
Chapter 4


After a day full of shopping and roaming now I am lying on my bed completely tired Stacy made me try on and buy so many things.

we brought lots of clothes which included some crop tops, button down shirts ,jeans and some knee length dresses with spigetti straps ( Stacy made me buy these) some sparkling party wear dresses which reach above my knee and also some inner wear. and she also made me buy some shoes and make up.

She is behind me insisting that I am going to new city and I should start leaving my life little bit and start meeting guys have a boyfriend and also loose my varginity at the earliest etc etc....

Yes I am 20yrs old and still Vargin not even kissed a boy in my entire life never had a boyfriend. it is not like I didn't wanted too or I didn't get any proposals. I have got a good share of proposals but nothing interested me and I was very busy with my studies.

Yes I am a Nerd with A+ Grades . I never attended any party in my life and was always back home by 8pm as soon as I finish my school and cafe shifts.

I never went out like normal teenagers for party even Stacy forced me a lot of times. I just wanted to be in home safely with my grandparents and take care of them. I always made sure that I should get good grades and get into a nice college and have a good job so I will be able to take good care of my grandparents this is the only goal I have so far.

Stacy's family is rich she never had to work or struggle for anything in her life she gets everything before she asks . Her life itself is a party and she enjoys it too but me on the other side have a different story.

wondering how Stacy and I became best friends....

We both went to same school form child hood and one day a kid was bullying me in school and Stacy stood for my and hit that kid with her pencil box from that day we became best friends she is always there when I need her and also protects me form bullies. She has a strong personality with influencial parents. She is not much interested in studies so dropped out after school and is now helping her parents and brother In their family business.