
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · 映画
148 Chs

Chapter 38

Percy nodded, this was the perfect place for him to train in secret. Dense trees, monster lurking about and a stream for him to get the Water Body bonus? Perfect!

Annabeth then took him along toward what looked like from far a huge Arena. But before they could move on a group of three big tough looking demigods approached them.

Percy quickly observed the biggest one there;

Clarisse La Rue, Daughter of Ares

Lv- 18



Race- Demigod







The daughter of Ares, Clarisse is know to be mean tough and downright scary to face in combat. The one good quality in their otherwise power driven girl is her loyalty towards her camp and her love for her sibling. Other than that stay away from this one she is know to try and dunk new campers in toilet water in order to initiate them.

She hates Percy already before meeting him, don't take it personally she hates nearly everyone.

Percy's eyes flew over her stats and wondered just how far behind he was when compared to other demigods. He could beat, easily in fact, but that didn't change the stat difference. She was basically a well trained demigod and Percy only had his dad's powers to fall back on when in trouble.

The girl, Clarisse, walked up to Percy and Annabeth and snarled, " well well well if it isn't Annabeth how's it hanging nerd."

Percy rolled his eyes and whispered, "enters stereotypical super villain."

Annabeth giggled and Clarisse looked at Percy immediately switching targets, "and who is this? A new camper?"

Percy shook his head, "no I'm an old camper."

Clarisse looked surprised at that, "I haven't seen you here before."

"Yeah I'm kind of a shut in," Percy said and then grabbed Annabeth's hand, "anyway you were showing me around?"

"Hey wait!" Clarisse called out and chased after the pair "if you were an old camper why is Annabeth showing you around?"

"I told you I was a shut in," Percy said, "hence I have no idea where everything is."

Clarisse looked like she was thinking hard about that and then looked at Percy, "what's your name?"

"Peter Johnson, son of...well I don't know," Percy replied smoothly thank you lying skill.

"Alright then prove it, where does Chiron sleep?"

"Not here," Percy replied.

"Well of course they are not here! I'm asking you where he sleeps!"

"The Big House?"

Clarisse smiled, "wrong!"

Percy moved backwards before Clarisse could reach him. He then activated Blood Control discreetly and then made her trip. Percy then grabbed Annabeth and the two ran away as Percy made the other two Ares kids trip also.

Annabeth ran quickly laughing all the way. Eventually the two stopped in front of the giant Arena with had several students all over the place training with weapons and all that. Annabeth laughed as they stopped, "did you see that?! Clarisse literally tripped and landed on her ass!"

Percy grinned, "yeah I know, I was there remember. So what is this place."

Annabeth composed herself and then spoke, "this is the Arena. Demigods come here to train and help each other out. The Apollo kids help with everyone's archery while the Ares students deal with everything else, but no one really asks them for their help because they tend to belittle people a lot."

Percy nodded, so this was the place he would most probably spend most of his time. Annabeth then pointed to a place far away from the Area, "those are the Stables which have horses and Pegasis. You can ride them during special classes which the Demeter cabin does."

Percy nodded, "and that's it? That's the official Camp Half-Blood tour?"

Annabeth smiled at him, "well that's the official sights at least. It's up to you to further discover this place on your own. Find your own secrets, and believe me there are plenty, and even have your own private spot in camp somewhere."

Percy nodded, "so what now?"

"Well now I go back to my cabin while you go to the Hermes cabin come on," Annabeth said as she walked away motioning for Percy to join her.

"Wait why do I have to go the Hermes cabin?"

"Well you are unclaimed aren't you?"Annabeth asked.


"Then you go to the Hermes cabin until you godly parent claims you."

"But what if you already know who your godly parent is?"

Annabeth stopped and turned around, "you who it is?"

Percy nodded, "yup, kind of easy actually."

Annabeth frowned in thinking, "is it Tyche?"

Percy blinked, "who?"

"The Greek Goddess of luck," Annabeth replied, "the way Clarissa tripped back there was pure luck, and the fact that you somehow survived a run in with the Minotaur let alone beat him is amazing lucky. So I assume you must be her son."

Percy's eyes widened with that statement. He was lucky but last he checked his mom was pretty human. "No my godly parent is human," Percy said grinning, "so guess again Wise Girl."

Annabeth smiled at her nickname and the two spent the entire way to Annabeth's cabin talking about who Percy's dad was. For a smart girl she was pretty dumb. I mean sea green eyes, come one the answer is right in front of your face!

Eventually they reached the Athena cabin and Annabeth invited him in.

"You sure I can come in?" Percy asked.

"Sure and like I said we welcome anyone who wants to learn. Also the way you manipulated Clarisse is good sign in regard to how smart you are."




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