
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · Urban
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42 Chs

Hot breath

Drake stood up from his seat then went to sit by her. Drake studied her for a while then took her hand and placed it on his chest. Without warning, Drake leaned down and claimed her mouth with his. This kiss came as a surprise and Jessica felt his heart beat under her palm in a rhythm with her own.

Drake kissed her tenderly, his lips moving slowly with hers. Her lips felt so soft and sweet in sync with his. After a while, he pulled away and studied her carefully. Jessica's eyes were shut as she allowed the feeling of his hot breath take her away.

She opened her eyes slowly, as if it was a dream that she was terrified could end. Jessica's cheeks flushed under his closeness and her breath came out with complete want. Drake stood up and held out his hands for her to grab. Jessica watched his hand carefully trying to think of what to do. She knew where this was leading to, but just grabbed his hands and went with him.



Jessica woke up with a smile on her beautiful face when she felt kisses on her earlobe. She had never been happier than last night, when the man she had fallen in love with took away her innocence. She turned around to look at him smiling by her side, and once again she noticed how handsome he was. His beautiful face, his loving eyes, his gentle smile and his soothing touch. Gosh!. what more could she ever wish for.

"Good morning beautiful".

"Good morning". she smiled at him which made his heart melt

"I'm sorry, but I will be leaving very soon" she said sadly.

" I know. Your mother has been calling all the time". he said. Jessica's eyes widened and he noticed a frown settling on her face "But don't worry, I didn't answer it" she sighed out of relief but she still knew she was going to get scolded from her mother. She stood up to get dressed but looked at him with a raised brow. He got the sign and turned away chuckling.

" I have already seen you naked". he said grinning.

" I know, but I still don't feel comfortable" she got dressed quickly then went to his side and gave him a kiss. "Can't you stay for a while longer. Why the rush?".he asked

"No, I have to go now". He didn't understand what the rush was. Why was she in a hurry to leave.? Was she nervous or angry.?

"Okay. Just call me when you get home".

" I will" She turned around then left. She knew the way out already within this short amount of time. Jessica knew he was confused as to why she was in such a hurry to leave. She just hopes he won't think negatively of her, if only he knew she was doing this for him.

She knew her mother might have contacted her father already, and her father might have figured it out she was with Drake. Ever since her father found out that she had feelings for Drake, he never made her rest. He kept reminding her that he cannot be trusted since young rich men of this generation wanted nothing form women but sex. Yet she still felt it deep in her heart that Drake was different.

She went home and just as she taught, she saw her father's bodyguards there. She walked inside and found her father engrossed in a conversation with her mother. Her mother noticed her and quickly stood up then ran towards her. Within just a few moments, the scolding started. She just smiled at her mother when she asked where she was and Olivia got the point. Just as she was about to speak Alonso began his scolding.



Drake sat in his office totally confused at what happened earlier on. What did he do wrong? He almost taught she wanted only sex from him but quickly pushed those thoughts aside. Everything would have been easy, but she didn't even call him so he would have at least known that she reached home safely.

He was hurt, very hurt. What did he do to deserve this? Was it his faith to be always treated this way when it came to women. Even his own mother died giving birth to him. He also thought Jessica was different, but suddenly remembered he thought Veronica was different also ,when she was just a savage within. Yes, he had to admit he had sexual activities with many women before her, but he felt something deeper for her than that of them. He sighed out of frustration.

"Maybe it will be better this way".he said.

"What would be better this way". Drake raised his head and found Eduardo with his arms crossed on his chest standing by the door. "Why didn't your date go well?". he asked with a frown.

"It went well last night, but turned into a nightmare this morning". he said.

"Why what happened?" Eduardo asked.

"Well, she just woke up and after telling about her missed calls from her mother, she quickly got dressed and ran out of the house". Drake shrugged. "Maybe it will be better if I stay single, instead of getting my heart broken all the time I try." Eduardo felt sorry for his friend. He wished he could help, but he knew there was nothing no one could do.

"But you are handsome and rich, you can use that to get a woman oneday you know".

"Yeah, well that's another thing. Some only want me because of my money, and some my looks. At times I don't even understand why I became rich, it is only making matters a bit worse than before". Drake said sadly. He knew there was nothing he could do about how life would turn out for him. He will just have to adopt a child to become the heir of his company in the future if he doesn't find someone. While he was in deep thought, his phone started buzzing and as he saw Jessica's number on it, he rejected it. It will be better that way, he guessed.

"Anyway, let's forget about women and get to work". And then business started..

Meanwhile, Jessica didn't understand what was happening. Was Drake rejecting her or what? She had tried about five times now but he never answered, not even once. She just hopes that he will call her back eventually, in case he was in a meeting. That thought calmed her down a bit and slowly she was feeling happy inside her unaware of the grave mistake she had made.