
Playboy in otome Game world

There was a boy called Álvaro Morte. He was always crazy for girls. In his school life his nickname was ''the great seducer'' whenever he sees a girl he will definitely try to hit on her. You can call Him a Professional playboy. Everything was going well for until He Brought a Otome game called "la cité perdue de l'amour" The lost city of love (eg). After Playing that game He became obsessed with it , Like the game was saying to him 'Play more , don't leave ' The day's pass , one day while playing the game's last quest he Suddenly see's a light coming from the monitor and a see's a hand coming form it , he tried to move but His body Refused to move, The Hand reached to Him And Pulled him in to the monitor.... _______ "My Head -agh It hurts, wait WHERE i am????????"

SK_YUNJUN · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Ch 5 : A Unexpected news

{Daniel Aka Alvaro's Pov}

(Let's take a quick look at astraphor house history and details.)

Baron Cedric Astraphor,

Son Of Baron Linkon astraphor.

For a long period, the Astraphor House was an Old Noble House that served the kingdom.

According to history, the Astraphor House was the first noble family to assist the royal family in establishing the 'Kingdom of Midgar.' In the past, the astraphor house was an earl house, but an occurrence in the past destroyed the house's image, and it was downgraded to the baron rank, though the land was not taken. There was a conflict between Nobel houses in the early days of this newly established country, and the astraphor house was to pick sides and it did, but it was the wrong side, the astraphor house opted to take the royal supremacist side, and in the end, they lost the war, which takes us to the present.

The dominion of Astraphor House consists of two towns, one of which being a port town, and twelve villages. And the astraphor dwelling region is situated next to Norgan's huge woodland. The kingdom presently occupies the largest forest, but not entirely. The astraphor has the authority to absorb Forest Norgan's resources as well, and it's the only noble family besides the royal family that can do so, so yep, that's the leverage they have over other noble houses, and believe me, they're freaking jealous of it.

Let's talk about the Forest norgan in detail.

Norgan, Forest To be more exact, the vast forest of Norgan is one of the world's largest forests, spanning around 809087 kilometers. Even the royal family and the astraphor have not explored the entire forest. I understand how silly it sounds. Many folks will be curious about how they would navigate the jungle. Even if they do, it will take a very long time. But there's a catch. There is flying magic and transportation magic in this world that may enable you move and explore the globe conveniently.

The Sorcerer's kingdom controls roughly 478909 kilometers of the Great Forest of Norgan's land.

The astraphor home is located in the eastern side of the border land shared with the Sorcerer's kingdom.

The sorcerer's kingdom, This kingdom is kind of sus to me. This kingdom apparently has a long history too, longer than Midgar's. Before the kingdom was founded, there was a war between the Sorcerer's kingdom and the Ectratic Empire. In that war, the Sorcerer's kingdom lost badly, but here's the thing: the Sorcerer's kingdom was supposed to win this war easily, but for the help that Midgar kingdom provided, they lost the winning war, and that's sad. Well, I'm not blaming the Midgar kingdom for it. You gotta do everything to survive. In that perspective, they did the right thing. If they hadn't helped the Ectratic Empire, the sorcerer's kingdom would not have allowed the rise of any new power besides their territory, so this was a must thing to do and With the war coming to an end, a new kingdom was found and a new friendship was formed between empire and Midgard. In Sorcerer's kingdom recently, the king died in the attack and a new queen has been elected for the throne and it's none other than his elder daughter, Alexia Rinehart, daughter of the late Joseph Rinehart. Rumors are being heard that she's blaming her father's death on the kingdom of Midgar, saying it's a plot of the Kingdom of Midgar. Well, I know how she's feeling right now.

And the most important thing that I've realized now, and my earlier feeling that I'm forgetting something has also been cleared. Why? because I'm isekai'd in my favorite Otome game. That's pretty fucked up. Game is what a game is. A game is something that you enjoy with a joystick, not in real life, and trust me, I'm not the least bit happy to know that I've reincarnated in this otome game. I'm sure that God, who sent me into this mess, is enjoying himself very much, but he would have to be disappointed because I've no intention of getting involved in this mess. I've read a novel in my world named "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs". I don't want this type of story in my life. I mean, it's a pain in the ass to get involved. Just imagine. You are walking and a male lead shouts out your name and says, "Stay away from her. If you don't, I will make you plump by punching you." And that's pretty fucked up. That's why I will be trying my best to live my remaining peaceful time over here and keep on trying to get back to my original world.

Ha-ha, God, just wait and see. I will find a way to go back to the world for sure.


On a Monday morning, I was drinking tea on my porch and enjoying the singing of the birds when I heard a knock at my door. I enquired about This.

Nancy here, Young Master," a woman's voice said.

" Uh, Nancy, please enter."

I waved my hand to signal to her that I was in the veranda as she opened the door and entered my room.

She approaches me softly and carefully. Oh my goodness, she's hot.

Her name is Nancy. She's my personal maid, assigned by milf-sorry by my mother in this world. When I came to this mansion, there was one other person who helped me a lot to adjust here. That was Nancy. She is an orphan. One day, while inspecting a village, father found a girl crying beside a grave. He asked the girl why she was crying. She said in reply that her mother, who was her only family, died of disease and she had no one in this world anymore. Feeling pity, father brought her to the Mansion and named her Nancy, and now she's my personal maid.

Nancy is three years my senior. She has a well-developed adolescent girl's figure. Her complexion is creamy white with pink lips. My favorite aspect of hers is her eyes. She has those adorable large eyes, as well as a baby face and a pointed chin. By my world standards, she has the appearance of an Arab woman.

"Master Cedric has summoned you to his chamber, Young Master," she continues.

"Hey, Nancy, you may drop honorifics with me, I've told you that many times."

''You know that I'm not allowed to do that, you are the heir of the astraphor house and I'm a lowly maid I cannot dare." She stares at me with keen eyes to prove her argument. My response was accompanied by a sigh. "OK, alright, I hear you. So, do you know why my father summoned me to his room?"

"No. I'm not sure why; I was merely advised to notify you, Young Master."

Nancy may appear harsh, but she is gentle on the inside; her stiff demeanor has simply become a habit for her.

I merely made a "Uhuh" sound at her comments, and then she walks away, stating she needs to go to the market.

"I wonder why Father called me," I thought to myself as I approached my father's chamber.


"Daniel, I spoke with the academy about your acceptance, and congrats!" They accepted you, and I've already started preparing the types of items you'll need throughout your stay at Royal Academy." As he spoke, happiness poured from his eyes.

"F-father, could you please tell me when I have to leave?"

''Oh, the admission ceremony is in two months, but you'll be in the capital one month later. For the time being, you'll be residing at our family mansion. "

"Will it be okay if I don't go to the academy, father?"

Father looks at me and responds in a sorrowful tone.

"I know I'm imposing on you, but you are the heir of this astraphor house. You will be expelled from the aristocratic society and considered as garbage if you do not attend the academy. A new aristocratic party will be established, and you must join it for the sake of our astraphor house. I don't want you to suffer, so please attend the academy."

This man does that all the time when he wants anything from me. He kneels and begs me to accept his plea. This is, after all, unjust. He's employing emotional blackmail, and I want to sue him for using deceptive techniques against me.

"Don't be cheeky, God; you win this round, but the second round is all mine," I told myself as I accepted my father's proposal.

He was so thrilled that he kissed me on the cheek, which was rather humiliating for me. He's a fucking noble, after all. Why is he acting this way? He should be more responsible and respectable, but he's a wuss I guess.

My fate is sealed, but I'm not giving up.