
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · ファンタジー
46 Chs

HoPe At The Door

"Mom we should hurry, I am really nervous, let's move fast"Huxton said with a worried look

Katrina ran fastly with Huxton till they got to Katelyn's father's restaurant,

When they arrived they saw the restaurant still intact, not a single damage was done to it, Huxton and Katrina breathed out a sigh of relieve

"hm... really alot of energy you have son, good stamina"Katrina said lightly when he discovered that Huxton wasn't feeling exhausted after running that long distance. They proceeded to enter inside the restaurant

Getting inside, they saw the restaurant in mess, the tables and stool were scattered, and the window was blown open

"what a mess" Katrina said lightly after looking at the environment

"let's move inside mom"Huxton said after looking at the mess for a while, they moved towards the back yard of the restaurant

Getting there, they saw Katelyn and her father seated, Katelyn's father had a painful expression on his face and Katelyn had a worried expression, her father had one of his hand badly injured

"Katelyn, how did this happen?"huxton asked while running towards them

"B- Big brother Huxton, you are here, during the attack just now,the energy wave sent my dad flying and he landed on a sharp stick on the ground, that's how he got this injury, but we were scared to go outside to go treat it fearing the attack was still going on" Katrina said hurriedly with tears on her eyes

"Calm down Katelyn, uncle will be fine, it was not an attack going on out there, it was a battle, but everything is settled now, you can now go outside without any worries" Huxton said comforting her

"Really? It's safe outside now?"Katelyn asked with a glimmer of hope in her tearing eyes

"Yes Katelyn, the outside is safe now, you don't have to worry about anything now"Katrina said after being quiet since she came

"Yes Katelyn, now take your father to see a doctor, uncle Hud, get up let's go"Huxton said with a light smile on his face

"T-thank y-you Huxton, t-thank you Mistress"Hud managed to force out those few words out of his mouth, he was in a severe pain, he wasn't a cultivator so it was quite difficult to endure the pain

"Katelyn, take your father to a doctor while I check up on Richard, the city is in a little mess right now so my father won't allow me leave the house for a few weeks so we won't be seeing each other often like before"Huxton said lightly

"Big brother, when will we see you again?"Katelyn stopped and asked

"well... I don't really know, buy we will see each other again soon, keep on cultivating diligently, I will be leaving now"Huxton said sadly before turning and walking towards the exit of the restaurant

Huxton and Katrina moved till they got to the Quo clan blood storage store which was slightly in a little mess, the guards at the front door stopped them from approaching

"Mistress, hold your step, we are under strict order not to allow any body enter inside the clan store because of the situation of the city right now, please Mistress, don't be offended"One of the guards said with his head low trying to avoid any eye contact with her, still blocking their path

"hmm... I can see, I understand, the city is still in fear, we will be leaving now but is everybody inside the store okay?" Katrina ask after pondering for a while to make sure he relieves Huxton from his worries

"yes mistress, everybody is fine, just some injuries but no death,the clan lord is now handling the issue, thank you for your understanding mistress" they said before bowing to her

" well, you heard that son, we can't go inside but they made it clear that every body inside is fine and safe, we should start heading home now" Katrina said before turning and started walking towards the direction of the Leon family compound

Huxton stood there for a while not knowing what to do, he couldn't do anything because his mother who was highly respected was not allowed to enter, then there is no way this guards would allow him in.

Huxton turned and chased after his mother who was not far away from him, they walked till they got back home, Huxton dejectedly walk back to his room to continue cultivating.

Four days later Huxton opened his eyes inside the Sky lightning pool with a delighted look

"Grandpa, I broke through to the 3rd level of element building tier, I want to start learning how to fight with nature essence, teach me grandpa"Huxton said with a wide smile on his face

"hmm... you are really impressive, I guess your talent is not bad, I will start teaching you how to fight with lightning and nature essence"huzzah who was standing by the side said with a calm face and a smile

"follow me" huzzah said calmly before turning and walking towards the exit of the room. Huxton followed him with a quick pace

They left the room and appeared in the corridor, huzzah went ahead to open the door to the room which was opposite the cultivation room, once the door open, huxton saw a massive open space, almost as big as the hall downstairs, it was empty and the light in the room was dim

"whoa... Grandpa, this is the training room"Huxton exclaimed in shock

"yes Lord Huxton, this room was specially created by the first thunder God to assist him in his training, all the other thunder God before you trained in this room"Huzzah said with a calm expression

"How do they train here?" Huxton suddenly asked

"This room has a formation that brings an illusion of the formal thunder God with two level ahead of your cultivation level, if you are at 5th level of element building tier, you would be fighting an 8th level element building tier thunder God"huzzah gently explained

"whoa... that would be difficult, I can't even beat a cultivator at the same level as me, then how do you expect me to beat a cultivator with two level ahead of me?"Huxton exclaimed before asking

"Lord Huxton, you won't be fighting lord Marcus now because you don't even have any techniques to fight, I will start teaching you from now" Huzzah said calmly

He put his hand in his robe and brought out a jade slip

"Put it on your forehead and close your eyes" huzzah said while stretching his hand with the Jade slip towards Huxton

As instructed, Huxton took the jade slip from huzzah and placed it on his forehead and closed his eyes, immediately a flood of information was flooding into his mind, his head felt buzz, he stood in that Stace for a few minutes before finally opening his eyes, after absorbing the information he spoke with a shaken voice

"G-Grandpa, Th-thats a lot of information"

He sat down crossed leg in a meditating state with his eyes closed, after a few minutes, he opened his eyes with a profound gaze, he murmured

"Thunder Severing Strike, One Billion Lightning Step"

"Grandpa, this techniques are complex"Huxton asked after a while

"Yes Lord Huxton, the first is a Divine grade technique while the second is a Saint grade technique, they are both extremely powerful technique, but this are the least I can give you for now, you will have to learn those two before I can give you any other ones "huzzah said with a light smile

"Em... grandpa, a Divine and a Saint grade technique, how high are they because I have never heard of them before" Huxton suddenly asked with a confused expression

"Well, the Divine and saint grade techniques are very high level techniques, I don't think any exists in this world, this world only has the low, middle and high grade technique, the saint grade is a level above the high grade while the Devine grade is a level above the saint grade technique" Huzzah gently explained with a calm expression

"What! above a high grade level, the high grade technique is the highest technique in the world, it does not even exist in our Greenville state, it's rumored that the only high grade technique that exist in our country belongs only to the royal family in the country capital, so this techniques being above a high grade technique is really shocking" Huxton exclaimed with wide eyes in shock

"Yes they are, and there are even more powerful ones above this ones"huzzah said with a smile

"Holy heavens, m-more p-p-powerful, if it's know to the outside world,it would be a disaster and also cause a bloodbath"Huxton said with cold sweat all over his body

"Relax lord Huxton,it wouldn't get to the outside world unless you decide to share, and it would be useless because it's a lightning element which doesn't exist in this world"huzzah said with a deep smile

"That's right, I forgot about that, Grandpa, explain the technique to me"Huxton later after calming down

"The Thunder Severing Strike is a profound technique which is an offensive one too, it is more powerful when used with a weapon, the Thunder Severing Strike is an ancient technique which was found in a destroyed lightning cultivation family, this technique has five stages before you can Master it, the first stage is 'One With The Lightning' it is a way of attaching yourself with the lightning and surround yourself with it" huzzah said gently

"Although comprehending one of the stage is difficult, but it is a technique that destroys everything around it, you will have to pass through the first stage before I explain the second stage to you"He stopped and stared at huxton who was in a deep thought

"The second is the 'One Billion Lightning Step' it is a movement technique that helps you attain a speed that is far beyond the human eyes, it was also gotten from the same destroyed lightning cultivators family, unlike the Thunder Severing Strike, this has a total of three stage, the first 'Hundred Thousand Lightning Step', the second is the One Million Lightning Step, while the third is the One Billion lightning Step' if you can Master this technique you can run miles with just one step, but it's really difficult to master, even the formal thunder god couldn't master it" huzzah said with a gentle smile on his face

"whoa... it's that difficult?" Huxton asked in a surprised manner

"Yes it is"huzzah replied with a calm expression

At the same time, inside the Leon family compound which was still under construction, Millar sat at the front of his court inspecting the work of the builders, Katrina was sitting beside him, she stared at the work which was in progress for a while before saying

"Millar, when would this be completed?"

"Next week, it will be fully built next week"Millar said without even looking at her

"Huxton has not left his room for four days now and I am not happy about it, when will he be allowed to leave the compound again?" Katrina said with a sad face

"if everything goes back to normal,and all our properties are rebuilt and safe" Millar said with no expression

"but that would be a long time, that would take months"Katrina said in a dejected look

"Clan Lord" Elder Wu ran like a rat that saw a cat inside the court, he had excitement all over his face, he held a paper on his hand

"What is it Elder Wu? what is after you?"Millar stood up in alarm

"Nothing bad, In fact it's a good news clan lord but you will understand when you see this" Elder Wu said while stretching the paper in his hand towards Millar

Millar stared at him for a while before collecting the paper in his hand, he read the content on the paper, all of a sudden he exclaimed in shock

"i-is this true?"

"Yes clan lord, I saw it when I went to the city square, and I also asked the person posting it and he confirmed it to be true"Elder Wu said with excitement

Katrina stood there and stare at them with a confused gaze

"em... Millar, what is it? why are you so excited"Katrina asked still in confusion

"Our son finally has hope, our son can now become a cultivator"Millar shouted in excitement

Katrina was puzzled by his word, she couldn't understand him

"what are you trying to say, explain to me"Katrina said curiously

"it's a good news my wife, take this and read for your self"Millar excitedly said and gave the paper to Katrina, Katrina collected the paper and went through it, her eye widened in shock

"The Silver Wing sect found a metal cultivation, and they are in search of children with Metal element to train"

"t-this...i-iits unbelievable,this is really happening, hope at the door" she shouted out in joy, tears falling of her eyes

"the heavens still loves its own"she said in a joyous tune

inside the lightning god castle Huxton and Huzzah were still talking

"Grandpa, when will I start practicing it?"Huxton asked

"You would start practicing the two when next you come, your mother is heading towards your room, with her expression, I think she has something exciting to tell you"Huzzah said with a mysterious smile