
Path of Sovereign

In the year 2012, anomaly came from the earth that put everything in transition. A colorful floating orb — grants the supernatural ability to whoever obtains and absorbs it. This floating orb can be used for good or for evil. Division in society was displayed in the instance the transition began. Garner, a male lead, obtains a thousand color orb that will change his entire destiny.

Ginx_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 5 - Chase

Gasping for air, I bolted away from home, my heart pounding like a drum against my chest. How could this happen so suddenly? Just moments ago, I stumbled out of that mysterious forest, and now I'm hurtling right back into its depths? Blast it all! Garner cursed inwardly, his spirit weighed down by despair.

With each step he took, he pushed his legs to their limits, fearing that the kingdom's watchful eyes might catch sight of him. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them. The capture of his elder sister's fate already gnawed at him; he couldn't bear another blow.


A day earlier, atop the kingdom's outpost tower, the seeker's gaze swept across the sprawling landscape bathed in moonlight. The night sky stretched endlessly above, a magnificent canvas adorned with a million glittering stars.

Suddenly, a brilliant beam of light pierced the darkness, its radiance drawing her attention. A knowing smirk played on her lips as she turned to the guard. "That place again," she murmured.

"Prepare the Aerocorn," she commanded, a resolute tone underlying her words. "We pursue the taker."

From the shadows, the Aerocorn emerged, a creature of breathtaking beauty. Its slender, equine body shimmered with a pearlescent sheen, its coat shifting colors like a captured rainbow. Powerful legs, capable of traversing the vast expanse of sky, propelled it forward.

With a snort that echoed through the night, the Aerocorn launched itself into the sky. Its legs pounded against the invisible air currents, propelling it forward at astonishing speed. The tapestry of land unfolded beneath them, a mosaic of verdant forests, rolling grasslands, and the remnants of past conflicts. Their destination lay far beyond the horizon, over 1000 kilometers away, but the Aerocorn was a creature of unmatched agility, and soon they would be upon it.

"That family was lucky enough to have two takers," The seeker said while her hair was blown elegantly by the strong wind. 


The unearthly beam cleaved the forest's inky heart, painting the Silvermist family's faces in stark terror. "No! What have you done, Garner?" he rasped, his worried features etched in the harsh light. He flickered a glance at his wife's equally stricken face, then to his remaining daughter, Nova. His mind churned, a maelstrom of uncertainty. Flee? Hide? The beam, a relentless beacon in the night, amplified his panic.

"We must prepare for the worst," he declared, his voice heavy with grim resolve. "If Garner shows up, we need him to leave immediately." A flurry of desperate action filled the air. A backpack gaped open, swallowing clothes, food, tools - everything he could carry into the unknown. Each item is a desperate prayer.


After Garner's departure roughly five hours earlier, Amyr and his family hurriedly gathered their belongings. Anyone witnessing their actions might have assumed they were preparing to flee, but the truth was quite contrary. Amyr glanced skyward, his eyes locking onto several distant dots steadily converging towards them.

Seven aerocorns, bearing the emblem of the kingdom's authorities, alighted at their doorstep mere moments later. As a figure dismounted and approached the Silvermist family, her scrutinizing gaze swept across each member, her left eyebrow arching inquisitively.

"Amyr, where is he?" Her voice carried a weight of stern authority.

"You'll never find him, seeker" Amyr's response held an unwavering resolve.

"You people never learn; you cannot challenge the kingdom's influence," she retorted, a smug curl on her lips.

"Burn the house until it billows smoke," she commanded.

Another figure dismounted, pacing deliberately towards the house. With a flourish, he cupped his palm, conjuring a fierce orange flame that swelled and crackled. With practiced precision, he flung the fire into the house, unleashing an inferno that consumed it in moments. The controlled manipulation of the flames created a plume of smoke that ascended, darkening the sky.

The house, constructed of lightweight materials, surrendered swiftly to the ferocity of the fire, crumbling and disintegrating into a heap of smoldering ruins.

The seeker remained steadfast, rooted to her spot as though anticipating someone's arrival. To her dismay, no one emerged or showed themselves. A subtle smile played upon her lips, tinged with both irritation and surprise.

"You're rather astute. You anticipated my plan to draw him out by burning the house, but you've already instructed him on what to do, haven't you?"

"You five, scour the vicinity for any trace of him. He can't be far. And as for you three," her voice cut through, authoritative and unyielding, "you're coming with me."

"NO!" Amyr's voice echoed with defiance.

"I'm not asking," she retorted.

A luminescent rope, radiant and ethereal, slithered with purpose, ensnaring their bodies, constricting tightly to prevent any resistance or escape. As if under an unseen force's command, the trio floated, lifted from their standing position, drawn slowly toward the two figures representing the kingdom. The pair's hands emitted a brilliant white glow, manipulating the radiant rope that suspended the family in midair.


Garner crouched on the edge of the forest, his gaze fixed on the billowing column of smoke in the distance. A sense of frustration and helplessness clawed at him despite possessing the orb; he couldn't prevent his family from falling into the kingdom's clutches.

Grasping the grass tightly in his fist, tears mingled with the earthy scent of the soil, each breath an echo of despair. His heart ached for his beloved family, now snatched away from him.

His father's words echoed in his mind, a solemn directive never to return, no matter the circumstance. The prediction about the authorities using the house as bait had proved true. As he scanned the horizon for any sign, the rhythmic snorts of approaching aerocorn pierced the air.

"Damn it," he muttered, springing into action. He shot upright, his belongings jostling in his backpack, producing a series of jingling sounds. With urgency pounding in his chest, he darted into the forest, every stride fueled by adrenaline.

The rustling foliage and the pattern of his footsteps echoed in the woods. He vaulted over fallen branches, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Each thudding step seemed to echo the relentless beat of his racing heart.

The forest enveloped him, a maze of shadows and fleeting glimpses of light penetrating the dense canopy above. The distant sounds of pursuit spurred him to greater speed, his determination unyielding despite the exhaustion creeping over him.

Branches clawed at his clothing as he sprinted through the underbrush, the ground uneven beneath his feet. The urgency to evade capture pushed him onward, his mind racing alongside his body.

Garner's thoughts were a jumble of fear for his family's safety and his desperate need to evade the kingdom's relentless pursuit.

The kingdom's authority, perched atop their aerocorn, glimpsed Garner sprinting along the forest's edge. Their aerial advantage made the pursuit effortless, and they observed Garner's determined dash towards the forest's periphery rather than plunging deeper into its depths. With a swift conjuring of flames in their hands, they hurled a blazing orb downward, triggering a cascade of explosions that scattered small creatures lurking in Garner's path.

Surprise flickered across Garner's face, a mix of shock and fatigue as he pushed his limits. Despite his exhaustion, a reserve of stamina surged within him, a testament to the orb's bestowed abilities. Amidst the chaos, he realized the calculated strategy behind the fireballs—not aiming directly at him but strategically detonating along his route, ensuring his capture while keeping him alive.

Dodging the fiery onslaught, Garner zigzagged, altering his course to avoid the explosions while maintaining his breakneck pace. Each detonation sent shockwaves through the forest, scattering debris and wildlife, but Garner's determination to evade capture fueled his resolve.

He glanced over his shoulder, catching glimpses of the aerocorn's riders strategizing, their intent clear: to ensnare him without causing fatal harm. The urgency of escape propelled Garner onward, his thoughts a whirlwind of concern for his family's safety and his singular focus on outpacing his pursuers.

The forest became a battleground of fire and evasion, each step defiance against the calculated assault aimed at his capt

Just a few meters away, Garner's eyes widened at the sight of a sapphire river snaking through the forest—a breathtaking but seemingly impassable barrier, a dead end. He hesitated, his mind racing between the perilous prospect of venturing deeper into the forest, where the Raizorback prowled, and the unknown beyond the river's edge.

As Garner deliberated his choices, his pursuers sensed his uncertainty. The lead authority signaled the remaining three companions, swiftly encircling to cut off any potential escape routes, their resolve unyielding.

Without warning, another explosion ripped through the air beside Garner, hurling him to the ground. Exhausted and defenseless, he found himself cornered, with the aerocorn descending ominously, poised to capture him. His hopes seemed dashed.

But before the captors could seize him, an unforeseen event unfolded. Rose petals materialized, swirling in a vortex of enchanting pink hues. A potent shockwave emanated, forcefully propelling all five pursuers out of the forest. A radiant beam of pink light, adorned with dancing rose petals, transformed the forest's ambience with an otherworldly glow.

Amid this mystical transformation, a figure emerged—a wise old woman, her hair knotted in a white bun crowned by a single pink rose. She stood garbed in a flowing pink coat, her bare feet grounding her amidst the magical display.

With a serene air about her, the woman regarded Garner, a silent understanding passing between them. It was as though she held the key to unraveling the mysteries that had unfolded in this forest encounter, including the enigmatic presence of the magical Raizorback.

"Who are you? This is the kingdom's business—stand down!" one of the five demanded, their voice tinged with authority.

The old woman responded with only a serene smile, her gaze fixed on them, hands resting gently on her back. Yet, as if on cue, a potent aura surged from her, the weight of it pressing down upon the surroundings. The air thickened, making even the simple act of breathing a challenge.

Garner, caught in the powerful grip of the old woman's aura, felt the immense pressure bearing down on him from both sides. His heart raced wildly, the force of the aura akin to being crushed under the weight of a colossal building. Each breath came as a struggle, the sheer force of the aura making movement or resistance nearly impossible.

The old woman remained enigmatic, her smile unwavering, though her silent presence wielded a power that seemed to dominate the very essence of the forest itself. The confrontation reached a tense standstill, the air charged with an overwhelming energy that seemed to defy explanation.

The five kingdom authorities fell to their knees, horror etched across their faces. The potent aura gradually receded, granting them the chance to rise. Soon after, the seeker descended from the sky on her aerocorn, gracefully alighting before her people. With an air of reverence, she bowed before the enigmatic old woman, stunning everyone present into wide-mouthed shock.

"Queen of the Rose, Rosalia," the seeker addressed with utmost politeness.

"Elena, it has been five years, hasn't it? Why don't you offer an explanation for burning the forest?" A warm, calm voice resonated from the woman.

"The king commanded us to capture and return all the new takers to the kingdom," Elena replied courteously.

"This young man stays with me," the old woman declared firmly, her tone unwavering.

"Or do you intend to take him forcibly from me?" she added with a touch of sarcasm.

Elena hesitated, fear writ large on her face. She understood the dire consequences if the old woman chose to act. None among them would return alive. This woman before her held the rank of Queen, equivalent to their King. Some Queens and Kings opted for peace instead of ruling territories, and this old woman was one of them. Elena glanced toward Garner and was taken aback by what she saw.

Before she could speak, Rosalia interjected, "I will handle the fire as reparation. This taker will accompany me." Another surge of power enveloped everyone, a radiant pink light accompanied by a cascade of rose petals extinguishing all the fire from the chase. A life-affirming aura spread across the entire area, bestowing blessings upon the creatures, plants, and trees that had suffered in the blaze.

Fatigue and tension melted away from Garner under the soothing magic. His muscles relaxed, and his mind found calm amidst the chaos. Slowly rising, he remained poised to flee if need be.

The seeker locked eyes with Garner. "We have them," she stated.

Enraged, Garner watched as the kingdom's people hastily mounted their aerocorns and fled, leaving behind the scene of intervention and renewal orchestrated by the Queen of the Rose.

Please accept my apologies for not releasing the next chapter last Sunday. My hectic schedule and personal challenges caught up with me and made it impossible. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this chapter. Happy reading!

Ginx_creators' thoughts