
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · 都市
42 Chs


Drake was on the verge of expressing his feelings to Veronica. He had liked her for far too long now and he feels he can't keep it any longer. As a fourteen years old boy, he knew just little about love but didn't care about that. It was on Valentine's Day that he expressed his love to her, with the help of his friend Eduardo but got very disappointed and humiliated by her reply.

"You mindless pig. You stupid narrow minded savage . Who do you see me as, a cave girl?. At least cave people are even better than you. You and your family are like trash, which needs to be thrown away. I don't fall in love with trash and people who can't even afford to have proper clothes nor people who are motherless, just like you" what she said pierced his heart so much he couldn't endure the pain.

His heart felt like it was being squeezed that night. What had he done wrong to deserve this? He had never wronged her in any way. He respected her and thought that she was not like the others, but it seems she was even worse than them. What pained him the most was when she mentioned his dead mother.

This girl he had fallen in love with, was savage. She was a bad egg. How could he be so blind as not to see that she had no interest in him. She was just like the other rich girls. They date you by how much money you have, not how handsome and poor you are. Since that night, he vowed to focus on his education in order to become successful and rich, just like the others.

As her mind went back to the present, tears began to swell in her eyes. She felt so embarrassed, she ran out of the mall. Eduardo could understand why she did that, so he didn't bother himself to run after her. She deserved it anyway. He continued with his shopping and later contacted Drake to inform him of what just happened.

Drake did nothing about it and only said "that's what happens when the tables turn around bro. Let her endure the pain she inflicted on us years before" Eduardo laughed as he also remembered the humiliation they went through. The two continued reflecting on their past memories for a while before ending their call.



It's been three months since Jessica had been discharged from the hospital, and two weeks now since she and Drake's secret relationship started. She didn't want anyone to know of it now, but she knew he could be trusted. He still hasn't expressed his feelings to her, but she could feel it in his voice whenever he called.

Today their dinner date would be in his house, and she felt so excited about it. She was amazed when she saw how immense the house was. Decorated with beautiful flowers and roses almost at every corner of the house. She parked her car and got out to meet her date who welcomed her gently.

"I hope you like how my house is? "he asked, worriedly.

"Yes, It's very beautiful. I can see you have a thing for flowers" she said as she continued to look around. Drake smiled. He had prepared himself and made sure everything was in apple pie order.

"Yes, they are very beautiful. Just like you" she blushed at his reply and looked at him carefully. He stirred back at her and noticed something in that gaze. She used to stir at him normally, but this time she was stirring with fascination. He was used to people literally ogling him, especially women. Some even smiled at him flirtatiously and it never bothered him. But today, her gaze made his heart swell.

He was used to attention, especially from women but never got this much attention before. It was as if she got hypnotised by him. He wondered if she had anything at all for him. He wanted to make a move, but kept himself calm.

"Shall we go" he sauntered in.

"Do you leave here alone?" she asked.

"Yes, I do. Why do you want to come live with me? I'm always at a loose end anyways" he teased with a smirk on his face.

"Seriously" she said with a raised brow. He shook his head and led the way to the dining room. He pulled out a chair for her to sit. She sat down and then he proceeded to take his seat. Dinner was served by the maids. The butler gave him a wink before leaving.

They ate in silence as Jessica found herself salivating for more. The food tasted heavenly and for that she had to give him credit for. Before Jessica spoke Drake asked her something very awkward.

"Have you ever dated before?" She was silent for a while before replying.

"Yes, I have. But that was years back in high school" she explained. Drake felt relieved at her reply. At least she wasn't with anyone now so he still had a chance."Why do you ask?" Jessica asked.

"I ... er ... I'd... d... nothing" he stammered and lowered his head in order not to look at her. He didn't expect her to ask that question,which she did and he now felt embarrassed. Jessica's consciousness had just been proved. Drake really liked her and she wanted to tell him she likes him too, but is somewhat feeling shy.

"Dracardo, do you like me?" Jessica curiously asked. Drake was stunned at her question. How was he going to reply to her question? Should he lie to her or should he confess? His hands began to sweat and fear started to make his blood boil. He didn't want to confess since he doesn't want to be humiliated again. But something kept pushing him to say so, so he just let it out. Whatever her reply will be, he will accept it.

"Yes Jessica. The thing is, I like you very much. From the first time I set my eyes on you till the day I saw your bruised face, I started feeling something deep for you. I don't want you to think I am that type of cheap guy who falls in love easily. But I would be lying if I said I didn't love you. If you would give me a chance Jessica, I will make you happy. I would make your pain be my pain and your enemy my enemy." he confessed confidently.

"Drake, I…"

"Please just think about it at least" he begged. She saw the sad and disappointed look on his face and felt sorry for him. After a while, she couldn't hold it any more then let hers out too.

"I love you too Drake" she whispered,but it didn't escape his ears. His eyes widened. That came as a surprise. He thought she liked him, desired him but loved him?. He never thought she would use that word.

"I fell in love with you when you came to my rescue during the time I was kidnapped, and I loved you even more when you came to check on me and after that I just kept falling deeper and deeper" She said….

Been awake all day and night writing this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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