
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Sudden Destruction

Huxton moved around the street with his friends the whole day in a blissful state till it was dark, he went back home still happy.

After dinner, he went back to his room to start cultivating again, he started striving to make sure he makes a breakthrough to the 3rd level of element building tier so he can start learning fighting with nature essence. Despite the hours of long cultivation, still no progress was made, huxton open his eyes gently

"how can there be no progress after a long time of cultivation, aish... this is really tiring" Huxton said to himself

He calmly walked out of his bed and moved gently to the widely opened window, it was already midnight but he couldn't sleep.

"why does the night seem so hot, it's like the wind is not blowing" Huxton said when he got to the window

He stood at the window and stared at the night sky which was fill with twinkling stars, he stood there for a while with Tabbit standing at the edge of the window, all of a sudden a blue light shined from a very far distance, because of the darkness it was clearly seen.

Huxton was puzzled by the sudden change, he stared at the far distance with a curious gaze, trying to figure out what was going on in the far distance.

"boom..." immediately a loud sound like an explosion came from the far distance, the shock wave sent huxton and Tabbit who were standing on the window flying till they hit the bed, Huxton felt a buzz on his head which took some few seconds before stopping.

Huxton was shocked by the sudden event, he didn't expect such a thing to happen all of a sudden, Huxton got up immediately and turned to the little Tabbit who was also lying on the bed, he carried the baby lion in his hands again and ran to the window again to see what was happening out there,

when he got close to the window he saw a huge wave of energy flying with full speed towards him, Huxton reacted immediately and bent to lie on the ground trying to avoid the attack.

"boom..." instantly the powerful energy wave blew out the roof of Huxtons house, spraying saw dust everywhere, Huxton who was lying in the ground was covered in dirt.

immediately, the door to Huxton's room was blast open, Millar and Katrina rushed inside anxiously looking around the whole room to find Huxton, they saw him lying on the ground with his head down and also covering the little lion with his body

"Huxton!..." Katrina shouted loudly in anxiety

"son are you okay?"

"how do you feel"

"tell me where it hurts"

They both asked him different question at the same time

Huxton got up and looked at the two figures he was very familiar with, his father and mother before saying in a low voice

"I am fine mom and dad, I am okay"

"Okay, that is good, let's leave this place immediately, the city is not save now" Millar said in a worried tune

"Dad what is going on" Huxton asked in a scared voice

"son, it's hard to tell, but I think the city is under attack"Millar said still not sure about the situation

"let's move out first to a safe place"he said before carrying Huxton who was holding on to the little Tabbit tightly and dashed out of the room, with his peak Foundation building tier cultivation base, he moved with extreme speed, Katrina pursued behind also catching up till they left the building.

They came out of the house and saw many members of the clan running around, trying to find a save place to hide, a clan elder, an old man with white long hair and grey robe ran up to Millar who was carrying Huxton in his hand

"clan Lord, what do we do, half of the city is ruined and our family compound is destroyed,what is happening, who is attacking the city? we have to do something, the people are all now in fear" the clan elder said in worried voice

"haaa... I don't even know what to do, the attack that came was too powerful, the pressure alone was too scary, but first move everybody to the 'Iron Steel Hall', instruct the guards to move everybody" Millar sighed before saying In a worried tune

"Ok clan Lord, I will do just that" the elder said and bowed slightly before turning

"Everybody move down to the Iron Steel Hall!!!" the elder shouted at the top of his voice which was covered with nature essence making it extremely loud for everyone there to hear clearly

Every body started heading towards the North direction including Millar and his family, while he was running he saw some family members who died out of the building destruction just now, he felt pain in his heart, he carried Huxton and headed towards the Iron Steel Hall, getting to the gate, he saw the place was crowded with people rushing inside a two story building made of metal.

The Iron Steel Hall was created a long time ago as a safe zone in case an attack was lunch on the Leon family, the hall was made from a special kind of metal to nullify any kind of incoming attack to the family, it is also part of the reason the Leon clan is one of the strongest clan in Greenhold city.

The crowd moved till every member of the family was inside the hall and the door of the entrance of hall was locked, immediately another round of energy wave moved again slamming the Iron Steel Hall, the hall shook vigorously till it finally stopped and the hall was perfectly still okay but they were terrified.

Millar and all the elders of the clan gather together at a corner to hold a meeting including Densi who was also present

"What is causing this energy wave?" one of the elders asked still terrified of last impact

All eyes turned to Millar, he was the clan Lord and also the strongest person within the clan

Millar notice the so many questioning gaze on him and he kept quiet for a while before finally saying

"I don't think this is an attack, or any body out there attacking us on purpose"

Millar's words greatly shocked them, they all enter a

pondering state before Densi finally asked

"If it's not an attack directed to us with an objective ,then what is it?"

"I think it's a battle between experts beyond our state"Millar calmly said while staring at them

"what!!! a battle? how could that be" They all exclaimed in shock

"why do you say it's a battle? and what expert would come to our city for a battle? and how did you know it's an expert?" Densi finally calmed down and asked again

"why are you all hiding here? why didn't you all go out to stop the person who attacked?" Millar answer Densi's questions with another question

They all kept quiet for a while, pondering,one of the elders finally spoke

"The pressure was too powerful, even with my cultivation level of 6th level of foundation building tier, I was sent flying by the energy wave, ahh... I don't think that's an entity we can beat, even with the four big family of our state together"The elder said in a frustrated voice

"elder Wu, you are right, this is not a direct attack but rather a shock wave from a battle, if it was an attack directed at us, do you all think we would be alive by now, more or less standing here now talking, I think just a strike is enough to kill us all, even with my cultivation level, I would still be killed with a minor strike" Millar said seriously

"but how can a shock wave be so powerful, enough to even pressure you who is at the peak level of foundation building tier"Densi said with a frown

"this are experts above the foundation building tier, maybe even above the Core element tier" Millar said with a serious voice

"Clan Lord then what do we do if this expert's attack us directly? elder Wu asked worriedly

"hahhh... I don't think there is anything we can do, we just have to pray they don't attack us" Millar sighed before saying dejectedly

At the same moment Huxton climbed the stairs to the second floor of the building, Huxton put the little Tabbit into the ring in his hand, his mother followed him along till they got to the second floor of the building

"Hey son, stop moving around, find a place and seat down, we can wait there till this is all over"Katrina said while pointing at a corner

They both moved gently till they got to the corner and sat down, Huxton looked worried, he was thinking of his friends, if they were safe, he gently raised his head and looked at the tightly shut iron window, he became curious of what is going on outside, he wanted to see what was causing the destruction outside. He stood up and walked to the window, he pushed the window to open but it was tightly locked, he pushed it again with more force and the window creaked but opened slightly and what appeared before him shocked him.

"W-whoa..." he exclaimed in shock

He saw two youthful figures, the age of eighteen to nineteen years old in mid air with powerful nature essence surrounding them, one of the youth,had a muscular body and a bare chest, his hair was long and braided,he held an heavy sword in his right hand, he had scars on his face which made him look dangerous and terrifying, his appearance was fierce and a powerful aura was emitting from his body

The other figure was the opposite of him, he wore a long blue robe emitted a blue light, and his hair was long, down to his waist, he had an handsome face,he held a slim sword which was elegant, he had a sharp eye brows and his appearance was calm and peaceful.

"w-whoa... w-who are they?" Huxton exclaimed in shock

The two figures stood in mid air facing each other with cold face, preparing to attack each other, they stared at each other for a while before the silence was finally broken by the muscular youth

"Blair, I guess I underestimated you, you became much powerful within two months, that's impressive,I admire it, but you still don't stand a chance against me" the muscular youth said aggressively, he was trying to anger the youth called Blair, but Blair remained calm and unmoved by his rant

"humph...Akira, you still haven't made a single progress in the last two months, I guess your talent is now lacking, what a shame"Blair snorted before saying with a grin in his face

"grrahh... shut up, or..."

"or else what? cut my neck or my tongue, hahaha... you know you can't, so stop making noise, its giving me headache" Blair said sarcastically

"Blair!!! you've gone too far,let me show you what true strength is, Earth Shadow blade!!!" he shouted out angrily

The heavy sword in his hand turned into huge pillar of stone, he angrily threw it towards Blair,the stone pillar moved fastly and immediately disappeared

"Huh... where did it go" Blair was surprised, he wasn't expecting that, the most scariest thing to fight is what you can't see, he became anxious, preparing his defense for the attack

"Wind Shield"Blair muttered to himself

immediately he became covered by a huge amount of blue wind which gushed out from his hands whirled around him, very strong, he was prepared for the attack but was still not relaxed, he waited for it

All of a sudden, the sword which was thrown towards him appeared behind him with a powerful force and slammed at the blue whirling wind around Blair, the collision spread out a huge amount of energy wave which destroyed House's again, the momentum and the sword energy was too powerful, far beyond what Blair expected, the Wind shield immediately shattered and the stone pillar hit Blair at the back sending him flying

"Hahahahaha... what do you think of that Blair, you enjoyed it?you are nothing when you talk too much with no strength,you caught up to my cultivation level but you are still not strong enough to beat me,go train some more before coming back to fight me" Akira said with a mocking smile, he felt too good

the flying Blair finally stopped, he had blood on the corner of his mouth, he was bleeding, his robe was ripped open, a purple bruise was shown.

He gritted his teeth and turned and looked at Akira fiercely,his head was buzzing, he didn't expect Akira to use such a powerful attack.

He cleaned the blood at the corner of his mouth with his hand before saying

"Akira, I admit you are strong, and I can't beat you, but a day will come when I will beat you down to your knees"

"hahahahaha... I can't wait for that day, I will pay to watch you do that,go back to your Blue Wind sect and learn some more techniques, till you are strong enough to beat me" Akira said with a sarcastic grin

they both stared at each other in silence