

Percy Jackson but with a twist *I'm a teenage author feel free to give some notes*

Joci_Zierke · 若者
3 Chs


You believe in mythology don't you? Well if you didn't you were going to have a rude awakening. This story starts way long ago but I'll summarize it for you. Back when all the gods of multiple pantheons started losing followers they built a city not a camp, a full city. They named it the City of Pax. Where all of their demigod children could live safely. The city was divided into pantheons. Now there are not all of the pantheons. The reason for that is we haven't found the gods from that pantheon. Or, the pantheon didn't sign the peace treaty

Still, take this into warning before you think being a demigod is cool, it's not. I Joci, daughter of Artemis, hate being a demigod and well you'll figure out why. I know what you're thinking. Artemis never had any kids. Well, I'm here and, apparently, the only daughter of Artemis in years. Also my mother never has had any sons. Probably the maidenhood ideals of my mother. But, do not under any circumstances think being a demigod is easy. If you do, you are severely and, I mean severely mistaken. Now, my mother decided to come out of maidenhood. So has Hestia and Athena.

Yes, the maiden goddesses out of maidenhood. Even Hera has started to have demigod children. That means she's cheating on Zeus. Which I have never seen or heard of before. I haven't heard anything about Persephone cheating but, I think she might be. Now this is just my pantheon. I worried about the chaos in the other pantheons as well. Does this mean we're nearing the end and the gods are going crazy. I mean I would start to go a little crazy after living for multiple millennia.

This makes me wonder, are the gods going to keep their vows? Are they going to break the vows? Will the city of Pax stay standing? Most importantly are us demigods going to be safe? All that's left to do is wait and see.