
Partially Extra

Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process. My name is Damian Cassanova I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life. I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters. And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character. The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all. But of course I was sent to it my next life. It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life. And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is. But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel. And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me. and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Roses_Heinz · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Mafia's Domain 3

My mood was rising, so I managed to find a good employee for me. Well I feel bad for her since she looks so pale.

Nonetheless the more she worked for me the more she'll like it, there's nothing to regret with my potion business.

I remember that human corruption is a prevalent problem even at this time of the year. We have ways to treat cancer and yet it's not accessible to the common folk, why? Simple, money.

We're in the future and yet we still live like it's the 21st century. A lot changed but a lot also stayed.

I sighed, I might be a target of a few people but that doesn't matter. This potion making would help the protagonist in the future anyways.

When I stepped out of the warehouse I immediately noticed something. There are barely any people on this street and it's oddly quiet.

But the most noticeable detail is there's men in suits on the other side of the street.

That moment I knew, I'm already getting targeted, I'm pretty sure I only showed my plan to Anna, it's impossible to get leaked!

I saw one pull out a weapon, a gun. So I immediately activated my perk.

"On Sight."

He aimed at me and pulled the trigger, the other men ran towards me. As the effects of my perk is to slow everything down I dodged the bullet by a margin.

My slowed down world is not that slow. As the bullet still moves fast with On Sight on.

The others took out their weapons one by one. The gun user is probably a low status one. He's using an attribute gun as I sense faint mana in it.

There are about 4 of them.

All with a green bladed dagger, I am guessing that they wanted to kill me. I'm just a kid? They're crossing lines, as expected of these people.

I took out my phone and pushed the power button 3 times in a second. That was the SoS signal in every phone.

They are getting closer to me.

I threw my phone mid air while taking out a pistol and a flash bang grenade.

The men in suits stopped for a moment, but they shouldn't have to if they wanted to end it early.

Flash bangs are mostly used in the military, therefore they shouldn't have stared at it the whole time.


Contrary to belief flashbangs sound like grenade when they explode, but the flash is something you should avoid, they really take out a portion of your sight.

That's why, I covered my eyes with my arm with the other arm already ready to aim.

They're all momentarily stunned.

I triggered the perk QuickDraw getting on stance and prepared to aim at all of them.

–Bang Bang Bang

I aimed at the one with a gun first then shot the gun, destroying it in the process.

The other 3 looked back at me but it was late for one of them.

Shooting the nearest one at the knee he fell down whilst the others dodged.

"Tsk, kid's experienced."

One of them threw their dagger at me. I shot it down instantly but the moment I aimed my gun away the other one was already a step in front of me.

They're fast, faster than me.


He punched me in the stomach, the force launched me at the gates of the warehouse. I held my stomach out of pain.

"ack… "

I was snarling on the ground, kneeling as the punch was no joke, but thanks to that I gouged out what their ranks out.

They're probably -D ranked, if not a bit higher. I'm just -E. So it's quite hard fighting back.

"Hah… this kid"

"Yeah, almost got us with that aim"

"stop bickering and do your job!" The man with an injury yelled

I looked at them as a vein popped in my head whilst holding my stomach.

The man raised his arm with the dagger, I tried to hold the gun properly but before the dagger went down on me I saw a shadow figure behind him pushing his knees.

The guy staggered, I aimed at him and shot his hands making them unusable. Next was his knees turning him into a paraplegic.

"Why are you here?"

"I heard the Gates bang!"

"Ugh.. "

Anna is just F ranked. Her Unique Ability just allowed her to move from shadows to shadows or blend in them. But they needed to charge.

"there's still one!"

I aimed at the guy who was reaching for the dagger on the ground which I shot away earlier.

As soon I almost pulled the trigger. The guy who had the gun earlier appeared behind Anna and held her by the neck from behind.

"Don't fucking move!" He yelled

'Where did that guy appear from!?'

I should've finished him first when I got his gun destroyed, He was just on the other side of the street earlier!

"I can break her neck you fucking brat!"

The guy who had thrown his dagger earlier grabbed his dagger and walked up to me, holding me in the shoulder then stabbing me in the chest. It's where my heart is.


"This kid was a tough work.. "

The one who stabbed Damian said with a sigh.

"So the mafia is killing kids now?!"

"Kid? Look what he did with two of our members, besides he is ranked low on Insidious, no one will know"

He grabbed my hand and placed it on the lock of the gate. I changed that due to my worries. I was right but right now. I could feel my blood bleed out.

"You bastards-"

Anna somehow noticed, the mana contract didn't severed, she looked at me as her eyes widened.

I was already aiming my gun subtly to the one holding her. Then shot


His grey matter got spread behind Anna, before he even fell down the ground I already aimed at the foot of the one holding me.

"What the!"

I shot his foot and his grip tightened.

With the last of my breath I aimed at his stomach and started firing some rounds off his stomach.


Before ultimately shooting him in the head. Scattering more blood on the street.

I felt my body limp, and my vision got blurred, my gun automatically disappeared to my Arsenal.


Anna held my head. I didn't go here to die. I was calm, I tried to be, but everytime I stopped feeling my fingers the more erratic I got.

But fortunately I pulled out a High quality healing potion on my Arsenal. Yes it also housed meds.

With my last strength jammed it on the open wound, letting it seep on my body. Potions should be ingested because of the pain that would follow.

And since this was a high quality I immediately felt the pain, but before my consciousness faded I felt my heartbeat come back.

"Damian… "

She took the bottle away, she saw the wound on my chest heal in real time. And sighed a relief.

"Hahaha! Shit! Look at that, the kid would kill!"

But another voice followed, Anna snapped her head towards the voice. With cold sweat already running her forehead


The man was wearing a suit without the jacket. Peach hair with Amber eyes.

"Damn, the kid really killed two and injured two, we can't have fun this days"

What followed was another man with a suit, Blonde hair and blue eyes.

Both are wearing a red and white striped suit.

Anna has cold sweat running down her head, she just has enough mana left to evacuate but she doesn't have enough for two.

"Oh? Don't even think of escaping"

The man with peach hair instantly appeared in front of her. She didn't even have the chance to move away.

"Haha! What if we just adopt and brainwash this kid? He managed to take on 4 D ranks!"

"Jin… "

"yeah Fritz?"

-Weee oooo weee oooo

Sirens could be heard in the distance. Fritz pointed at a cracked phone in the distance.

"Kid was smart. Really"

Fritz smiled with the compliment he just uttered.

"Damn! What a shame… "

The two disappeared out of sight. Anna, not knowing what to do with the Sirens of the police, grabbed Damian's glasses to hide her identity.

It may be a cartoon-ish way of doing but she asked earlier why his glasses don't have any prescription.

She knows that Damian's glasses are for hiding one's identity albeit a little. It was the right decision, as the police arrived at the bloody scene.

"By god…!"

Is what she heard as she heard the sound of opening of a car door.


"ngh… "

I held my head for a moment. Then all of the memories came back flooding in me. Then screens appeared before me

[Mental Fatigue 15/20, you are now more mentally stable in the cost of your vigor]

[You survived another near Death experience! Here's a token! +1Token]

Of all the near death experiences I had this one is the most fear inducing.

"Oh my goodness!"

I looked at the voice's origin, it was a nurse who was holding an IV fluid. She seems to have this surprised expression.

"Uhm.. Stay here for a bit, okay?"

She later came back and sat beside me with apples on her hand, she started explaining why she was so surprised.

"I'm supposed to be in a coma?"

"Well expected to be, there was poison on the weapons as the police said."

"But… "

"Yes, you woke up just 3 days after the attack."

No wonder, those daggers are coated green, but how come my body even fought the poison?

"Well.. Stay in the hospital for a few more days, we already talked about this about your legal Guardian."

I've been in danger most of these days now huh. Why is it like that?

The nurse stood up and was about to leave. But she stopped for a moment and looked at me.


I looked at her again.

"The street you were on are infested by the mafia, so be careful next time"

My eyes widened, then nodded.

Mafia's are an actual thing in my novel. I placed them in the setting because of the underworld arc.

It was too shallow, I thought. And now I got bitten by my own creation.

All I could do is sigh, no wonder the warehouses were that cheap, the location ain't worth it at all.

But… I already bought it. So I can't just sell it back. I'll get caught after all.

I sighed again. Now that I think about it, the more the mental fatigue perk on OS rise the more my emotions get repressed.

That was the first time I've killed a man, and my hands aren't even shaking. Is my sense of humanity getting dull?

I suddenly had a frightening thought, what if it all went to 20? Would I lose my emotions? This is a dangerous perk. I don't want to lose my morals and ethics.

If this was informed to my legal Guardian, Serge might do something, but considering he was in the military, they wouldn't dare do something in a district where people live..

In the end the problem lies on me. I once strengthened my resolve, I already killed people for the first time.

My hands would get bloody the more I dwell here. But I can't back out now, no. If needed I will eradicate the mafia in this district.


I need more information. I can't let myself be under their control. I hate that.

They'll dance within my hands.

I will make sure of that.