
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 6 - Law

Garner found himself in a moment of contemplation, torn between the decision to follow the kingdom's authority and the frustrations brought on by the tumultuous events.

"Distraught? Don't worry about your parents. The kingdom won't harm them; I assure you of that," Rosalia assured him as she approached slowly.

"How did you know?" Garner inquired politely.

"It's just something I know. I'll reveal everything, but first, tell me about the power you harnessed with that orb in your possession," she said, sweetly smiling with her hands elegantly clasped behind her back.

"Honestly, I don't know. The moment I touched the orb, I was engulfed by a blinding light and lost consciousness. I received a massive influx of information the first time, but now I don't remember anything anymore," he explained.

"Come with me," Rosalia beckoned, slowly walking into the unknown forest.

Garner trailed behind her, and, for the first time, he felt no fear entering the forest.

"The first time you received that massive information was when you unconsciously tapped into its power. Now that you are aware, you struggle to harness it," she explained as they walked.

"I'll teach you everything I know. I've been curious about the power you possess. You can stay with us for a while until you can wield that power to protect the people you love."

They arrived in front of a massive tree, 300 meters from the forest's edge. A potent aura erupted from Rosalia as she waved her hand, and the scenery transformed. The colossal tree vanished, replaced by numerous houses, creating what seemed like a small, simple town. The houses were modest, surrounded by vegetable and fruit farms, with creatures roaming freely.

"This—" Garner was left speechless. He had assumed only a few people lived in the Amber, unaware of the multitude hiding within.

"They live under my wing. I protect them here, Garner. I abhor war, and I built this haven to shield my people from the fear of chaos and conflict. I don't want them to suffer again. With greater power comes great responsibility. Manuel chose to rule, but I chose to stay uninvolved," Rosalia's voice trembled with emotion.

"The kingdom wasn't the villain here. They too were desperate for people's help. If you want the truth, I suggest you harness your orb's power," she added.

Garner hesitated but reluctantly believed what Rosalia said. After what happened to his family, how could he easily accept that the kingdom was not abusive? However, this also presented an opportunity for him. Being taught by Queen's rank takers? Who could turn down such an offer? He steeled his mind, locking eyes with Rosalia with utmost seriousness.

"When do we start?" Garner asked with unwavering determination.

"Meet me here before the sun rises. For now, rest because you will need it," Rosalia stated. With that, she left, and someone guided Garner to a place to rest.


In a small bamboo house nestled amid the tranquil surroundings, Garner arose with the first light of dawn. Eager and resolute, he prepared himself for the day ahead. Gazing through a modest window, he beheld a night sky adorned with countless shimmering stars. Inhaling deeply, he let out a heavy breath, his thoughts directed towards his departed family.

"Father, Mother, and sisters, just wait a bit. I will come and get you all with my own strength."

With that silent pledge, he rose, adorned with determination, and made his way to the designated meeting place.

As Garner approached the rendezvous point, he noticed Rosalia already standing a few meters away, her gaze fixed on the heavens.

"I will take you to a special place unknown to my people." With a graceful leap, she soared into the air, landing a few meters from Garner.

"Keep up, young boy! Your training starts now! Hahaha!" Her laughter rang through the air as she effortlessly leaped upwards and landed again.

Garner stood, dumbfounded. This elderly woman possessed the strength to jump such heights? No wonder she held the title of Queen; such thoughts raced through his mind.

Summoning his courage, Garner attempted a leap, landing only a few feet from his starting point. Sprinting with all his might, he struggled to keep pace and soon lost sight of Rosalia.

"Where is she?" Garner panted, searching frantically but unable to locate Rosalia.

"We're here!" Her voice rang out behind him as she descended from a tree.

The location appeared almost artificial, a grassy field enclosed by trees adorned with pink leaves. In the center, a circle of flat stones awaited.

"If I were an enemy, you'd be already dead. First rule: always be on guard. Now, I want you to sit in that stone circle in the center," she instructed.

Garner positioned himself on the stone and settled into a meditative stance.

"Now, close your eyes, clear your mind, and take a deep breath. Harnessing the power of the orbs within you is actually simple. You need to recognize first that it exists within you. Feel it, embrace it," she added.

Garner began the process of clearing his mind, attempting to sense the presence of the orb. He observed himself from head to toe, but nothing changed.

"This isn't working. I feel the same. How am I supposed to know what the orb feels like?" Garner expressed his frustration.

"When you feel warmth and welcome. Concentrate, remember how it felt the first time you touched the orb," she instructed.

Garner took another deep breath and intensified his focus. A subtle warmth began to rise in his chest. He directed his attention toward it, recognizing its existence. Garner's body emitted a white aura, initially subtle but gradually becoming more pronounced.

"That's it. I want you to own it, make it yours. It was already yours the first time you touched it. Now, recognize it as part of you," Rosalia smiled.

The aura around Garner intensified, its presence growing stronger.

Meanwhile, Garner was unaware of his surroundings. He only heard Rosalia's voice and followed her instructions, amazed at the sensations enveloping him. It felt like the comforting embrace of his mother from childhood, a tiny flame growing larger.

Once again, a massive amount of information flashed in his mind, and he welcomed it with open arms. His head began to feel dizzy, but he pressed on.

"Law!" he muttered and quickly opened his eyes. Out of breath, sweat dripping down his forehead, he felt a profound change within.

"Well done, Garner. You have reached the first step of your training," she smiled, tapping Garner's head affectionately.

"The orb's power is Law," Garner declared, his gaze fixed on Rosalia.

Rosalia gasped in surprise, struggling to find words. Garner's power was beyond belief.

"Your orb surpasses even divine-class orbs. Seekers search for this power everywhere, but they don't find it. They've looked in the same place you found yours, yet found nothing. It's true; this kind of orb chooses its taker. I didn't believe it until I witnessed it in you."

"You haven't even started your training, yet your aura is already at the level of a newbie. This is truly magnificent to witness. Hahaha!"

"Now, I want you to tap into the power of the orb again, but this time, don't close your eyes. Focus all the energy directly into your eyes," she instructed.

Garner nodded and began to harness the power of the orb once more. Slowly, he focused the orb's energy, guiding it towards his eyes. He felt the familiar warmth rising, and his eyes began to slightly burn.

What surprised him was his vision afterward. Numerous white sparkling circles floated in the air, resembling millions of fireflies. He attempted to reach out, but they passed through his hands.

"What are these? Are these essence?" he asked.

"Oh my, how did you know?" Rosalia's expression kept changing because of Garner's revelations.

"I know because of the information I got from the orb. Am I not supposed to know?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"Fascinating! You shouldn't know about it. The common information the orbs provide is limited to what your power is. That's it! Only the seekers know about it, as they are the takers bestowed with a wealth of information," Rosalia explained, clearly astonished by Garner's unique connection with the orb.

"Anyway, this essence will assist takers in delving further to enhance their power," she added.

"I'll let you explore everything now that you have the knowledge you need. I'll bring you back before sundown," Rosalia leaped and left.

Excitement coursed through Garner as he eagerly sought to put his newfound knowledge into practice. Armed with the knowledge of the power of orbs, specifically Law, he realized its sheer potency. He possessed the ability to alter the course of any natural law at will.

At a certain point, he discovered a glimmer of hope— to employ Law effectively, he needed to comprehend the essence of the law itself. Take the wind, for instance. Its natural law dictated that it would blow and sway the world.

"What if I change its law to be sharp and strike my target?" Garner pondered.

He began to prepare his hands, palms facing each other. A radiant glow enveloped his hands, and white strings emerged, extending from trees, grass, air—anything within reach.

"Woah! This is so cool!" Garner exclaimed, marveling at the extraordinary display of power at his fingertips.

The wind whispered through the surroundings as Garner endeavored to reshape its natural law. However, much to his chagrin, the task proved more challenging than he initially expected.

He paused, contemplating his next move. Could it be that, possessing the power of law, he was, in essence, the law itself? A spark of realization brightened Garner's face. Instead of attempting to alter the wind's law, what if he commanded it?

Rising from his seated position, Garner pointed his palm towards one of the trees.

"Wind Blade!" he shouted with unwavering determination.

The air responded, gathering in his palm and slowly transforming its nature into a blade-like form. It sliced through the air, striking the tree before him with precision. A gust of wind followed, revealing multiple cuts on the tree bark.

"Yes! As I thought, it works!" Garner exclaimed, a happy smile gracing his face. The newfound control over the wind filled him with a sense of accomplishment, and he eagerly contemplated the myriad possibilities of his enhanced abilities.

Hi guys, I'm so sorry for the multiple delays. I've been swamped with work deadlines and then got sick, but here's the new chapter for y'all! Happy reading.

Ginx_creators' thoughts