
Peter, Wear are my Pants?

Peter steals a lot (A LOT) of Tony's clothes. He didn't realize doing so would end up with a new daddy and feeding his 'weird' kinks.

Egg_Company · 映画
1 Chs

Peter, Wear are my Pants?

"Hey Peter have you seen my black sweatpants with the red stripes?" Tony asked as he stood in front of his closet. Peter was sitting on the edge of their bed playing on his phone. He was wearing a pair of Tony's underwear and Tony's T-shirt under one of Tony's white button ups that was much too big for him.

"Um uh no" Peter said nervously. He knew exactly where those pants were. They were in Peters closet along with most of Tony's sweats and sweaters and hoodies and T-shirts.

Tony tuned around and have Peter a look that said "really?"

"Peter, you are wearing my clothes right now. Where are my pants? Do I have to go through your closet until I find them?"

Peter really really didn't want Tony to go through his closet right now. Not today. He hadn't cleaned in a while and there might be a dildo or two on his floor. Oh god, his panties are on the floor too and on top of his dresser. And he definitely didn't want Tony going through his drawers...

"No! No I um I'll go. I'll get them. I'm sorry..." Peter said quickly as he stood up.

"Thank you, baby. Now hurry back so we can go have breakfast." Tony said as he pulled on a old worn t shirt that he really hadn't seen in a long time but he couldn't find anymore of his other shirts...

Peter was already in his room when he heard it. Footsteps coming through his bedroom.

Before he could say to stay out of his closet the doors where opening.

"Peter I need my shir- oh."

Peter was throwing his panties in one of his drawers before even looking what was in the drawer. Peter looked up at the older man with big wide eyes.

"Aw baby what're putting those away for? Oh quite the collection there huh baby" Tony said as he walked closer to the younger man who, looked down at his hands shoving a few pairs of baby blue panties into his- god damnit- his toy drawer.

"No no no! Don't look don't look!" Peter panicked and tried to close the drawer but he couldn't get it closed and tears started to prickle his eyes. He had barley started to sleep with Tony! He couldn't know about... about Peters weird kinks!

Peter was full out crying on his floor trying to shove the drawer closed.

"He's gonna hate me! Why did this happen? Everything's ruined! Everything's ruined and daddy's gonna hate me!" Peter thought or at least he thought he was just thinking it.

"Peter, baby, nothing's ruined! You're okay, it's all okay, daddy's here. That's what you want right? You want daddy? I don't hate you, baby. Shh shh shh. Oh my baby, bambino stop crying." Peter was full out crying still as Tony got down to hold Peter against his chest in his lap. Tony rocked him back and forth trying to soothe his boyfriend.

Peter processed the words slowly but eventually got them. He looked up at Tony with such a sweet look. Tony almost melted.

"You-you're n-not gross-ed out?" Peter said as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. He had the shirt pulled to give himself shirt paws, a habit Tony loves. Tony smiled down at him.

"Never grossed out at you, baby. You want me to be your daddy?" Tony kissed his boys forehead. Peter looked at him in awe.

"You wanna be my daddy? But but you saw..." Peter glanced back at his still open drawer. Panties and pastel plugs and gem ended toys and oh god his tail plug. Tony would never like that.

Tony used two fingers to push Peters face back to look at him.

"Yes, bambino. I wanna be your daddy. Yes I see the drawer. Cute stuff you got there. Wanna show me some of them? We can talk about it." Tony said in a very dominant way. Leaving no room for argument Peter looked back at Ton- Daddy.

"I ca-can show you some... daddy 'm nervous." Peter fidgeted with his sleeves. Tony slid the younger down so he was sitting on the floor instead of his lap

Tony cooed lightly at him.

"Daddy loves you baby. Don't be nervous, I just wanna know what you like." Tony looked exactingly at his baby.

"Oh-okay. Okay. Um I have my panties... I like these ones..."