
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasy
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46 Chs

After The Fight

Huxton stood there peeping through the small opening of the window in shock, he saw clearly the two images their faces and clothes, he heard what they said and he also saw each and every action they exhibited

"So this is what fighting with nature essence really is, so amazing and powerful, I wish I was as strong as this "Huxton said to himself still in daze

"well you can be, you can even be hundred times stronger than this" Huzzah mysteriously appeared besides Huxton in a smoke form

"aaah... Grandpa huzzah, h-how did you get out of the lightning god castle?"huxton was startled by the sudden appearance of huzzah, he didn't know huzzah can come out of the castle

"Sorry lord Huxton, for startling you like that"huzzah apologized

"Its okay, grandpa but you would be seen by people if you remain here,my mom is behind me you know" huxton said in a concerned tune

"I don't think anybody within this state can see me, not even your father"huzzah with a smile

"ok...,you said I can be as strong as them" Huxton asked pointing at the two figures

"yes, far stronger than them"Huzzah said gently

"But that would take a really long, this are the most strongest existence I have seen since the day I was born" Huxton said staring meaningful at Huzzah

Huzzah smiled gently and said

"Just two kids making display with their low cultivation"

"what!... you call that low, they can fly, which means they are far more stronger than my dad?"Huxton said with a frown

"They can fly doesn't make them really powerful, just at 4th level of Spirit Soul tier, they won't be able to stay in mid air for long"Huzzah said calmly

"what!!! Spirit Soul tier, that's a a whole tier above my dad, and they are very young, it's really something to envy" Huxton said dejectedly to himself

"They are really talented, I would say, reaching the Spirit Soul tier at age eighteen,not bad, they must be the prime disciple of any sect they belong to"Huzzah said calmly

"Son, who are you talking to?" Katrina who later saw where huxton was standing walked up to him but getting close to him, she saw him speaking but with no one, she was surprised.

"it's no one, I am just talking to myself, mom come and see the people causing the destruction in our city" Huxton immediately changed the conversation

Huzzah stood by the side in silence with a smile on his face, he know fully well no one in this continent can see him

"what!!!" Katrina was surprised by what huxton said so she hurried to the window to see, when she peep through the window, she was greatly shocked by what she saw

"t-they c-can fly, S-Spirit Soul tier, too powerful, we don't even stand a chance, Millar, we have a big problem" Katrina exclaimed in shock, before running down stairs to call Millar to see what she saw

Within minutes Katrina came back running with Millar and all the elders including Densi, they had a surprise look on their faces, they were all shocked by what Katrina came to tell them.

"Where are they?"Millar asked in a hurried voice

"Outside the Iron Steel Hall, over our compound"she said while pointing at the window which was slightly opened

Millar moved forward and took a peep, he was startled by what he saw,he saw the two figures in mid air, one in a blue tattered cloths and the other with bare chest and muscular body, both sanding in mid air, he could hear what they were saying because they were not far from the Iron Steel Hall

"S-Spirit Soul tier, Too powerful" Millar raised his head still in daze and said lightly but was clearly heard by all the elders

"what!, Spirit Soul tier!"

"we are doomed, they will kill us all"

"we don't stand a chance, not even a single one"

The elders started panicking, Millar tried to calm them down, he didn't know what to say to them to calm them

"Elders, calm down, we will get through this, let's go out and meet this expert's and beg them, maybe have us under them, maybe they might spare us"Millar said calming the atmosphere

"That's a good idea, we should go out and beg them, they might agree to spare us" Elder Wu said with sweat on his forehead, he was really panicking.

They all agreed and moved towards the exit of the Iron Steel Hall.

At the same time Akira and Blair stared at each with cold gaze, Akira had a grin on his face, he stood proudly in mid air with his head raised high.

"Look what we've done to this place, it's such a mess and ruins"Blair said after looking around, seeing the ruins they have caused, he had a bitter smile on his face

"humph...Who cares about this weak mortals and their useless properties, they should be lucky I didn't bring down this whole city with a strike"Akira snorted before saying

"Akira, I know you are ruthless but this are all human lives and properties, we should get a desert or a forest when next we want to duel again"Blair said calmly

"Who cares, you can help them rebuild them if you wish, I am leaving" Akira shrugged and said sarcastically

As they were talking, they saw a bunch of people running towards them with a panicked expression, they ran and dropped to their knees

"please great experts, spare us powerful experts, don't destroy us, don't kill us, we can do what ever you want, we beg you" Millar said while kotowing with his head down

Blair looked at this bunch of people and said with a smile, "you all should not be scared, we won't kill you, we are about leaving, rebuild your City, we won't come back so put your minds at rest"

"you still have a soft and weak part, too pathetic, this low mortals do not deserve our attention, just a slice with my sword can end their miserable lives, why waist time talking to them"Akira said with a sneer

Immediately Millar and the elders heard it, they all became panicked covered in cold sweat

"Great ones, please have mercy, don't kill us" Millar hurriedly said in a pleading tune

"Stop it Akira, you are scaring them, take this as a compensation, use it and rebuild your state, we will be leaving now" Blair said while bring out a small bag and throwing it down to Millar who was kneeling with his head down covered in cold sweat

"humph... you all are lucky, I can't stay he any more, time to go,Aapo, take me out of here"Akira snorted before calling out his magical beast


immediately a huge stone gorilla appeared destroying House's because of his size, it had green eyes with rock all over his body, Akira flew and landed oh his shoulder.

"I see your Mountain Stone Gorilla, has become more powerful, breaking to the 2nd level of Spirit Soul tier, well mine also made a progress Dacre"Blair said before calling out gently

Behind him a huge panda of about two hundred meter huge with blue fur, black eyes, it's fur were standing straight like an arrow, it had a gentle appearance.

"2nd level of Spirit Soul tier!?, your Azure Wind Panda has also caught up with my Mountain Stone Gorilla, same way you did with me, I guess I will have cultivate more harder, move it Aapo"

Immediately, the stone gorilla took a leap into the sky and disappeared out of sight.

"Good bye to you all, Move it" Blair said calmly


the Panda shook and disappeared out of sight with an extreme speed, they both left the City, in a grand way, the whole place became peaceful and quiet.

Millar and all the elders were still there in shock and panic, they heard the conversation the two had, the two magical beast that appeared scared them alot

"both Spirit Soul tier, Good heavens, thank goodness they didn't attack us, we could have all died with our flesh scattered everywhere in the city like dust" Millar said with cold sweat all over his body

Millar opened the bag which was given to him by Blair,

"Essence Stones, and they are ten of it" Millar exclaimed in shock, all the elders ran to gather him to see with their own eyes, They were all shocked by what they saw

Essence stones are Stone's filled with nature essence, it's used by cultivators, although one of it can't raise a cultivation level, but enough of it can raise a cultivation level, although not rare, but it's really expensive to buy, for a low cultivator, it's almost impossible to get, and it's used as money for cultivators in exchange for cultivation resources.

They all stood there looking at the ruins, alot of life was lost and some badly injured, they all became sad.

At the entrance of the gate, they saw the other three family rushing into the compound with a scared look

"Clan Lord Millar, what was going on, what happened? who attacked us? our city is in ruins" An old man in his seventies on a green robe, with white hair but he was still agile like a youth, he is the clan lord of the Quo family Quo Corsh

"Clan Lord Corsh, It was not an attack but a battle between two experts, but they are gone now, we can all calm down and relax, we will have to rebuild our city" Millar said assuring them

"Clan Lord Millar, how did you know it was a battle?" a middle age man in his thirties on red robes and long hair and beards said, he was the clan leader of the Leo clan, Leo Fritz

"Because the battle happened right above our compound, my clan elders here all witnessed it" Millar said in a calm tune

They all stood there staring at the whole city which was ruined, Millar shook his head with a gloomy face

"we should all start building, every region that belongs to any family should be rebuilt, the Leon family territory, we will start rebuilding it immediately, elder Wu,call out all our builders, construction begins immediately" Millar said gently

"yes clan Lord" elder Wu, bowed slightly before running off

The remaining clan Lord's agreed to his word, and left sending out their elders to also start rebuilding immediately.

Katrina and Huxton came out of the Iron Steel Hall, they breathed out a sigh of relief when they saw that the two experts was gone

"Every body you can all come out, the destruction is over, come out so we can start rebuilding our homes" Katrina said to the crowd of people inside the Iron Steel Hall

The people inside hesitated because of the fear of what happened before, they started coming out few by few before flooding out of the Iron Steel Hall

Huxton walked up to his father with a dejected look, he didn't know what to say to him now because he could tell by his father's expression that he is sad, he wants to tell his father that he wants to go out and look for his friends, to make sure they are all okay and safe so he can be relieved, but he was scared of what his father would do, feeling that his father might scold him.

Millar turned and saw his son, he already knew what his son wanted to say, he walked up to him and said in a solemn voice

"Son the whole city is in ruined, so it's dangerous to go out now, it won't be safe for you to leave the compound now, maybe you can go when the city is alot peaceful"

"Dad, I just want to go out to make sure my friends are okay, I won't take long I will be back within minutes" Huxton said in a pleading voice

Millar shook his head in refusal, Katrina gently walked up to them and said calmly to Millar

"husband, let him go, he just want to be sure that his friends are safe"

"I know, but the city is not safe now, letting him out on the street now would be dangerous"Millar said seriously

"I Know, that is why I am going with him" Katrina said with a smile

Millar hesitated for a while, he was pondering, few seconds later made a decision

"Okay, you can go with him, but please make sure your eyes are always on him, you both should come back safe" Millar said with a concerned look

Katrina and Huxton nodded and moved out leaving the family compound, heading towards the busy street which was filled with people rebuilding their destroyed properties, they moved till they disappeared out of sight