

who doesn't like a good revenge thats taken in the most comedic way?

DaoistNZmA07 · SF
6 Chs

The Tale of Patchwork

So, you want the full backstory of John Peace, aka "Patchwork" huh? Buckle up, buttercup, because It's a rollercoaster ride with more twists than a politician's promises.

Before I was the slightly singed, borderline indestructible hero of Westport, I was Captain John Peace of the Eldorian Army. Yeah, I wore the uniform, saluted the flag, and fought for the kind of ideals that'd make a grown man weep. After years of dodging bullets and making the world a safer place, I finally returned to Westport, my beloved hometown. 

What greeted me was a scene right out of a post-apocalyptic nightmare. The once-vibrant city was drowning in crime and corruption, courtesy of the reigning mayor, a walking dumpster fire known as Maximus Stone aka "Iron Max". This guy wasn't your run-of-the-mill villain. No, he had a Ph.D. in being a scumbag. Ran illegal fight clubs, used his enforcers—appropriately named Knuckles—to intimidate anyone with a spine, and laundered his dirty money through his financial advisor, Diamond. It was like a bad movie, but with worse dialogue.

Seeing my city in shambles made my blood boil. So, what's a war hero to do? I ran for mayor. Might as well put my money where my mouth is, right? Shockingly, the people of Westport were as fed up as I was. They handed me the keys to the city in a landslide victory. Max choked on his cigar when he heard the news. Priceless. Can imagine max chocking on other things but lets leave it there.

Once I was in office, it was like playing Whac-A-Mole with criminals. We shut down the fight clubs, sent Knuckles and his merry band of idiots packing, and put Diamond on a permanent vacation. Westport started to feel like home again. Kids could play outside without fear of getting body-slammed by some thug, and shopkeepers didn't have to worry about "protection fees."

Max, being the oversized toddler he is, didn't take it well. He threw tantrums, launched smear campaigns, and accused me of every crime short of jaywalking. The people of Westport, however, weren't buying his nonsense. They stood by me, and we kept our heads high.

But, like every good villain, Max wasn't done. One fateful day, I came home to a sight that'll be burned into my retinas for eternity.

Max's goons were waiting, and they had my wife Sasha and our two young daughters, Lily and Rose, half-naked in public, desperately trying to shield each other. My heart shattered, and my rage ignited.

Fueled by pure fury, I killed three of the goons with my fountain pain before anyone could blink. Then, out of nowhere, officers appeared and handcuffed me. "We're detaining a murderer," they said. I shouted back, pointing at my terrified family, but they ignored me. Then came the father of shitards Maximus himself. The irony is that the police came to max's rescue were the teens in his gang who got job because of my employment policies i guess the tail of dog is always curly even if you try to straight it.

Max strutted up like he owned the place. "Officer, stop what you're doing. Isn't he the mayor of this city?" He sneered at me. "How does it feel to be powerless? This is the same feeling I had when you took my seat as mayor and stopped my illegal business. Not enough for you, I guess."

Then, with a sickening grin, he pulled out a long knife and started walking where Sasha and my two daughters were then he violently started attacking them .Sasha tried to protect our daughters, but Max wasn't having any of it. He butchered my family right before my eyes. The last thing I saw in their eyes was the question: "why?"

Rage turned me into a mad dog. I went after Max and his cronies, tearing through anyone who dared to stand in my way. I was a whirlwind of vengeance, and it felt righteous—until a bullet found its way into my skull. Darkness swallowed me.

When I woke up, I wasn't in Westport anymore. I was in some kind of courtroom, surrounded by god-like entities. They glowed, shimmered, and generally looked like something straight out of a cosmic light show.

One of them, a particularly imposing figure with wings of light, spoke. "John peace, I am sorry for the things that had happened to you and your family"

"Who the fuck are you goldy. Sorry for the things happened ?" I snapped. "what the fuck do you know ? i tried to help people this is what i get ?"

Another entity, this one with an ethereal, almost ghostly presence, leaned forward. "We understand your pain but it was not in our hand. The entity for earth has betrayed us. this caused a shift between good and evil. Say john do you want to take revenge ?"

I asked in confusion " what entity shit is going on ? Can i go and kill that Basterds ? Can my family be alive again?

The ghostly entity shook its head." No! as the time is one directional and also because they do not have a will to live i cannot resurrect them. however you are different you still wish to live."

The entity with almost ghostly presence said " Now let me give you explanation of what is going on. We are the council beings of higher existence that watch over the lower existence. we as the council appoints entity's to look over the existence with one rule never interfere with the lower existence unless they are on the brink of collapse. However the entity in your existence gave power to lower existence hence breaking the rule because of that she has been terminated. now the person that killed you family had traces of power from entity's. that's why we are asking you to become a guardian of this existence. this is a humble request. You will have choice to select 1 curse and 1 blessing for this purpose."

I took a deep breath asked my self "will this give me my family back ?" and then i told my self with rage " fuck this shit I'm thinking of not killing that son of bitch? that monkey should be killed no matter what. ", considering the offer. "So, you're saying I get to go back and kick some serious ass? Sign me up."

The golden entity said "There are some changes. when you were killed a girl was also killed she is also giving the same energy as you so you both will be working together she will join you soon on earth.Her name is veronica".

I got some cards to chose as both blessing and curse however blessing does not have drawbacks however curses have drawbacks. they explained it to me.

The golden entity said "now is the chance to ask about the blessing and curse remember the blessings and curse will be shared between you two "

I didn't hear about the las part then I chuckled and said "Don't need that girl I'll do it on my own. first the curse 'Immortality' for blessing i chose 'item creation'"

The golden entity said " Have you confirmed it? if yes then as a blessing you can make anything you imagine into reality without any drawbacks. for curse you're body will be immortal but it will still get damage and you will feel pain whenever you're injured and regenerating. You understand this right ?"

I said in sad voice "What else can hurt me Now ? Now if you excuse me"

The entities nodded in unison, and a blinding light enveloped me. When I opened my eyes, I was lying in a dark alley, rain pouring down around me. I felt different—stronger, faster, and with an uncanny awareness of my surroundings. My wounds had healed, and my mind was sharper than ever.

I stood up, feeling the power coursing through my veins. "Alright, Maximus . you're done now fuck face."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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