

who doesn't like a good revenge thats taken in the most comedic way?

DaoistNZmA07 · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Enter Case, the Hacker

The rain had finally stopped, leaving the city streets slick and glistening under the faint glow of streetlights. I moved with purpose, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Max or his goons. The city felt like a warzone, but tonight, the battle was mine. With my blessing i made something to wear. nothing much just a black business suit that's bulletproof and a pistol. and more importantly a Mask.

As I turned a corner, I heard the unmistakable sounds of a struggle. A group of local thugs had cornered a chubby fat kid, who looked like he'd seen better days. They were pushing him around like a beach ball , laughing as he stumbled and fell into the dirty puddles on the ground.

"Hey, you dumb fucks!" I called out, my voice cutting through the night. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size? you're not his size anyway "

The thugs turned to see me, their expressions shifting from amusement to irritation. One of them, a particularly greasy-looking fellow, sneered. "And who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"I'm your worst nightmare of wannabe gangsta kids like you ," I replied, grinning as I imagined a pair of futuristic shock batons into existence, one for each hand. "And you guys look like the before pictures in a weight loss ad thats just a scam"

The fight was over before it even began. I took them down with ease, the batons crackling with energy as they connected with flesh. The thugs scrambled away, groaning and cursing under their breath. and yeah..... they are all paralyzed for life.

"Thank you," the kid said, his voice trembling. "I thought they were going to kill me."

"Don't mention it, kid," I said, helping him to his feet. "What's your name?"

"Case," he replied, brushing the dirt off his clothes. "I'm Case. And you are…?"

"I'm John," I said, removing my mask and giving him a reassuring smile. "What are you doing out here, Case? This isn't exactly the safest place to be wandering around. Especially when you look like you're auditioning for a role in a 'before' ad for a gym. "

Case hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I was… I was trying to get some information. I'm good with computers, you know? A hacker. I can find out pretty much anything."

My eyes lit up at his words. "A hacker, huh? Sounds like you might be just what I need. Tell me, Case, what's been happening in Westport since… well, since the mayor got killed?"

Case's expression darkened. "After the mayor was killed, things went from bad to worse. Max fled the city, leaving it in the hands of his low-life thugs. They've been terrorizing the citizens, robbing, bullying… it's chaos. No one's safe."

I clenched my fists, feeling a surge of anger. "Typical Max, he made the city like his character a dirty place where nothing is found other than ugliness and leaving others to do his dirty work. We need to find him and put an end to this."

case said with questioning tone "what are you gonna do mister? he's whereabouts are unknown how you gonna find him ?"

me looking at him with eyes looking at him telling "You."

Case said "mister i dont even have money for food. i need a good PC so i can hack him. with me having no money its impossible"

I said with smile "what if i give you a PC powerful enough to render anything?"

Case looked at me, a spark of hope in his eyes. "I can help you find him. I can get you the information you need. But… what's about food ?"

I chuckled. "You're a smart kid, Case. How about this: for every task you complete, you'll get whatever you want to eat. Deal?"

Case's face lit up. "Deal! What do you need?"

"First, I need you to gather all the sci-fi movies and guns blueprint you can get your hands on. We're going to need some serious firepower and inspiration. And then, I need you to find the hideouts of these low-ranking thugs. We're going to clean up this city, one scumbag at a time."

Case nodded eagerly. "You got it, John. I'll get started right away."

As Case scurried off, I couldn't help but smirk. "Look at that," I muttered to myself. "First day back and I'm already recruiting sidekicks. At this rate, I'll have a full superhero team by next Tuesday."

I watched him go, shaking my head. "Kid's got guts, I'll give him that. And a face only a mother could love, but hey, you can't have everything."

With a renewed sense of purpose, I continued my patrol. Max wouldn't know what hit him. Together, Case and I would take down Max and restore peace to Westport. And with Case on my side, I had a fighting chance.

"Well, Case, you might be the doughy Robin to my jaded Batman," I mused, cracking my knuckles. "But we're going to show these lowlifes what real heroes look like."

After talking to case while eating a burrito at my boy carls food truck he told everything. like how he became homeless and all like His mom was a environmental activist however she was killed by those wannabe gangsta kids by drug overdose from that day roughly for a year he was homeless and was wandering around and searching for food in dustbin everywhere.


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