
Peerless Stripper

If you've been through hardship at an early age, where will you find a place to hold on? Your whole family is in pain. What could you possibly do to help them? Will you do whatever it takes to secure enough money for your family's ongoing expenses as well as any unexpected ones? Ramel Zee began his career as a male stripper on call. Could this be the solution to the problems his family is facing? Until the day she met and fell in love with her client. A billionaire woman, Miss Mychaela Villamore. Despite the fact that they're in love, Mychaela was already engaged to a wealthy guy. What is the best way for Mychaela Villamore to defend their relationship? Will she embrace Ramel Zee with all of his faults?

Mary_Gail_Damino · 現実
1 Chs


"Good morning, Ramel!"

Ramel looked back at her mother with the cup of coffee. She was smiling as she approached him.

"What's up today, mom?"

"Nothing. Is it bad to wish you good morning?"

"Well, your smile this morning is strange," he commented. "Even though you greet me every morning, there seems to be something strange about your smile today."

"I always smiled like this at you every morning, but maybe because you're always busy and tired, that's why you don't care anymore."

He still doubted what she was doing.

Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Not yet." She sat on a chair in the garden that was made by his father.

"I'll just rest for a while before jogging."

"Why don't you rest all day? You got home last night from your part-time work. You should rest."

He leaned on the rocking chair, though his mother had the point. It was late when he finished his work at the eatery where he was working after his class.

"I'm really going to rest, mom." he answered while sipping coffee.

But after I jog so that I can sleep well again. "

That's really his morning habit to do, even if he's tired from work and school activities, he can't forget that.

"You'll only make yourself more tired there," she insisted.

"Just go back to your room and sleep all day so you can regain your strength."

He just smiled at his mother's rudeness. Is that you, mom? What did you eat and you don't seem to want to let me out now? I'm really doubting you?"

Her mother just laughed.

He grinned and patted her mother on the shoulder, "You know, mom, my only investment is my physique and my good looks. And because of this, even if I'm a student, I always get a job, even if it's only part-time."

He finished the coffee so he could start jogging. He kissed her mom and ran towards the road. Their small house is close to the street. There are a few cars passing by there in the early morning, so it's perfect for jogging.

He will first go to see his friend Rocky so he can have someone with him. Rocky is his best and only friend. Jogging every morning was their bonding.

Ramel's work sometimes makes them talk only sometimes. He has to work part-time even though he is studying to provide for the needs of his family.

"Wow! You look so hot in your shorts!" Rocky immediately shouted when he saw him in front of their house.

"You're flattering me again! You know I just bought it cheap."

They both teased each other while jogging.

They are happy. You can really see that they are comfortable with each other.

"How is your work anyway? You have a lot of customers, surely because the waiter is handsome?" Rocky laughed.

"Yes, thanks to God, my boss was very happy and gave me three kinds of dishes to take me home as my bonus."

"Wow! How kind and humble your boss is. Is she still not married? Maybe she's already in love with you and is about to court you?" Rocky asked teasingly.

The two laughed because they both remembered their past part-time work together. They thought their two bosses, who hired them as waiters in a restaurant, were single. They had been working there for a month when they realized they liked them. The two of them plan to date each other just for money, even though they don't love each other.

But then one night, they found out that they were married and their husband was a kick boxer. They were afraid of being bumped into so they suddenly left that restaurant quickly.

"Yes, that's a legit single woman, Rocky, because I met her parents when they visited there. But you know, friend, I'm just looking for a job." he smiled.

"By the way, yesterday at my work someone was trying to seduce me. She was sexy and beautiful but I told her please don't temp me and then I ran away." he laughed.

"Who will believe you? I know you!" they sat under a tree that was purposely placed on a bench for those waiting for the car to sit there.

"Yes, believe me, I ran to the comfort room with her," he added. They laughed. They didn't notice that it was so loud so it stole the attention of those standing on the other side waiting for the car.

"OMJ! They're so hot and handsome!" exclaimed the three women standing on the other side.

It wasn't the first time they heard that, so they weren't surprised. It seems that such reactions are normal for them. They just smile at the ladies.

The three ladies were about to cross the road to approach them. But suddenly, the car they were waiting for arrives. There was nothing they could do but ride because that was the only vehicle they could ride in at that time.

"See you again!" the three shouted and waved at them.

The two just smiled. "Thank God! I was able to avoid temptation again!" Rocky said.

They saw each other and smiled. They both stood up and stretched their arms for five minutes, and then they continued jogging. They still have thirty minutes left before going home.


"Hurry up, your brother might come!" while they were fixing the food he cooked on the table.

"Just relax mom, they'll come later, especially if he's with his only friend. They'll be home for a long time!" answered Mira.

Ramel's younger sister, Mira, is nice and diligent to help with household chores.

"There he is, I can see them!" said their father.

Perfect! They just finished fixing everything. They all stood up to cover the table when they saw Rocky approaching. Ramel didn't know that they had prepared something. He had already forgotten the day he was born because of the many responsibilities.

"Rocky, come here first!" his father shouted to them when he heard Ramel saying goodbye to him.

"What is it?" he asked Ramel because he couldn't hear very well.

"I don't know. Come and let's ask."

The two entered. They were still at the door, bending down to take off their shoes. When suddenly, his family sang "happy birthday." Her mom was holding a heart-shaped cake with a candle on top toward them.

They were surprised.

"Bro! It's your birthday! Why didn't you tell me that I bought the car that I was going to give you as my gift?" Rocky asked jokingly.

"Come on, son, blow it. Wish before blowing. This is simple, but the main ingredients of this are love and care, so your wish will surely come true!" her mother smiled sweetly.

Ramel closed his eyes first, and then blew out the candle. They all clapped and laughed.

At the same time, his parents tease him: "You're getting old but you don't have a girlfriend yet!"

Her mom invited them all to "Okay, that's right, let's go to the kitchen and eat."

They happily shared the simple dish that her mom cooked of fried hot dogs, noodles, and vegetables with a piece of pork. The vegetables are her own plants in the back of their house.

"You really cook delicious food, aunt!" Rocky said.

"Just eat and don't scold me again." she smiled.

That's how Ramel's family lived. They are happy and content with whatever they have.