
Playboy in otome Game world

There was a boy called Álvaro Morte. He was always crazy for girls. In his school life his nickname was ''the great seducer'' whenever he sees a girl he will definitely try to hit on her. You can call Him a Professional playboy. Everything was going well for until He Brought a Otome game called "la cité perdue de l'amour" The lost city of love (eg). After Playing that game He became obsessed with it , Like the game was saying to him 'Play more , don't leave ' The day's pass , one day while playing the game's last quest he Suddenly see's a light coming from the monitor and a see's a hand coming form it , he tried to move but His body Refused to move, The Hand reached to Him And Pulled him in to the monitor.... _______ "My Head -agh It hurts, wait WHERE i am????????"

SK_YUNJUN · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ch 6: departing

What a wonderful day it is, yet it is spoiled when I realize I have to leave this paradise and travel to that shithole capital. Where the shithole people are, Ugh, I despise the notion of going to the capital. But, again, there's nothing I can do about it, so I've accepted my fate, but not completely.

Tomorrow night, while I was jerking off, my father knocked on my door and abruptly began telling me about his life experiences, as well as his desire for me to travel to the city and learn about people's problems. "If you want to be a great noble like me, you must first comprehend your people's misery," he stated. "It's also a valuable lesson for you to learn. It will be really beneficial to you in the academy." I'm not sure what's going on with the amazing Noble things. I simply want to spend the rest of my days calmly, but I assume this man won't allow me.

So here I am, dead in the morning, prepared to go for the city of Ciestella. Ciestella is one of two important cities ruled by the Astrophar family. My great-grandpa named the city after a woman he fell in love with in the Sorcerer's country. Doesn't it make him a fucking simp? I like gorgeous girls, but not like that—it makes me ill just thinking about it. But my great-grandpa couldn't marry her because it would harm the reputation of the family. He would be severely chastised at the royal court and expelled from the noble house if he married her.

Ciestella town As I've read in the book, it's nearly as large as Paris and the most prosperous city in our domain. It has a population of about one million people. The majority of the wealthy live there, including merchants and other business professionals. Yes, this city does have a guild. I realize I'm being too dramatic, but I've never seen a guild before. I've just read it in novels so far, so yes, I was thrilled to know this.

Tourists are Ciestella's major source of revenue. Ciestella offers a lot of beautiful places to see. It features a magnificent fountain designed by the top architect in the country, "Davy Nier," as well as a gigantic colosseum where visitors may witness magical battles. This planet also offers fantastic music. Tourists often visit Ciestella for the huge concert held every Friday in the city center. According to the Midgar kingdom yearly tax report, it attracts a lot of attention to the city. Ciestella is the world's second wealthiest city. So, certainly, becoming the heir to this house is a major matter, but that's why Father wanted me to go to the city disguised and check it.


"Young master, everything has been prepared." My Butler Louis was a man in his 20s who was standing in front of me.

Louis, at the time my adoption was approved. He was introduced to me by my father, who assured me that he would take care of my requirements.

Louis is one of the few people who know I jerk off in my room, imaging my milf Not so-called mother in this world, after being over here for 9 months. And Yes, I have a great crush on my mother.

When I see her, it makes me want to eat her-ahem I'm getting distracted.

Louis's parents have been serving astraphor house for many years. Louis's father serves my father too. He is called Mathew. Louis's mom is the head maid of our house.

So yes, he's like a family to us.

"Well, then, what are you waiting for—" Before I could complete what I was saying, I felt a smooth sensation on my back and two hands wrapped around my chest.

"Honey, I'm upset because you're leaving without notifying your loving mother." Oh, the gentle touch of her Boobs pressing on my back.

She is my mother, Grace astraphor. She is around 5'3" tall and has large bosoms. She has the face of a rose, red eyes, and silver hair.

You'll pass out if you see her with your own eyes. That's how stunning she is. While I was in my father's chamber one day, he informed me that he would have to battle to marry my mother. Midgar's previous king is supposed to have proposed marriage to her, but she chose this man, yeah, my father Cedric Astraphor, but honestly woman, this guy is a sissy. You, on the other hand, rejected the king's suggestion. Oh, I just forgot, maybe she loved Father because he's a sissy. That puts to rest my concerns about this family being insane.

"Mom, what are you doing here? and What's with not telling you? I've told you that over dinner last night and this morning I've also taken leave from you. "Ignoring my words, she again came for a hug, but I pushed her hands away and made some distance from her. She saw that i was not giving her a chance to irritate me. She pouts and pretends to be sad.

"What did I do to cause my son to despise his mother?" "Please, God, answer me," she begs,

Striking a wall beside her and raising her voice dramatically.

"Mom," I grumbled, "Stop your drama and tell me the main reason you came here."


You're a bore. I came to see you off and wish you good luck on your journey and—"

She began fiddling with her hands out of anxiousness as she attempted to say something.

"Come on, don't be afraid to say it. I have to leave, so hurry up, mama."

"Could you please bring me a pendant from Ciestella's "La tro meh" shop? I'd be grateful if you could do that for me." Her cheeks flushed as she spoke those words.

"That's it, Mom; you no longer need to be concerned about these things. I'm your son. You may now tell me what you want. Regarding your request, I will gladly fulfill it."

"Aww, my lovely boy Daniel, come give mama a hug." Oh my god, here we go again.

My mother freed me from her arms and wished me farewell after five minutes of pampering.

"Louis, tell the coachman to hurry up or my mother will come back to torture me!"

That's how our journey to the Ciestella's city Began.


Through a dark alleyway, a woman ran. Her clothes were torn from various parts of her body. Looking closely, you can see she was also bleeding from her belly.

"Hey, stop you bitch. You cannot escape from us. Just give up. It's futile to try." Five individuals in armor were following the girl.

Noticing that the distance between the soldiers and her was closing, she takes a left turn and jumps into a house for cover.

"Hey, where did she go?" Hey you, just don't keep standing over here, go look for her in that area, and the other two, come with me and ford you stay here in case she comes over here. "

"Acknowledged sire!" exclaims the guy, Ford.

The three guys depart on the left side of the street to search for her, while the other two search in the other way.

The girl was seeing all that was going on from the window of her residence.

"I know I can do it," she exhales softly.

and leaps through the window


Ford turns his head to see what occurred when he hears a noise from behind him.

"Y-you stop there," he says as he draws his sword and points at the female.

"Sleep now, Luminous Nafila - give this man sleep and grant my requests." A brilliant light appears from behind the girl and shoots towards Ford.

"W-what is it, Markkk, save meeh?" The man screams, but it is too late; the light made contact with the man and vanishes, leaving Ford with an afterglow.

"What is wrong with m-" he collapses to the floor.

She prepares to depart after seeing the man collapse.


Just before she could make a run, an arrow hits her back, causing her to fall to her knees.

"Haha-you thought you could deceive me, you stupid girl," the man muttered as he approached the girl who was lying down and writhing in pain.

"Why are you-you "doing this to me, I swear I didn't see it, I promise," the girl begs the guy in front of her.

Her cries go unheard as the guy draws her blade and prepares to slay her.

"You've had your opportunity, girl; now accept your fate here i-"

"What the fuck are you doing to that hot--er, poor girl?"

An angry male voice tore through the somewhat tense air.

Noticing the sound, everyone, including the girl who was bleeding, turns her head around where the sound came from.

What came into view was a boy with silver hair and blue eyes, standing with a lolly in his mouth.

"Young master, where are you? Please don't leave me without giving me a hint. It's a big city, it's hard to find you if you get lost."

Another man in a butler's uniform comes running towards the silver-haired boy.

"Hey, who are you guys?" You know what, fuck that. Go scram from here or else I'll butcher you just like the girl is going to be. "

"Lol, Hey Louis we have to clean some mess from the town, Father will be very happy if i do this don't you think" "Oh," the boy says as he pulls out a wand from his pocket.

"H-he is a wizard," "R-run, Run"

The four people remaining get scared when he realizes the boy is a wizard and flees, but they will not be successful.

"Oh you don't , Fire ( Dragons breath)"

A huge ray of fire engulfed the four individuals who were running and turned them into ashes.

Seeing this, the girls became astonished. 'If I'm not wrong, his age is around 13-14, but becoming a wizard at this age is impossible so how can he?'

"Oh hey, Louis, can you bring someone over here?" "This girl looks to be in bad shape." The man named Louis acknowledges his word, Take leave.

The boy slowly comes closer to the girl, "Just hold tight for a while, help is on the way." A few minutes after that, the girl faints.

"Well, she looks familiar, but I cannot remember it correctly." "It can be done later," the boy remarked staring at her, standing beside the fainted girl.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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