

The Aucacia Empire had always been a put together kingdom. The commoners relied on their king just like the king relied on his people, there was no rumor the king didn't know about and there was nothing the commoners weren't informed of. It was the perfect give and take relationship a kingdom should always have. But perfect things tend to have greedy eyes watching them. A perfect environment has no worries about sudden attacks. The same peace of mind that gave the kingdom a blanket of comfort was only the only thing that was imperfect and the only thing that should have never gotten out of the castle walls. But evil has its way of breaking down barriers. A perfect environment is a fragile one. The gentle air shrouded in glass, ready to be shattered with the wrong move. One that the greedy hands were ready to take and one that young prince, Dominic, would have the displeasure of witnessing. Now with the passing of the king of the Aucacia kingdom, cracks start to form in the fragile walls protecting the crown and the people ruled by it. With the days of his enthronement around the corner, the growls of hunger from the greedy eyes grown louder. How long can the kingdom stay put together? Who will tip over the shaky foundations of the kingdom? Who will be the PeaceMaker? cover art: Day.n

totalnoob · LGBT+
256 Chs

I've Missed You

Boris followed quietly, unsure of what to say, how to approach him so he chose not to say anything. They were only one hour into their return back to the palace, moving through the outskirts of the outer wall's environment, with about 7 hours remaining. 

Boris looked back momentarily to the large following that was pouring in behind them in rows and rows of carriages. The amount of people following the prince was quite alarming, as it included not only the army but also the villagers that Domnic had struck an allegiance with. At least according to Kalmin from what he had heard from Dominic.