.

It brought him to another scene, it seemed to be a selection screen with angels walking up to the spotlight in the plaza to display their powers. To navigate between the angels Peter used the "a" and "d" key. The arrow keys also worked.

It ranged from plenty of interesting ones.

Abatur, who's dominion was the weighing of souls. It shows souls passing through a wall from the World of Darkness to the World of Light. Some bouncing off the wall before finally being allowed in.

Azrael whose dominion was death and retribution. It showed her disappearing and reappearing stabbing with the blade of death. Peter recalled from a show "That weapon will wipe her out of existence entirely. No Heaven, no Hell, just… Just gone."

Mercy!? Angela Ziegler from Doverwatch!? Peter would like to have a talk with The Goon on Harmony right now, but were not in a call.

One was not an Angel. It was Jesus! He was a healing angel too? Perfect for JesusIsLordOfLords.

He just had to find one for JesusIsKingOfKings.

Metatron, the Celestial Scribe, Peter noted.

After looking for awhile he could not find anyone, so he chose Mercy as his second one even though they were both Angel healers. And JesusIsKingOfKings on his right monitor was a Priest-Warrior.

The selection ended and another cutscene started playing. "Let's go somewhere more private." Jesus and Mercy said as he was leading his characters through the crowd during the festivities. Cheering could be heard from the winged beings! "Don't forget to come talk to me again." God said twice as Jesus and Mercy led his characters away on separate instants at the same time.

Now even though he could play two games at the same time he still had not mastered dual processing. So, he talked to Jesus first. "Welcome to my abode, though few miracles happen here, what would you like to know?

The woman JesusIsLordOfLords had three options to choose. "Are you the real Jesus? What blessings do you give me? Leave."

The woman asked the first question. "Are you the real Jesus?" Peter was surprise there was voice acting from his character. He had heard JesusIsLordOfLords moan while she died but this was something else.

"Sort of this is like 10 percent of me. The other Jesuses are vacationing, playing video games, and saving another world in a different universe. Plenty can change in two thousand years since I have been on earth."

One of the dialogue options were "When is your second coming?"

"Soon, very soon remember time passes by faster in Eden, New Jerusalem. Time passes by slower in Hell compared to Earth interestingly, that should help you on your journey." Jesus helped JesusIsLordOfLords with knowledge. "By how much is it slower?" JesusIsLordOfLords asked.

"I have heard 30 seconds on earth is 30 years in Hell. It was made that way because people spend more time down there." Jesus whole heartly answered.

Jesus was returned to the original dialogue menu. "What blessings do you give me?"

"You use hands filled with The Holy Spirit in your first form elite skill. You can fly and resurrect groups of people. Bonus to healing and full health is given during resurrection. Your holy hands do the same damage as your weapon would. In your first form you have a penalty to damage.

Leave. Peter chose to end the dialogue short to not keep The Goon waiting for too long. But it was all very interesting.