
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Captain Promotion

--- 27 Years Later ---

Yami hid atop the 13th Division Gates. Both his body and presence were completely hidden, ready to strike at any moment. A few minutes later, Kaien was returning with a beautiful woman in his arms.

She was a young woman with long dark hair. She kept it tied up with a strand hanging down on each side. While walking beside Kaien, she had a warm smile and looked especially beautiful. She wears the standard Shinigami shihakushō with a lieutenant badge on her right arm.

This was Miyako Shiba, Kaien's wife and the new lieutenant of the 13th Division. And standing next to her was Kaien who was wearing the white haori that signified that he had become a captain.

Due to Kaien's strength and Ukitake's health issues, the Central 46 decided to 'suggest' the idea of Kaien being promoted to the role of captain and dismissing Ukitake. But since he was one of Yamamoto's personal disciples, had a massive amount of reiatsu, and was one of the only two Shinigami with dual zanpakuto, there was also a large amount of pushback. So a deal was made.

Kaien would be given the role of Captain for the 13th Division while Ukitake would be transferred over to the 8th Division and serve as the Co-Captain of the Division along with Shunsui. This way, the efficiency of both Divisions would be improved.

Thus, Kaien was returning from his Captain Promotion Ceremony while Miyako was returning from her Lieutenant Promotion Ceremony.

Right as they neared the gate, Yami appeared before both of them causing Kaien to back away while drawing his zanpakuto while Miyako simply gave Yami a smile. Yami also returned the smile to her before throwing a mocking on at Kaien.

'Not only did you get scared but you also left your wife behind? What type of man are you,' is what Kaien read from the smile causing him to clinch his fist in frustration.

"Yami-Kun. It is nice to see you. You need to visit more often," Miyako told him in a tone that resembled a big sister scolding her brother for not visiting enough.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I will visit more when my training and missions slow down. I am actually on the way to handle another mission right now but I had to congratulate you on your promotion, Miyako. It has been a long time coming," Yami bowed his head and apologized before congratulating her.

Miyako had been doing most of the work in the 13th Division for the past 50ish years. With Ukitake's health issues and Kaien being helpless at paperwork, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that she was the one that kept the 13th Division afloat.

Miyakop held her hand in front of her mouth and giggled.

"Thanks, Yami-Kun. But isn't there someone else you should be congratulating?" Miyako asked while hinting at Kaien. Yami caught onto the hint but shook his head.

"Nope. Someone who gets scared so easily and leaves their wife behind at a sign of danger doesn't get any praise from me. Maybe next time. But anyway, I have to get moving. Just wanted to let you hear from me directly," Yami responded before using Shunpo to disappear. He also erased his presence so neither could track where he had gone.

Miyako giggled again seeing Yami's childish taunt before completely laughing out loud when she turned around and saw that Kaien was truly pouting and looking at her.

"Am I really that bad?" he asked her with semi-fake tears in his eyes

Miyako rolled her eyes before tapping the center of Kaien's forehead with a finger a few times. She had to tiptoe because of the height difference between them in order to do it effectively but she was able to make contact.

"You're not that bad. Otherwise, I wouldn't have married you. Although you should make sure not to head to any other captain meetings with bedhead," Miyako said before rubbing Kaien's messy hair yet somehow making him look more presentable when she was done.

Kaien couldn't help smiling before he bent over and planted a kiss on his wife's lips. Several members of the 13th Division were around and saw their PDA and began mocking the pair. Kaien began to run away as he saw the blush creep up her face.

"Kaien! I told you a million times not to do that in public!" Miyako yelled

"So it's okay when he does it in private?" someone asked

"Oh. I wonder what else he is only allowed to do in private." another said

Miyako's blush had crept down to her neck and might have reached her entire body if she stayed there. Luckily, Kaien had returned for her and carried his wife away in his arms.

"Oh, princess carry!"

"Stop showing off!"

Miyako pinched and poked Kaien's chest while silently complaining that it was his fault that all of their members were making fun of her.

'I'll teach him a lesson for bullying me later!' Miyako quietly swore her revenge.

Yami watched on from the treetops before he laughed and disappeared. Another arrest was to be made.