
Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Gaia system. A special ability that allows you to see the world like a video game. Accompanied by his loyal demigod friends, Percy faces epic challenges, confronts mythological creatures, and discovers ancient secrets. With each battle and mission completed, Percy becomes stronger and unlocks new abilities.

UchihaFamily · 映画
148 Chs

Chapter 34

Sally smiled, "we meet over there you know, at Montauk. He was, amazing. And the time we spent together was the best in my life. He was amazing, and in the process he gave me something I always wanted," Percy looked confused and Sally smiled, "he gave me you."

Percy's cheeks turned red in embarrassment, god damn it! Work Gamer's mind work! But it didn't maybe the Fates were pulling his leg or something. "Why did he leave?"

"He was a god Percy," Sally said, "loving him is like loving the ocean. You can't expect the ocean to love you back."

Percy opened his mouth to reply but Grover suddenly lurched forward, "look out!"

Flying in front of them was a giant tree the size of the car, Sally moved the car as to not get hit but the camaro spun out of control and eventually rolled towards the side of the road.

Percy's head was spinning but quickly Gamer's mind activated and Percy found himself upside down stuck to his seat. Seat belts, always wear them.

Percy then took his off and quickly readied himself for the fall down. He then rolled out of the car crash and crawled out of the open window. Percy then helped his mom climb out, she was still concious and then the both together got Grover out who was knocked out.

"Where is the camp?" Percy asked as the mother and son duo dragged Grover away from the car wreck.

"Just over that hill!" Sally said pointing at a hill just a short distance away. Percy and her dragged Grover away to camp all the while kept looking back to make sure the Minotaur wasn't following them.

Just then a loud roar rang through the forest startling Percy and Sally. "Shit," Percy said as they doubled their efforts to reach camp. When they reached the hill Percy felt a barrier around the camp, he and Grover slipped passed it easily but Sally it seemed couldn't enter. Percy turned back, "mom!"

"Go Percy I'll distract him!" Sally said running towards the forest.

'Yeah right!' Percy said as he took out his gauntlet of Kefka and his bronze shield. He also took out his plate armour and guided it through the equip option in his inventory which automatically put the suit on his body meaning he didn't have to take out each individual piece on. He then put on his helmet of Troy and summoned Zed and Alecto with his gauntlet, he handed Zed his sword and spoke"we are going to fight the Minotaur any suggestion?"

"Not fighting the Minotaur," Alecto said.

"Other than that."

"Aim for the human bit and never hit the horns," Zed replied and Percy nodded.

Another roar broke out prompting Percy to move, "Zed you're with me, Alecto take to the skies and find my mom and the Minotaur, if the monster attacks her do everything in your power to save her from any form of harm."

And with that Alecto took to the skies and Percy and Zed hurried to the place where they think they heard the Minotaur.


Quest Alert!

Defeat the Minotaur!


Horns of the Minotaur

2000 Exp




Percy quickly pressed yes and charged ahead trying to sense out where the thing was. Just then he and Zed heard another roar in the forest, this one very close. Percy stopped in his tracks, Zed following his master's actions.

Percy then uncapped Riptide and waited for the monster to jump out at him. The armour he was wearing was heavy and restricted his movement, but it would save his life. Just then Sally came running out of the forest, "mom!"

Sally saw Percy standing there and ran. but just then crashing out of the tree lines was a huge figure standing at around 7 feet in height. It's head was of a bull and it's arms were big as trees and ripped with muscles. He had fur from above his belly button and a pair of white underwear on. It charged ahead and nearly ran over Sally but in the last minute Alecto swopped in and saved the human.

Percy sighed in relief and quickly charged Zed swung his blade at the monster only to have the bull punch the blade away, seriously? You can do that?

Percy took out several bottle of water from his inventory and then threw it at the Minotaur. The monster held up a hand protecting his face as the bottle landed harmlessly on the ground. Zed then jumped back knowing full well what was coming, Percy lifted on hand up and spoke, "Water Spike."

The water in each bottle exploded outwards and came up in the form of a spike. Eight spikes of water was rammed through the Minotaur as the creature roared in pain.

Percy then Observed his enemy;

The Legendary Minotaur,



MP: 300/300







Born of the human Pasiphae and a bull, this monster hades Poseidon and his children in particular due to the fact that Poseidon cursed his mother into giving birth to him after making her fall in love with a bull. The Minotaur is all muscle and no brain but is considered one of the most feared monsters in Greek legend due to his size.

This guy really doesn't like Percy.

Percy read through this all quickly and turned to Zed, "Zed charge him!"

The red clad servant nodded and charged the Minotaur with his blade. The monster saw Zed coming and quickly moved breaking the water spikes. Before Zed's swing could even reach the Minotaur the monster grabbed Zed's blade and then punched Zed so hard the servant exploded into smoke and then went back into Percy's gauntlet.

The minotaur grabbed the huge red sword of Kfka and turned to Percy. He lifted the sword up with one hand and then brought it down sending a wave of wind from the swing crashing into Percy.




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