
Peacekeeping (TVD/TO)

Another life, another adventure. It's been an admittedly rough start, though. Turns out, a whole mess is headed my way, and so I better start scheming. On a side note, why won't any of these people act their age? Y'all ever heard of mature conversations? Or therapy? hell, I have a business to run and siblings to raise, I don't have time for your petty squabbles!

Raat_Ki_Rani · テレビ
8 Chs

New Frienships

AN;Heyo! Thx for stopping by! As many of you know I'm about to graduate, so this will be the last update for the month. I gotta shit ton of essays and test to deal with lol. As always, leave a review and let me know what you think and check out the other parts of this series if you'd like. Each work can be read independently, though. Happy Spring everyone! ? ゚メル?


"Come in, Daemon. For now," I huff, shooing the vampire into the loft, albeit a bit resentfully. He enters, carefully, like he's watching a wild animal for signs of agression. It's a smart move on his part, especially because the fact that I scare the shit out of him puts me in a better mood.

Hesitantly, he holds out an expensive looking wine bottle and a foil wrapped bowl. Humming in acceptance, I take the bowl, but leave him to carry the wine, keeping my other hand braced against Nico, the baby currently wrapped against my chest.

"We're eating on the roof, this way." I tell him blandly, gesturing for him to lead the way towards the door that hid the staircase to the roof.

The loft that I had made into my home, and where I planned to live with my siblings when I finally murdered our DNA donors, wasn't really a loft at all. It was actually the second floor dining area for the cafe, and the roof was also designed for people to enjoy their food on, but as it was, I had closed off the upper floors until our "parents" kicked the bucket, preferably slowly and painfully. At that point, in just a few months, I was going to sell all their shit, and use the money to put down a downpayment on our own place. Then, I'd be able to afford to open up and furnish the rest of the building to expand my business, and as it was, things were already getting crowded on the first level, much to my pride.

While I had gotten the cafe at a stupidly cheap price, and did a lot of renovations on my own, I was still only just barely keeping up with the payments, and I was still losing more money then I was earning, since my personal investments were being drained like mad to pay for things like the different international furniture and ingredients and decorations that the whole cafe vibe was based on. Saying that my budget was tight was a huge understatement, especially since I had to pay those shit stains' living expenses so they wouldn't bother me and come looking for the kids, who they could legally take whenever they want. Thankfully, as long as they got money sent into their accounts every month, they didn't give a shit were or what we were doing. It has actually been three beautiful weeks since Thea, Nico, and I have actually seen them, since, rather then go home, we choose to sleep on the mattress of my "room" on the second floor, which was actually just a smaller, sectioned area that I had hung some traditional African curtains up in to act as a door. We took our showers at the gym, and honestly, life's been damn good.

Daemon holds the door open, and I usher Thea, who has attached herself shyly to my skirts, into the stairwell. Then, I proceed to stare Daemon down until he cringes and goes up first, unwilling to let him behind my siblings and I. It's true that I sense no malice or danger from him. If I had, I wouldn't have let him live let alone invited him into my home to watch the comet. No, Daemon was not a threat, something I confirmed constantly, both through Stefan, my own observations, and by my magic. If he tried anything, I would know and have him eliminated before he could even make the decision. Whether it was an ambush or straight up battle, I was confident I could take on at least three Daemons, let alone one. Still, I didn't trust him yet, so I wouldn't be leaving him alone with my kids or at my back. It was the principle of the matter.

I sigh, settling myself on the padded picnic blanket of the roof, glancing up at the dark sky. Truthfully, I was conflicted. Daemon is someone I recognize can be rehabilitated, and frankly, if he was going to try to be better, I would try to help him, even if a part of me still wanted to set him on fire. Everyday, he'd come to the cafe and sit in the corner, being annoying, but carefully non threatening and away from my siblings. He would even bring along Zach Salvatore, a long time regular of mine, and his distant nephew whom he seemed to be earnestly trying to make amends with. By all accounts, Daemon deserved another chance and someone to support him as he found his way. Unfortunately for me, my conscience wouldn't let me wash my hands of him. So here I was, inviting him to eat with us and watch a comet, integrating myself into this fucker's support network and becoming his friend with sincere intentions, albeit with reservations.

"Here, light those, would ya?" I toss Daemon a lighter, as I start piling food on a plate for Thea and Nico.

"It looks amazing," Daemon admits. "Thanks for the invite. Zach had something to do, but he will come by later."

Zach, after having been informed of my magical status by the brothers, with my permission of course, had kindly gifted me some vervain while thanking me for helping his uncles. He wasn't ready to forgive Daemon for whatever he did, but he wasn't openly plotting murder anymore, so that was good for them. I think Zach is a good person, and itt's not like I didn't sympathize with the whole "trying to murder your family members" thing. The poor man had even confided to me that he didn't know what to do, because he understood Daemon was trying, but he still felt like he was one misstep from being killed on a whim, and felt like he wasn't safe in his own home. The confession had tugged so hard on my heartstrings that I had immediately promised to get him a protective amulet. The man had cried, and so had I, because being an empath is troublesome like that. It was an awkward explanation to an alarmed Stefan that followed.

"Jenna might be coming by, too. She's got a grad school assignment to turn in, though." I shrug, extricating Nico from the African wrap he was in, and setting him on the blanket to eat. "The pasta smells really good."

Daemon smiles, and for once, it's something soft, no snark or sarcasm to be found. "It was our mother's recipe." I nod solemnly, sensing the remnants of loss in his soul.

I pass him a plate. I'd invited others, but since the comet was some kind of super rare celestial event, the town was holding a festival, and Stefan was there trying to romance Elena. Jeremy went as well, but he had shyly confessed that he wasn't going to be doing anything harder than some booze, to my relief. I was really proud of him. Obviously, underage drinking wasn't good, but it was a way better than the shit he was doing before. The fact that he won't do anything worse than weed, and even that is slowly lessening, had both me and his Aunt Jenna, who had taken to confiding with me about him, beyond relieved, especially because it's been better for his grades.

Jeremy is healing, and that's all I want from the kid.

He also seemed over that Vicky girl. An age gap 4 years wouldn't have been terrible, but the fact that Jeremy was a 15 year old high schooler, and it was illegal, made the whole thing pretty gross. Jenna had tried discussing it with Jeremy, but when she didn't seem to get through, she had asked me talk to him, believing that it was my taking him under my wing that resulted in his improvement recently. I'd been hesitant of overstepping, but after some pointed comments, Remy had come to me himself. It took a few long conversations where I carefully didn't tell him what to do, but eventually, he decided to distance himself from the girl. I hope she gets help, but it wouldn't be from Jeremy, or at his expense.

The night is pleasantly warm, filled mostly with soft chatter as the babies make a bit of a mess of themselves and reach for my attention constantly. It's…. not bad. I'm loath to admit it, but Daemon without his emotions locked away isn't evil at all. He's a bit solemn and hesitant, still worried about setting me off, but when Thea crawls into his lap, much to both Daemon and I's alarm, he handles her very gently and sweetly. And when he relaxes a bit his humor is witty and a little dark, but not cruel.

His personality is exactly the type I'd naturally make friends with.

At some point, after we spend a solid amount of time cackling about the fact that Stefan is Mystic Falls new prized football player, Daemon works up the courage to ask me whatever's been eating at him this whole time. "Nyx?"

"Hmm?" I acknowledge without looking up, currently trying to wipe Nico's face clean and extricate some cheese he's somehow got in his hair.

"I need your help," he murmurs, so soft I barely hear him. It's the grief and longing pouring off him tha takes me listen.

Daemon tells me the story of Katherine Pierce, the love of his life who manipulated and played both him and Stefan and made him think his baby brother had seduced her when in reality, she had compelled him, unlike Daemon who stayed with the female vampire out of love. Then, he told me of the deal he made with Enily Bennett, and the vampires locked in the tomb under an old church.

"Please. I need to know," he whispers as he lays on his back, Thea half asleep and still leaning on him, head tilted to the sky. "A century and a half of not knowing…was any of it real? All this time, and somehow, I still love her just as much as I resent her."

I sigh, understanding that feeling well. Been there, done that. Love is a complicated emotion, and the line between it, hate, and even grief,was dangerously thin. Strong emotions are just like that.

"You want me to free them. You realize that if I find them too dangerous to be out and about, I'll have to eliminate them, don't you? Even Katherine. Hell, especially her."

Daemon remains silent for a moment, eyes on the stars. When he speaks again, his voice is firm. "I spent years hating Stefan, making him miserable at every turn, unable to understand what she had done to us until you forced us into talking by making me turn my emotion back on. She ruined our lives and made us monsters and everything that comes with this undead life." He breathes out, voice shaky. "I'll leave the others to you to do whatever you want with. As for Katherine… I'm not sure I want her to live through our meeting. But, regardless-"

"You need to know," I finish for him, understanding that sentiment as well.

"I need to know," he agrees.

"Alright," I say, settling myself back on the blanket next to him, feet pointed in the opposite direction, Nico crawling on my chest. I turn my head to catch startled blue eyes. "What do you need?"

For the next several minutes we make plans until Zach and Jenna join us to watch the comet. The night is relaxed and fun, and as far as friends go, I could have definitely had a worst start.

At some point, I excuse myself, leaving the kids to nap under the watchful eyes of my guests, and head downstairs to the alleyway behind the building. As the comet passes, the magic inside me bubbles up, rising and swirling, power thick and heavy in my veins, growing stronger with the celestial event. I gasp in elation, head tilted to the sky in delight, unable to keep from swaying as my skin buzzes and tingles, dancing to the unheard melody of magic. Then, as I reach for it, I realize a horrible dark truth. I had suspected, but couldn't bear to admit to myself. Now I couldn't hide from reality any longer.

Someone or something had sealed part of my magic.



I blink in surprise as a blond hurricane smacks into Nyx, automatically tightening my grip on the small woman to steady her.

"I was so not expecting to see you here. You look amazing! Nyx, your wearing makeup!" The teen, Caroline, I believe, nearly squeals in her excitement. The move is so innocent that I abruptly realize why Nyx would consider teens as children. I snort, bewildered by the whole situation, and the girl finally seems to notice my presence.

"I am, in fact, capable of dressing up. Jenna helped," Nyx shrugs, gesturing to the way her dark eyes were emphasized by smokey shadows, her dark, thigh length hair falling in a thick, shiny sheet over her bare shoulders, and her lips painted an inviting bloody red to match the gown I bought her. I figured since I was the reason Nyx had come to the Founder's Ball, the least I could do was pay for the dress, especially considering that, although she had never said anything, I get the feeling the powerful magic user didn't have the money to spare.

And, damn am I glad she let me, I think, casting another quick glance at the stunning women on my arm. I had noticed Nyx was beautiful the first time I'd met her, but this was something else. Dressed in a floor length gown of crimson, one lovely olive toned leg peeking from the thigh high slit, and her curves emphasized by the corset top and flowing sleeves that fell off her shoulders, the local cafe owner looked damn good. Her fantastic cleavage and tiny waist gave her an hourglass figure that had several people doing double takes already and I couldn't help the entertainment it was giving me.

My taste is still impeccable, I think wryly, holding back my snickers as a teen boy nearly runs into a wall headfirst, distracted by the small, not-witch next to me. The funniest part was that Nyx seemed pretty oblivious to the effect she was having. Surrounded by young girls in short, trendy dresses, some more tasteful than others, she looked like a regal woman amongst children and old ladies, unbothered by even time itself in the slightly vintage style gown. The confidence in the sway of her hips and the half lidded eyes that seemed almost bored was drawing a lot of eyes, and she either didn't know or didn't care.

It was terribly attractive.

"Who's this?" The tall blonde asks, curiosity gleaming in blue eyes.

"This is Daemon, Stefan's brother. I got an invite since I'm a local business owner, so I thought I'd make him suffer with me," Nyx explains, a delicate hand reaching up to brush silky strands over the shoulder. I frown, noticing for the first time some faint scars across the creamy expanse of skin. That's odd. I wonder where this came from. " The kids are with a sitter."

"Oh, wow. I didn't realize our new star football player had a brother. It's nice to meet you, I'm Caroline!" I nod, smiling at the cheerful human.

"Nice to meet you-"

"Daemon? Wha- Nyx?" I am interrupted by none other than my baby brother, and this time I can't hold back my laughter at his flabbergasted expression. "Nyx, is that you?"

Nyx seems to be just as amused as she turns to a gaping Stefan, Elena on his arm. "Obviously, Stefan. Should I be offended by your disbelief? I guess you can't recognize me without a couple of layers of flour." Stefan actually stutters his denials, and I clamp a hand over my mouth to keep from making a scene, as Nyx just waves my bewildered brother off. "Nah it's cool, I'm just messing with you."

I have to wonder about Stefan's reaction. Had he seriously not noticed Nyx? Was he that far gone for Miss Elena Gilbert? Was my little brother just kind of an idiot?

"Nyx," Elena interrupts, either trying to save Stefan some humiliation, or just jealous, (That's a common tactic of Katherine's when she felt like the attention wasn't on her. I wonder, is Elena the same?-). "Thanks for convincing Jeremy about the watch-"

Nyx, my new, maybe, sort of friend, raises her hand, shaking her head. "I didn't do anything, just let him talk it out. He decided to lend the watch out all on his own."

Elena smiles, but it isn't a happy one. "I…wish I could talk to him like you do. Sometimes, it just feels like there's a wall between us."

Nyx softens, reaching out a hand to grasp Elena's, gently, and I suddenly have to swallow a lump in my throat. The action is incredibly familiar. It's exactly what my mother would have done. Nyx's voice is so kind when she replies, her eyes on Elena even as she pats my hand, trying to comfort me, I realize. "Give it time. Being a teenager is hard enough on communication skills. Adding grief to it…"

Elena nods, the smile on her lips becoming more genuine. "I see what Stefen and Jeremy mean. " Nyx tilts her head in confusion. "You're just as kind as they say you are."

My date's eyes widen, and she averts her eyes, bashful. I think of the way she agreed to help me, and the way she reached her hand out in an offering of peace, an olive branch, that night of the comet, and I have to agree. Nyx is very kind.


"This is it, huh," I murmur, examining the crystal and feeling the magic in it.

"Yup," Daemon says, herding me out of the office, and right into a waiting Stefan, arms crossed over his chest. Hoh, boy, this looks like it might get messy.

" What are you two up to?" The worry and distrust in his voice was so blatant, I didn't even have to check his aura.

"Daemon didn't tell you?" I wander, shooting the older Salvatore brother a baffled look.

Daemon winces, "About that…."

I snort, and leave them to deal with that on their own, choosing instead to find one of my new friends. "Hey Jenna."

"Nyx!" She startles, breaking eye contact with someone across the room. "Hey."

I raise an eyebrow at her, leaning against the wall next to her. "Spill," I order bluntly.

"Oh, god. That obvious?" she whispers in despair. I shrug, unwilling to tell her it probably wouldn't be obvious to anyone who wasn't me. "Okay, you see that guy?"I give her a blank look, amused by the horror she feels at the realization of what she just asked a visually impaired person. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about your eyesight!"

I snicker at her mortification. "It's cool. You're not the first or last to forget I'm literally blind. Don't worry about it." And it's true. I tend to be so "high functioning," people often forget my visual impairment, or that I had much less than 50% of the vision of the average person. Since I was good at not bumping into shit, and refused to use a cane unless absolutely necessary, hardly anyone could tell I had a major disability, especially when I was in familiar turf.

"Still, I'm sorry. God, that's gotta be annoying. I'll do better," she promised, and I huff, endeared by the redhead. "Anyway, over there is Logan Fell…My ex. He's actually the reason I left town."

I narrow my eyes, observing the pain and anger in her aura. "Want me to go drop a drink on him?"

She sputters, bursting into a fit of laughter. "Wha-Nyx!"

I toss my straightened hair, done by Jenna herself, over my shoulder, chin tilted up haughtily. "I can make it look like an accident," I wave my hand in front of my unfocused eyes for emphasis, causing the grad student to nearly drop her drink as she tries to muffle her laughter, aura bright and happy. "Not like anyone can call me out on it without being an ableist dick."

"Nyx, no."

"Nyx, yes!"


"Hello? Midnight?" My head whips up, and immediately, I speed towards my older brother, eyes focused on the phone in his hand. Neither of us have been expecting a call from Elijah's mysterious Seer, nor were are we expecting to hear from her so soon. Apparently, when Elijah had tried to call the so-called "Midnight" back, the phone had gone straight to voicemail.

"Hello, Elijah. And it's nice to meet you, Niklaus," I feel a shiver run down my spine, unsettled by the acknowledgment when the woman should have no idea of my presence.

"Hello, Witch," I purr dangerously, trying to place that accent, rolling and lilting but entirely unfamiliar despite my thousand years of traveling the world.

She hums, her voice, high and soft sounding, was not at all bothered by the venom aimed at her. "Not a witch, but sure. Congratulations on reuniting. For what it's worth, I am sincerely happy for you two."

I feel that familiar burning rage bubble up in my chest, speaking to life at this woman who so carelessly dared to interfere in matters of our family. "It's worth nothing you conniving little-" I hiss.

"Enough, Niklaus," Elijah interrupts firmly, the warning in his eyes clear. "Retain some of your manners, at least. So far, Lady Midnight has done us no harm, so let us not alienate a potential ally over baseless accusations. Especially not one this powerful and useful."

I scoff, settling into the couch next to him. It's not as if I didn't understand. The woman was a potential asset of the highest caliber, but we knew nothing of her. Not even her name. Yet she had dared to one day just ring Elijah's phone and spill all sorts of information that no one should have, let alone some random, not-witch. And yes, her actions had led to Elijah, the brother I thought forever lost to me, seeking me out once more, but I couldn't very well take her word as confirmation of altruism. A world of peace and cooperation between the races? With my family at the helm? I can't believe it.

"Hear, hear," Sh mutters dryly, still seemingly unphased."Anyway, I wanted to know if you would like my assistance breaking Niklaus's curse, or if you were gonna be stupid about this?"

I snarl at the sheer audacity, unable to stop myself from throwing a vase in my rage as I lock eyes with my brother. This is who we are allying with? Elijah sighs, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. " I don't remember you being so irritating in our last conversation."

I'm genuinely struck off balance by her easy, serious reply."You're right, I'm sorry. I'll stop rilling him up. Niklaus? I apologize. I meant no offense."

I share a wide eyed glance with my fellow Original, and he appears just as baffled."You are oddly sincere," I note, the puzzle of the woman on the line growing larger by the moment.

"I truly mean you no harm, but I understand that you can't just accept my word for it. For now, I'm aware that I'll just have to keep proving it to you and I'm prepared to do that," Her tone is earnest, almost kind. If this is a hoax, it's an elaborate one that I can't eee a purpose for. Creatures with her type of power, our type of power,… I can't imagine one ever admitting their own faults so easily. Bloody hell, I don't even think I could do it for any of my siblings let alone a stranger I've never met.

"Hmm," I divert the conversation, hoping to take control of it again, "It's a moot point anyway, unless you have a doppelgänger hanging around."

"If I did, I wouldn't give them to you," She states firmly.

"My, my, have we found the depths of your friendship so quickly?" I drawl, silky smooth, feeling a vicious wave of validation as my concerns are confirmed. I knew it was too good to be true.

"It's not tha-OUCH. Really, baby?" I gape, once again effortlessly thrown off balance. "Pardon me a moment."

What the hell is happening? The seer has a child? Elijah looks just as astonished. It wasn't the fact that she had a child, not exactly. The women seemed so all knowing, so unearthly. The fact that she was a mother was so utterly normal that it completely shattered our previous impression of her.

Over the phone speaker, Midnight lets out a tired sigh, something soft and bone weary. Does the Seer have a clan, I wonder? A coven or a husband? "Right, what were we talking about again?"

"Is-is that a baby?" Elijah asks hesitantly, his expression as fascinated as mine.

"No, it's my pet camel, Sir Humpers the Third. Of course, it's a baby." She sounds mildly irritated by the question, and I can't help the snort that escapes me at her outrageous reply. I find myself torn between annoyance and satisfaction with the way the not-witch treats us. Like people, I realize. Not like monsters or abominations. She treats us like people. What a strange creature.

"It's just… we weren't really expecting you to…" Elijah hesitates.

"Have a life?" She offers, bemused.

"Be a mother, actually. Most people that interact with us like you don't have much to live for," I correct wryly, a threat hidden in my words, but now I'm curious above all else. Who is this woman?

She huffs. "I'm not. A mother, that is. I'm raising my siblings. And they are the reason I'm doing this. I'd do anything for them. I think you two would understand that."

"Yes," Elijah agrees, tone soft, and I can't help but roll my eyes at the gentle look on his face, but I can't bring myself to brush away the hand he settles on my neck either, a sign of trust between us, despite everything.

"Back on track," She suddenly states, breaking the atmosphere, almost as if she was uncomfortable with the personalness of it. "It's not that I don't want to help you break your curse, it's that a doppelgänger isn't the way to do it."

Elijah frowns, "What do you mean? The ritual calls for-"

"A doppelgänger, I know, I've Seen." She says, and my focus sharpens on the emphasis in her tone. "First, think of where you found that ritual."

"It was in the grimoire of… the one who cursed me," I hedge, unwilling to admit my own mother thought me so abominable, she cursed me herself.

"Aaaannnnddd… you didn't think that was suspicious?" I blink. The thought had truly never crossed my mind and from the look on Elijah's face, it was the same for him.

"…What are you getting at?" He asks after a moment. I can feel the stirring of dread beginning to trickle into my veins, my undead heart pounding. Mother…what did you do?

"Look," She starts, that odd unplacable accent of hers flowing through the air, "I don't know how much you know about magic, but that's not how it works. There isn't any one way to break a curse. Yeah, a lock has one key, but you can also break a lock a thousand different ways, or just use a different bloody door. If you use a doppelgänger to break the curse, you tie yourself to them, even if, originally, they were used for the curse in the first place."

I feel my body tenses up, horror rising up, because the not-witch is right. That isn't how magic works. Back when we were mortal, back when Heinrich still lived, back a thousand years, our mother Esther was the healer of our community, the so-called Original Witch, although that was far from the truth since witches had been around far longer than us Mikaelsons. None of us took to magic quite as well as Kol, and Freya, apparently, before she had died of plague, but she had spent many nights teaching us the way of nature.

It made it all the more devastating when nature rejected us after we turned.

"You don't have to take my word for it," Midnight says, and her voice is still soft, like she doesn't wish to cause us harm even with her words. "I'm sure you have some witches on contract or something, no?"

"We…will look into it," Elijah finally concedes, eyes meeting mine. Mother, did you really abhor me so much? Could there really be a fail safe?

"Hmm, I wish you the best. Call me when you find something. I meant what I said, though. I'm willing to help you break the curse, you have my word."

"Oh?" I ask, a vague amusement filling me. "Not planning to turn off your phone and run away again?"

"Nope," She laughs, warm and honest, "Since we have a tentative trust going here, I'm happy to answer should you need me."

"A tentative trust?" I smirk, unable to help myself.

"Yup. I sincerely hope that one day it might even be a friendship," She teases lightly, voice hushed and cheerful, but I can hear a strange seriousness to her words.

"Hmm, we'll see. Goodbye, Midnight," I can't help the way the corners of my mouth twitches up.

"Goodbye, Niklaus, Elijah."


know, Daemon is one of those people you want to hate, but can't quite make it happen. Additionally, I think Nyx's actions have caused him to reevaluate a lot and so he's changing for the better. Yes, he's attracted to her, but that doesn't have anything to do with it. It's more the fact that he was forced to really talk to Stefan that caused a change. I feel like he would have done the same in canon if he and Stefan ever fucking talked it over, stubborn bastards. On a side note, Stefan didn't really notice Nyx before now. Like, abstractly, you know a storm is beautiful but you aren't attracted to it. So yeah, he was kinda startled, but he's not just gonna fall in love with her out of no where. It was more like, "huh, that's a thing." As for Elena, I don't plan to bash her or have Stefan leave her for Nyx so she can play jealous ex or anything. Was she a bit put off by Stefan's reaction? Maybe. But, also, Daemon is an unreliable narrator who has a bit of a bone to pick with the doppelgängers right now, so who knows if he was just seeing shit where there wasn't anything. Anyway, let me know what you think and thx for reading!

Raat_Ki_Ranicreators' thoughts