

His name was David, and he was the bulky guy who showed rude behavior to Kai.

At first, Kai tried to keep his emotions under control so that he wouldn't cause any trouble in the Adventurer's Headquarters. However, when David mocked the other adventurer, his perception quickly changed.

"Hey, this is for you, piggy!" Kai abruptly raised his middle finger to this man to tease him.

The adventurers who were watching David and Kai's heated conversation burst out laughing as they seemed to like what Kai did to this man.

Haha! That man is incredible! He pretended to take something from his pocket, but the truth was that he just wanted to raise his middle finger!

Yes, I saw it as well. I learned something new today, hahaha!

When David looked around, he noticed the adventurers were laughing at him. At this point, he was staring at Kai with rage in his eyes.

"You... Who are you to embarrass me in front of everyone! I'm going to kill you!" David said in an angry tone.


The practitioner in white and black suits entered the scene as soon as David charged toward Kai and swung its masculine arm. He had white hair, wore glasses, was 2 centimeters shorter than Kai, and appeared to be in his 50s.

"Violence isn't allowed in this place. If you continue what are you planning to do, I'll make sure you won't get your adventurer's template and never came back again to this place." The Practitioner said in a serious tone.

David's heavy chains almost landed on Kai's face, luckily, the practitioner stopped it by just using his finger.


David clicked his tongue and spun around, facing in the direction where the mana plate was located. "You should start to run right now because I promise if I see your disgusting face again. I swear, I'm going to kill you."

Kai won't mind his words as he was just amazed at the practitioner who had extraordinary physical strength.

"Do whatever you want, piggy," he said and bowed his head at the practitioner after noticing him staring at him for too long. "I'm sorry for causing a commotion here; I didn't mean to."

Well, the practitioner was staring at him not because of the ruckus that happened here. It was because he was astounded that this man didn't flinch even though the attack was almost upon him. In his mind, if that kind of force directly hit this young man's face, he was certain that his head would surely fall to the ground.

"That's fine. As long as no one here gets hurt." After the practitioner said these words, he left the area so he can come back to his work.

Soon, Kai was looking at the David that was slowly placing his hand at the thing they called 'Mana plate'. But for Kai, it was just an ordinary black flat stone.

'Hmm... I have to do this so that I can freely enter the dungeon and earn some money.' He uttered to his mind, then now seeing the magical letters and numbers created by the mana plate.

•Name: David Barnster

•Age: 29

•Class: Close combat fighter

•Rank: D+

After the mana plate showed the result, David glanced at Kai in the corner of his eyes, and had a suspicious smile on his face. Or to be exact, David was happy with the result of his evaluation.

"10 years? I trained for the past 10 years to obtain this rank. Now, that all my hard work are paid off, it's the time to get revenge on the adventurers who look down on me when I'm weak. But first thing first, I will start with that insect." David to said himself, then took out the Adventurer's Template from the practitioner.

Seemingly, in order to pay back what the other adventurers did to him back then. He was insulting the adventurers that were weaker than him to feel himself satisfied.

David walked next to him and before he left the area he gave remarkable words to Kai. "Don't you even try to step your foot outside because I'm there to kill you."

At this point, Kai was thinking if it was not illegal to kill somebody in this world. He raised his shoulders and sighed with annoyance. "Just like what I said, do whatever you want. Also, I'm not afraid to die since I already come there." Kai looked at him with his furious eyes.

'What the hell? Why do I suddenly feel this chill in my entire body?' David muttered to his mind, convincing himself that he was afraid of the words given by the young man.


The practitioner called another Adventurer. So Kai stepped forward and raised his hand. "Yes, sir! I'm coming." He politely responded.

After a few were moments, Kai was standing in front of the mana plate and next to it was the middle-aged man who saved him from receiving a punch.

First, he bowed his head at him as he did not officially thank this middle-aged man. "Thank you for saving me earlier."

"Don't mind it, young man. Since it is also part of my job." The middle-aged man said, and could not stop himself from asking him. "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it, sir?" Kai frowned his brows as he was too curious about what the practitioner wanted to know about him.

"I know that you are aware that man is tried to attack earlier. So what is the reason why don't you try to dodge it?" The practitioner said while fixing the mana plate for Kai.

He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know either. Or I just feel that his attack can't harm me. I don't know what I have to say since I never have trouble with another person." Kai had an uncomfortable smile on his face as he was already clueless about why he was saying these words to him.

"Is that so, hmm. Fine." The practitioner showed him what he have to do with the mana plate. "Just place your hand here when you are ready."

Without consuming most of his time here, he placed his palm on the mana plate. At first, he felt the stone had a cold temperature as it seemed to absorb the current temperature in this area.

"Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Let your mana flow in your entire body."

Kai did what the practitioner exactly said to him. He closed his eyes, avoiding to think an idea that might destroy his concentration.

'What is this?'

Unexpectedly, he was now starting to feel the gentle heat passing throughout his body. Also, he noticed that they were going to a certain destination which was his hand. Yes, his mana power was the one consumed by the mana plate in order to see the current rank of the adventurer.


•Name: Kai Xinn

•Age: 21

•Class: swordman

•Rank: D+

What the hell? D+ at a young age?

Kai? This is the first time I heard his name?

He's an outsider?

Most of the adventurers have a hard time reaching the D+ rank, and some of them have bloody training to have that. However, they can't take away the possibilities of the adventurers who were gifted as they can increase their ranks at a young age.

"Take this, Kai." The Practitioner bestowed his silver adventurer's template before adding these words. "Go back to your house because I'm sure some Guilds will find you!"

"But why? I did something illegal?" Kai asked him.

"You didn't know nothing? If you are already D+ at a young age, it means you can go to the higher ranks. My name is Azamone, listen to me and come back here when the situation subsides."

Although Kai was perplexed about the situation, still, he grabbed his adventurer's template and left the place.

"Entered this corridor, there is a back door. Come on move!"

He listened to him and saw the door at the endpoint of this corridor. Apart from that, he started to hear the echoed voice of the scouts yelling at the practitioner.

Hey! That's against the rules!

Where do you plan to bring that young man huh?!

Don't block me I'm going to chase him!

"Eh? They were all crazy?"

Soon, Kai opened the brown door. At first, he was dazzled as the sunlight hit his eyes. After that, he heard a deep voice of a man.

"What a coincidence... Are you chasing for your death, isn't it?"

Kai noticed the bulky guy smoking there. "Eh? How I am unlucky you are? Are you really sure that you want to fight me?"